


Days have gone by and here I am looking at his bare top beside me, I have never thought that one night would change something into more. One night was enough but when I've suggested doing it again, it becomes our usual thing together.

As I am looking at him, sleeping beside me, I have been thinking about what made me suggest it? What made me think that something so private and personal could be our thing together? What made me blurt out things that suddenly? 

When that time happened, I couldn't backtrack what I have said to him. He just looks at me with a shocking face, and says, "Did I just hear you say you want to do it again?"

I froze, and not be able to move because I know what I have said was wrong, it was a mistake. I don't have words coming from my mouth, it's like I am stuck at some point. I couldn't do or say anything to him, I couldn't even look at his eyes.