
Don't lose control

Li Siqi confirms that she let herself be caught, as Xi Zirui assumed but her reason for doing so is a little bit of surprise.

"This disciple thought that being a prisoner would be the easiest way to infiltrate Blood Crane sect."

Xi Zirui nods, grimacing through the fire running down his spine. "And why did Siqi think that would be necessary?"

She lowers her head, as if about to admit a great personal failing. "This disciple wasn't able to find sect leader."

How? Didn't she follow them out of Heavenly Dragon's sect grounds?

Li Siqi anticipates Xi Zirui's question. "This Disciple heard the Blood Crane disciples's gloating about abducting sect leader undetected, as they threaded through the Woods of Grief, and followed after them."

Her brows furrow in confusion, as if she is still trying to make sense of the events that followed.