
[Ben 10] Omnivers:Reborn Branch

Max Turner wakes up in the body of Ben Tennyson, As he grapples with newfound realities and faces immediate threats, Professor Paradox appears, revealing that Max has crossed into a parallel branch of the main Primus world. Max, now in Ben's shoes, must navigate the complexities of being a hero while unraveling the mysteries of this alternate reality.

The_Segnis · Ti vi
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12 Chs

Chapter 9: Upgrade, Work


As Ben examined the upgraded Omnitrix, he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the possibility of maybe a new alien. He knew that Ben 10K had unlocked new functions, but the specifics, he did not tell him at all. With cautious curiosity, he began experimenting with the device, eager to discover its capabilities.

First, he tested the voice command functions, uttering commands in various tones and volumes to see how the Omnitrix responded. To his delight, the device obeyed his instructions flawlessly, transforming smoothly between alien forms at his verbal command.

Next, Ben explored the function playlist, cycling through different sets of abilities and enhancements that the Omnitrix offered. He marveled at the array of options available to him, each tailored to suit different scenarios and challenges he might face as a hero. He can also add his own customized alien playlist. 

Lastly, he experimented with the clothes' synthetic function, intrigued by the prospect of transforming his attire, as he was in alien Omnivers, maybe? With a mental command, he summoned different outfits, each materializing seamlessly around him in a shimmer of light. He got so excited, that he then started to synthetic superhero suit. He goes and gets the IBatman comic book, and lets the Omnitrix scan it. Then boom he or should I say "I am vengeance, I am Batman, I am the night" while covering his face with the capes. 

His head then got red smoke, embarrassment, laughing at himself. Then turns his clothes back on to normal.

Satisfied with his discoveries, Ben reluctantly tore himself away from the Omnitrix and left the Plumbers' training base. The sun was descending low on the horizon, casting long shadows across the mountain, signaling it was time for him to head home before his parents grew worried.

Forgot to check his, and he transformed into XLR8, there was a red light, at the top of a wall of the training base. A camera to be exact, turn-on captured his comedic, embarrassing moment. 


At home, Ben engaged in the usual banter and family interactions over dinner, cherishing these moments of normalcy amidst his extraordinary life as a hero. Once the meal was finished. Ben went to his room, saying good night to his parents. He was eager to go on his hero work tonight with new upgrades.

As midnight approached, Ben glanced at the Omnitrix once more, it was green ready to embark on his nightly patrols. He then transformed, "Hmm, I have been using XLR8 a lot lately, But who doesn't like the feeling of running at super speed, I know, I'm not one to complain." 

He was running around the city, and even goes far beyond the city of his home, too.


New York, American Museum of Natural History(AMNH)

(AN// .I don't know, i just googled it)

A monster-looking frog was wreaking havoc, moving toward the entrance of the museum. An old man with white hair, and a round, shaped like a disc, can seen on his chest, with a backpack on his back and a frogtechnological helmet with antena.

And the police were standing in front of the monster-looking frog, with the old man sitting on it.

"Stop, You are under arrest for trespassing, without permission." a young policeman, shouted at Animo. While all the other police looked at him.

"What? I know that we not going to shoot, and even if we shoot I don't think the bullet gonna work on it either." He said looking at them while scratching his head. 

"We can't shoot him, We don't kill. And in his record of criminal, that is no killed on him. " the young policeman, said like it a fact. And the others just looked at him with deadpan stares.


"Well, I'm just trying to elevate the situation. Sorry, for being a lame guy."

He said with a huff.

"Are you done?" Animo, irritated by being ignored, "You will witness my great attached inventions, behold," He then took out an Advance Looking gun with wire attached to his backpack, the gun had a letter of E.G.G, "Be awe at my great invention." his voice filled proudness, waiting for the applauded or for the sounding of people, laughing.


"Haha..hahahhaaa…egg…Your gun's name is Egg." another police said while laughing.

"ahahaaa…What are you going to do egged us? This is not Halloween yet." the policeman said, holding his stomach. While the pedestrian chuckled but at a distance away from them.

"Hum, You all ignorant fool, with your no good brain, won't even understand my greatness of invention." Angry the laughing he, "Then you shall be my test subject, for me then. At least you be good for something." He smiled evilly, aiming his gun at the police.

All the people that were laughing were now running as fast as they could to get out of quickly. The policeman was turning his back, for a full sprint. But he tangled his foot and fell down on his face. *groaning* He looked up to see a blue energy beam heading toward him. Holding his up trying to maybe block it.


