
[Cosmic Chronicle]: Cosmic Champion

“By participating in the Cosmic Champion testing, you will receive payments, and if you are able to discover new information, or any problems or bugs You will receive even more!” This is the advertisement for the game that is currently creating a controversy “Cosmic Champion.” At first, many people think this game is suspicious and unreliable, but when they heard the words from the people who had tried the game, some began to change their minds and wanted to give it a try. “Just play it and get money, right? I don't see any problem at all.” That was the thought of a young man named Zeke, Zekiel Ramon, who want to stand by himself without relying on his parents. But the new world that Zeke encounters may hold secrets? We invite you all to join the adventure and unravel the great secrets of all things together! Special power? love? Violence? secret? hope? Courage! Cosmic Champion will lead you to the beginning of a new saga that readers have never imagined before! Expected total number of episodes: 30-70 episodes.

PalmDSG · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

[Outdated] Episode 22 – Soulmate

[Please select your reward!]

[Job Change.]

[New Rare grade weapon.]

[Dagger of the Earth Manipulator.]

After getting out of the wasps' territory, the device showed him 3 large screens containing texts and pictures of weapons.

"New Rare grade weapon? Dagger of the Earth Manipulator?"

The first screen was just a text saying "Job Change", so Zeke changed his target to the second and third screen respectively.

The second screen was a silhouette of a sword with "?" in the middle of it while the third screen clearly showed a picture of the dagger similar to Lemon's but in brown and light green design.

"The choices are very tough! Can I at least get descriptions of these 3?"

Right now, Zeke had no weapon, so if he could get a new weapon, it'll be much safer since sooner or later, the captain of the assassin team would contact Lemon and immediately knew that he escaped.


[Job change.]

[ - You will advance to a new job which means more skills and benefits. However, the job you will change into is influenced by your present mind.]

[- If you choose to advance to a new job, you will most likely change into "Trickster" job.]

"Trickster?! …."

"Oh yeah…When I fought that guy earlier, I did not use One Mind One Cut nor a calmness at all."

"If I advanced to Trickster, will Lightning Sting and One Mind One Cut get transferred too?"

[Negative. Lightning Sting and One Mind One Cut are skills of "Samurai" swordman job.]

[Host was supposed to change into Samurai, but recently Host's mind is filled with malicious and cunning which is the character of the Trickster.]

"…I see….what about the descriptions of the Trickster job?", Zeke was disappointed that both skills couldn't be allowed to transfer.

The effect of One Mind One Cut was really good. A guarantee critical hit when successfully dodged any attack. Zeke thought it could work best with Trickster that is slippery, hard to catch, and full of tricks to find enemy's openings.

Lightning Sting, on the other hand, you got a free lightning generator. The skill would be very useful as it is multi-purpose.


[ - A job that uses various tricks to overwhelm opponents.]

[ - Tricksters are not a face-to-face fighter. They use their Devil's tongues and venom spits of a serpent to overcome their enemies.]

[Skills preview]

[Dirty Fighter [Passive], the more you tricked your enemies the more they become angrier. Place a stackable debuff that increase damage received on the tricked enemies, and attacks from behind will also place said debuff as well, and they become critical for sure!]

[Sadistic [Passive], the more your enemies are wounded the more your confidence will boost up as well as your speed meaning that you can move faster and think faster.]

[Perfect Devil [Passive], if any of your tricks failed, the debuffs placed on the enemies will decrease by one for each failure, instead, you will be placed with the same debuff per failure.]

"Ok OK! Enough. Thanks!", Zeke interrupted before the device could continue.

"Sounds like a job that lives on the thin line!"

"What about the second choice? Don't tell me the weapon is random?", Zeke stopped thinking about changing to the Trickster and moved on to the second screen.

[Not quite. The weapon host will receive is chosen by host's most desire right now.]

"What?! Does that mean I'm gonna get a weapon relates to malicious like advancing to Trickster?", Zeke found it a little annoying. Why everything has to relate to his mind?

[Negative. This weapon will be chosen from the desire of host's soul.]

[A temporary emotion shall never be stronger that one's true self.]

"Now, you became a philosopher out of blue. I don't care! It's getting dark now. I need to know what is Rare grade weapon and the descriptions of the third choice. Make it quick!"

When the sky got darker, Zeke ran out of patience and rushed the device to summary the remaining choice.

Those 6 soldiers were well-trained in any environment. The darkness would not help him hide from them at all. He wanted to prepare himself as fast as possible. Besides, he really wanted to rescue Adria as soon as possible too.

[There are many grades of weapons. The rarer, the better weapon's skills.]

[Dagger of the Earth Manipulator.]

[Passive skill, "Earth Manipulation"]

[ - While holding the dagger, you can partially use the power of Andres, the earth manipulator as an active skill of this weapon.]

[Active skill, "Formless Gaia"]

[ - Manipulate the dirt within the user's palm to take any shape desire.]

"The dagger's skill is very limitless, but I think it'll be useful with a good plan", Zeke was a bit surprised that the device could craft a weapon from other special power user that he completely ignored the word "Andres" which was the true name of Lemon.

"I don't even know if the weapon from second choice is gonna be good or not, so the dagger seemed to be the best choice for me."

"I choose the dag-"


[You're receiving a call from an unknow person. Would you pick up?]

Zeke made his mind quickly and was about to choose the dagger, but suddenly, a call rang out.

"Pick it up"

[.... Z….Zeke?..e…is..is..that you?]

When Zeke picked up the call, he heard Adria's voice even though the call was in bad connection.

"Adria?! Are you ok?! Did that bastard hurt you?!", Zeke was in panic as he was glad that he could hear her voice again.

[n…No. He's not with me right now, so I'm trying to contact you!]

[He said something about his army couldn't get into this world and went out to the forest way. I'm worry that you two might run into each other, so I'm calling to warn you.]

The connection got better and Zeke could hear her clearly now.

"Adria! Where are you?! The device caught your signal but it can't tell the exact location! Tell me, and I'll come for you right now!"

[I'm not sure…it's very dark in here….and….cold?]

"A cave?! No…how could a desert have a cave?..."



Zeke and Adria spoke at the same time making them both giggled happily.

"Adria…I swear I will help you from that bastard!", Zeke spoke solemnly.

[Please don't let him see you…..I'm afraid he'll kill you for sure…]

"Don't worry. He will have to deal with 6 of them first!"

[Six of them?]

"Do you remember that, the director said he'd send people to rescue us? That bastard also betrayed us!", Zeke spoke with a little anger.

[…Zeke….], Adria called him with a soft voice.

"..It's gonna be ok. I will take us back to Earth!", Zeke tried to comfort her.

[Zeke….I just want to let you know…]

[I'm always be with you…..], Adria softly spoke.

"I know...you soothe me. Always.", Zeke knew what she meant.


[Zeke…I lov-]

After they both went silent for a few minutes, Adria tried to say something but the call got cut off before she could finish.

"Adria?! Adria!!"

[She ended the call herself.]

"That bastard must come back so she cut the call before he suspects", Zeke calmly spoke.

"….Adria….Thank you….I was stray…but now I know what I want!", Zeke placed his hand on his chest while thinking about Adria's face.

"Device. I know what I will choose now."

The three screens popped in front of him once again.

"I choose….This!"

[Reward selected.]

[Congratulations! You have got the Sword of the Blue Phoenix!]

When Zeke tapped his finger on the second screen, a katana slowly appeared in front of him.

[author] If you have any questions or suggestions please comment below. Every comment does matter for me.

Also please consider donating me to repay my debt. Even 1$ is appreciated and your name will be remembered in my novel too! Thank you for reading!