
[BL] QT to find my husband's

After a mysterious young man died. He has a chance at living again with the help of his system they travel through different worlds. What awaits him in this new life… read to find out!

Kai_kitty · LGBT+
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
2 Chs

Ch 1.0

A/N: This version is currently the rewrite of the first chapter.

I died

No, honestly speaking, I haven't died


There's a knife sticking out of my back

and it seems that I won't be able to live

much longer

'It's cold'

Even though my back feels so hot,

everywhere else feels quite cold

It seems I've lost too much blood.

If it continues like this I will

undoubtedly die

However, I've only just collapsed and am

lying face down

Without raising my voice, without

trying to pick up my cellphone that's

rolling away, just thinking "I'm dying

Since I can't feel any pain for some

the reason, it seems I will die without


I don't bother calling out for help, since I

don't want to do something so pointless.

The place I'm at now is a hidden back

alley devoid of other people

Even if I yell, in this place there's no one

there to hear me

I'm not going to pick up my cell phone,

since my body can no longer move,

trying to crawl over to it would just use

up all my strength

I have a principle of not struggling


-In other words, it's too troublesome

I don't have such an attachment to living

that I would recklessly cling on to the

very limit

I am an orphan so no one would miss me and something like a lover...you could say that there isn't

Today I was going on a walk at that time, I was stabbed by a random slasher

Even with bad luck, there should be a limit

'Although it wasn't exciting, it was a peaceful life'

Since I was busy most of the time,

the memories I remember are rather


Even for me, I think I lived well in this life

'It's cold'

Without any resistance my eyelids

become heavy

At any rate, since I'll die anyway, to the

end, it should be fine to sleep blissfully

I close my eyes and release my



[System Initializing....]






[Commencing transfer sequence]

[Transfer complete]



A/N: If you see this, A'POV, means it is the Author's or Third Person's Point Of

View, Now back to the story

[Ding! Soul #945362 successfully bound to the System!]

Elijah stared wordlessly into the starry galaxy-like space, admiring the beauty while floating through the room

After the mechanical voice spoke a connection had been made with the system, a strong force assaulted his soul causing the muddleheaded state he

was in

[Welcome host I am system #003]

[Before you ask yes, you are DEAD...

...But don't worry you have been given a chance at life again by the goddess of life herself to experience different worlds while doing missions]

"Hmm sounds interesting."

[In each world you go to you will be given a mission to fulfill each dying soul's last wish. There are different missions and side tasks each time. The higher the difficulty of the mission or task, the more points you get. Sometimes they don't just give points but also skills and items, which you can use in different ways]

[There are different classes that show what levels of difficulty a world traveler and the world themselves are. The levels range from S, A, B, C, D and F from highest to lowest. As Host is only just a beginner, you are deemed as F class. The more experience and soul power you gather after each world will judge whether you can go to a higher class]

[Also host, please be aware that every person you meet in every world is a living being, they all exist. Now, as you can see, you currently have 1,000 points

due to being a beginner]

Elijah nodded in understanding and let #003 continue speaking

[I will now explain points, they are a form of currency. The more points host has, the more high-quality items and skills are available to you. You can earn them by completing any missions or side-tasks given to you]

A digital high tech screen popped up in

front of Elijah. A variety of items were

automatically being displayed along the

screen. Most of them were shaded in,

telling him he didn't have enough points

to access those items

[Every mission and world has a different level of difficulty; meaning, the higher the difficulty the more points and rewards are given to you. After completing all the main missions, you would come back here and get the total remaining amount of rewards]

"Then what's my status look like right now?"

Another screen popped up, there were several stats and info on it

Status -

Name: Elijah

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Race: Human/???

Class: F

Points: 1,000p

Soul power: 0/2500

Skills: None

Elijah just nods in response

[Well, before we begin your first mission, you have three random permanent skills to learn before you start, courtesy to being a beginner]

The previous screens had disappeared

and a new screen showed up displaying

Three skills and their description


An art performance mastered to

perfection. It encompasses not only

words spoken through the mouth but also body language and expressions. Being able to mask oneself with such ease that even you will be fooled. This skill takes apart each and every detail of a character and brings it out into real life. Best for every situation possible]

[Ethics -

Gives an advanced level of understanding and use of mannerisms and knowing right and wrong. Giving proper moral]

[Martial Arts-

Being able to fight using a variety of different styles. Makes one agile and aggressive in a single motion, swiftly taking out the opponents. Especially useful when being pushed in a corner where you have no other option than to fight your enemies or die. A self defense tool, a show of strength, and the perfect skill to assassinate your opponents]

Suddenly, Elijah's room distorted and

space began to bend until the galaxy room completely disappeared. Elijah was

standing in the middle of an endless bright white room

[Host, shall we begin begin training


A long time later....

After years of having all training and information being drilled into Elijah's head non-stop, continuously...Almost being used as a form of torture. He finally

stepped out of that place

"Ugh How long was I in there."

[15 years]

"...Did I stop aging when I was in there."

[Yes host. You are still 28 years old. The moment you bounded to me, you could no longer age]

"Is that supposed to make me feel better

or more depressed..."

[ (゜-゜) Alright then host, I shall begin the transfer process]


[-World Found-]

[-Suitable Vessel Found-]

[Initializing transfer process...]





[-Transfer process complete-]

A/N: Vote and Comment for more chapters! ☺️

Vote and Comment for more chapters~! ☺️

Kai_kittycreators' thoughts