*boom* a cloud of smoke, rising up everywhere. As the smoke cleared, there was no one there. "Huh, I guess my gun did not pass, the human test yet. And there goes my record on no killed." Animo said, then put it to the back of his head. Without caring.

"Well, maybe you need an appointment with the doctor, to do more testing on your brain." A voice came from behind him. He turned back,

 "After your appointment in the prison, of course." And saw a blue reptile alien, XLR8, with the policeman far behind him.

"You!! You always came to interrupt my plan, again and again, you alien transform child!!!" He aimed his gun at XLR8, but he dodged it, he was faster than the gun.

"And you always causing trouble, Why don't you just stay at the prison nicely." XLR8 quipped back, "If you want to sightsee some ancient bone things. You should have asked, I would got them for you." he said mocking him, "You don't have to try breaking into the museum, just buy the tickets." 

"You mocking me?... You insolent brat." Anime said getting angry, "I'm going to make you regret that," aiming his gun at the monster frog, it then began to transform, it got bigger, and more muscle, it eyes got eight, with tails on, and spike coming out of it back.

(An// Don't know, whatever just coming out of my 2 pm head right now.)

"Behold, the power, Evolution Gene Gun, E.G.G. You will be the one to test it power for me." Animo said with an evil smile on his face, "Get him evolved frog. "

The frog then spit out its tongue at XLR8, Who running to dodge, a liquid thing was shot forward at him from the togues. Caught off guard, XLR8 fell, spiraling on the floor. 

"While I go and get more pets." *hysterical laughing*, Anime running to the museum.

The frog then jumps up high, descending on him. "Alright, time a powerhouse alien, Four Arms." as XLR8 said the name, in a green flash, he changed into a tetraman, Four Arm.

Hold all his hands up, trying to whole the beast. But that was a stupid idea, as just by looking at its sizes. It looked like a spacecraft already. Four arms began to sink into the ground, " Th...That was stupid. Humungousaur." Flash green light, and he changes again, "Going in big, " his body then begins to grow bigger.

As he was able to lift the toad beast, throw it to the side, then as quickly as possible. He jumped up, reeling his arm back, aiming at its heads. And punched it as hard as he could. The toad beats *croaked*, foaming at its mouth, It goes down.

"XLR8. No time to rest, as Animo might get more." Running as fast as he can to the museum, there standing Animo, touching, and configurating his tech. But to XLR8 who is an alien speedster. Animo was just standing there not moving.

XLR8 goes closer and tries to inspect the device, "Hmm, I think Animo, called this gun thing, the Evolution Gene Gun. Maybe, it can be used for me to go into ultimate form of my alien. " He said, talking to himself, finding use of it, for him. "Curious, Curious. How did you get your build this thing? Animo. But thank you, for this generous gift." He then began to disarm Animo of his techs. 

"I'm stealing nothing, I'm just keeping it safe. So that you would be using it for harm. Right, I'm just keeping it safe." said with a face so convincing, that you could see his shoulder shaking, face trying to keep cool.

He looked at Animo, Thinking for a bit. He ran out, Animo who was configuring with his tech a moment ago, now felt nothing. then XLR8 got back with a rope in his hands. Tying Animo up. Then proceed to get Animo to the police station.

Time moving again, He who knew he was gone, replaced with only a tied rope his body, Confused, shocked. "Here, yea go, Officers. The troubled prison, who trying to enter the museum without tickets, Bye." XLE8 disappeared in a blur.

The officer who was sitting looking at the com, a moment ago. Now a criminal, tied in rope, stands in front of him, Confused. "What?"

Animo, Who got his bearing, " Argh, Curse you, You insolant brat." the officer awoke from his confusion, by the shouting enrages of Animo.

"Hey, settle down, we'll get you to your new cell, soon. And don't worry, it'll have dinosaurs in it too, to keep you company. " The officer finally got his bearing and heard the of a blue blur of criminal.


XLR8 was running as fast, as he could feeling himself began to tired, feeling the fatigue of using his transformation aliens, pushing more than normal. And has to run across the city to get home.

Ben arrived at his home and ran to his bedroom. Looked at the clock, 2:09 Am, Jump to his bed, de-transformed mid-falling on his bed, "Ahh, hello bed, I miss you."

And with that Ben has arrived at the destination of dreamland.
