
[Fanfic] Mass Effect: Reincarnated with the Raven Branwen Template

Life is Pain Hope Fails now you understand... ~ Sylvanas Windrunner. Honestly growing up on Omega in the Mass Effect Universe will turn anyone into a terrible piece of filth... So lets watch our terrible girl F*ck sh*t up all over the Mass Effect 1-3 universe striking unholy fear into the council and the Systems Alliance as well while she's at it. Oh and she will definitely give a Visit to TIM causing him to have many nights of zero sleep... So yeah Cerberus the Terrorist Organization of the ME Universe is going to be terrorized in return xD

Crimson1997 · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

A Thing I like to do.

A thing I like to do with my readers is ask their opinions on certain things. It gives me fresh and new ideas to make this fanfic not only enjoyable for me to write but for my readers to enjoy as well. As long as it's a good idea and not bashing this fanfic I will actually consider using the idea and with your permission post your name at the top of the chapter as a way to give credit to you as it was your idea that shaped this story as it goes on. So without further ado let the ideas flow...

Here is something I've personally wanted to do but will ask for advice on the matter... Should I have Raven Branwen be the sister to Commander Jane Shepard? Obviously in this instance Shepard grew up as an orphan on earth and never knew her real name and was just given one by some random orphanage director so they wouldn't know of each others existence until Mass Effect 2 which sparks a huge argument between them since my Shepard will be Paragon and Raven is well... Raven... Nuff said. I'd like to get your advice on the matter.

Now with my unpolished idea out of the way you can start throwing ideas around and if I use your Idea, I will let you know in the comment section and ask for your permission to post your Web novel name at the top of the chapter when it's released.