
[DC] The Gamer of the Silver Snow

DC, he never thought those words would be relevant to his life. But life had a way to make it and he didn't even have a choice in that matter. Because he was there, in a body that couldn't even walk, well, not yet at least. [Gamer MC] [Not OP.] [Evil MC]

SthUnlimted · Ti vi
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8 Chs

Injection 1.6

I woke up to the muffled sound of the TV playing in the hall. Truthfully though it took me a moment to fully wake myself up. My eyes travelled over to the plane clock hanging over the horizon wall. It was 8:30.

Last I checked it was 5 something.

It took me a moment to realise where the 3 hours had gone to—and then I shivered. It was like the pain had been a lie. Even I had forgotten the scorching it gave me.

"Fucking hell," I cursed as I used my arms to push my torso off the bed and sit straight, only to find it very easy. Way too fucking easy.

So I chanted the mantra under my breath, "Status."

[Name-Mira Smith] 

(Age-14) (Titles-Nil)

[Status-Weakness(Recovery progressing)]







(Cold Blooded)


Just seeing the effect it had on me, it was probably safe to assume I was not delusional. Small mercies.

Still, I had work to do, I slid off my bed and onto my two feet.

And truthfully speaking finding myself being able to walk on my own two feet without wanting to throw up made the pain feel almost worth it.

Only to sigh at the realisation that I could never increase my stats in the middle of a fight.

Everything's gotta have a catch, doesn't it?

Still, at least it was a way to grow stronger. Putting myself in motion I pushed myself out of my room to the utter surprise of the two people sitting in the hall.

My new mother and father. Ignoring those looks I walked over to the sink and slipped the tap open to dunk water on my face.

Speaking of, was this girl some character's love interest? Probably. Her mother works for the government and her father's a war vet...? Plus she looks super pretty.

She is probably some artist's or writer's wet dream. Fucking hell, I mean, red eyes? And like blood-red eyes...a vampire? No, no, no way. I was eating normal human food. Yeah.

Probably not that.

A descendent? Ah, she probably had the plot of being the blood descendant of some noble vampire-looking ass and probably has some latent bloodline bullshit where her trillion-year-old great(to the power 173113) comes to take her only to be—OKAY, SHUT UP. Stop with the nonsense.

Dragging the towel off the hanger I cleaned off my face and turned to walk back into my room.

While that place did not have much personality it did have a laptop on the side of the shelve. I had a lot of questions and it plus the internet(god I hope it's fast) were probably the ones that would get me the answers.

Alas, it was not to be as I was quickly assailed by my parents. Assailed, was probably not the right word in this context. My mother had wrapped me into a tight hug, "You can walk!"

"Mother, I did not lose my legs it was just weakness," I replied as I let her hug me, I couldn't push her away so might as well.

"No, but the doctor said you would take somewhere within..." I cut her off by hugging her tight and repeated one of her words, "Within. You know doctors will never specify anything for plausible deniability, right?"

It took her a moment to pull away and plant a kiss on the crown of my head, "Yes sweetheart. Recover quicker okay?"

"Yes, mother."

"You have exams next week okay?"

Seriously woman?

"Yes, mother."

"I will help you study okay?"

Right, researcher and all that. Though I was good in all subjects. Well, all except one, "You know Spanish?"

She separated from me a little hint of embarrassment reddening her cheeks, "...I will look for a tutor okay?"

A small chuckle went through my lips, "Sure."


[A/N: Double chapter today to close off the prologue arc. The next arc will be a lot more action-heavy I think.

This is a bit of a shorter chapter but since this was a double feature I don't think it needs to be longer.

Give me feedback if you have any.

And I want to know what you guys think of the system. It was heavily nerfed I guess. A lot of common nonsense was just erased.

Plus I think I have showcased a lot of Mira's personality too.

Why do I always write evil MFs? I don't even know anymore.]