
[Ben 10] Omnivers:Reborn Branch

Max Turner wakes up in the body of Ben Tennyson, As he grapples with newfound realities and faces immediate threats, Professor Paradox appears, revealing that Max has crossed into a parallel branch of the main Primus world. Max, now in Ben's shoes, must navigate the complexities of being a hero while unraveling the mysteries of this alternate reality.

The_Segnis · Ti vi
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12 Chs

Chapter 3:First day,Alien work

The evening settled over Bellwood, casting long shadows across the suburban landscape. Ben sat at the dinner table with his parents, the aroma of home-cooked food wafting through the air. His eyes were still aglow with the events of the day, the Omnitrix securely attached to his wrist, a silent witness to the newfound hero within him.

His mother, a warm and nurturing presence, served a plate of spaghetti, the clinking of utensils against plates creating a comfortable rhythm.

"How was school today, Ben?" his father inquired, looking up from his own plate.

Ben looked around and, absentmindedly, twirled his food. He didn't know how to reply, so he just said. "Oh, you know, the usual stuff. Classes, homework, the usual high school grind," he replied, flashing a casual smile.

His parents exchanged glances. "Anything exciting happen?" his mother probed.

"Nah, just the same old routine," Ben said, taking a deliberate bite of spaghetti, steering the conversation away from any potential revelations. His parents seemed satisfied, continuing with mundane discussions about the weather and local news.

"So, how's soccer practice going?" his father asked, attempting to delve into a safer topic.

Ben's eyes flickered with a brief hesitation. "Good, good. Coach says we might have a shot at the championships this year," he replied, choosing to focus on the familiar and mundane aspects of his life.

His mother, ever-perceptive, looked at him intently. "You seem a bit distracted, Ben. Everything okay?"

Ben shrugged, feigning nonchalance. "Just tired, I guess. Long day at school."

The conversation shifted towards soccer, school projects, and other ordinary aspects of Ben's life. He skillfully danced around any probing questions about his day, ensuring that the dialogue remained firmly in the realm of the ordinary.

After dinner, Ben excused himself, citing the need to finish some homework. His parents, content with the facade of normalcy, bid him goodnight. Alone in his room, Ben sighed with relief.

The moon hung low in the night sky, casting a silvery glow over Ben's room. He lay in bed, staring at the ceiling as the pale light seeped through the curtains. The events of the day replayed in his mind like a vivid dream. The Omnitrix, nestled securely on his wrist, pulsed softly, a constant reminder of the extraordinary responsibilities that now rested on his shoulders.

As he closed his eyes, he couldn't shake the sensation of wonder and uncertainty that had accompanied his first awakening as an alien hero.

The rising moon had marked the beginning of a journey he could never have anticipated. His room was dimly lit, but the soft glow of the Omnitrix illuminated his features.

"Is this really happening?" Ben mumbled to himself, his expressive eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and determination. He traced the edges of the Omnitrix with his fingers, feeling the cool metal against his skin. The tactile reminder of the transformative device sparked a flood of sensations and memories.

Moonlight seeped through the curtains, casting an ethereal glow on the scene. Ben stood by the window, looking out at the night sky. The weight of responsibility settled on him like a cloak. High school life and heroism seemed to blend seamlessly, as casual attire adorned his youthful and athletic frame.

His first transformation was etched in his memory—a blur of brilliant light and swirling energy. The world around him warped and shifted, disorienting yet exhilarating. As he emerged in a form entirely alien to him, his reflection in the mirror revealed a new identity.

He transformed into XLR8, with the exhilaration of speed coursing through him.

The image staring back at him was XLR8, the Kineceleran species, an embodiment of speed and agility. The exhilaration of this newfound form coursed through him—a surge of kinetic energy that seemed to connect him with the very essence of motion.

The XLR8's head was a masterpiece of aerodynamic design. A sleek, blue exoskeleton covered the face, resembling that of a predatory bird. The large, expressive eyes gleamed with an otherworldly intelligence, equipped for advanced visual acuity during high-speed navigation. Ears were absent, replaced by sensors embedded in the exoskeleton for acute sound perception.

Torso embodied efficiency. A lean, muscular frame was covered in a streamlined exoskeleton, minimizing wind resistance. Hexagonal patterns adorned the chest area, offering both aesthetic appeal and functional enhancement. Segmented armor plates extend along the back for additional protection.

The arms and legs were elongated, optimized for swift, precise movements. Each finger and toe terminate in claw-like appendages, ensuring optimal traction and grip. Luminescent blue stripes adorned the limbs, glowing faintly during moments of heightened activity. Flexible yet resilient joints were designed to withstand the stress of rapid motion.

A slender, whip-like tail extends from the base of XLR8's spine, acting as a stabilizer during high-speed runs. The tail's tip featured a blade-like structure, adding aerodynamic finesse. This tail contributed to the overall balance, allowing swift changes in direction without compromising speed.

Venturing out into the night, XLR8 ran with newfound enthusiasm. The wind whispered around him, carrying the echoes of his own laughter. The city unfolded in snippets of conversations, snippets that reflected the pulse of the city and the challenges that lay ahead.

XLR8, moving at an extraordinary pace, caught fragments of people's lives as he zipped by. snippets that reflected the pulse of the city and the challenges that lay ahead.

On a dimly lit street corner, a couple engaged in hushed conversation, their

words veiled in secrecy. XLR8, with his acute senses, caught wind of their worries about rising crime rates. A block away, a street musician strummed a melancholic tune, his guitar case open for contributions. The jingling of coins served as a poignant reminder of the economic struggles woven into the city's fabric.

Rounding a corner, XLR8 overheard snippets of a heated debate between activists discussing social justice issues. Their impassioned voices intermingled with the distant sounds of construction, highlighting the perpetual evolution of the urban landscape.

As XLR8 sprinted past a bustling cafe, snippets of laughter and camaraderie reached his ears. Friends gathered, sharing stories over cups of coffee, temporarily escaping the challenges that awaited them outside the cozy haven. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, a comforting undercurrent beneath the bustling symphony of city life.

Dodging through alleyways and leaping over obstacles, XLR8 couldn't help but marvel at the diversity encapsulated within the city's heartbeat. Each snippet of conversation, every fleeting moment, was a testament to the challenges faced by its inhabitants. The city was alive and breathing, and XLR8, in his newfound form, became an integral part of this intricate dance.

As the night unfolded, XLR8's journey became more than a mere exploration of speed. It transformed into a dialogue with the city, a communion with its people and their struggles. The snippets of conversations lingered in his consciousness, reinforcing his resolve to be a beacon of hope amidst the challenges that lay ahead.

The wind continued to whisper, carrying the tales of the city, as XLR8 raced towards the unknown, ready to face whatever challenges the urban landscape had in store for him.

As the cries of distress reached his ears, XLR8's excitement shifted to a focused determination. The situation was urgent and dire, setting the stage for his first heroic act. The fiery accident unfolded before him, chaotic and dangerous.

Amidst the wreckage, a woman's panicked voice pierced through the chaos "Somebody, please help! My daughter's trapped in the car!" Her desperate plea underscored the urgency of the situation, giving XLR8 a clear target for his first rescue.

A group of onlookers huddled nearby, their worried murmurs creating a dissonant symphony of fear. "Did you see that explosion? Is anyone going to help us?" One of them exclaimed, while another frantically dialed 911, shouting into their phone, "We need emergency services here ASAP!"

XLR8's rapid movements and the gusts of wind he created prompted startled gasps and astonished whispers from the crowd. "Is that... a superhero?" someone questioned, their voice tinged with disbelief. Another bystander chimed in, "Well, it's about time someone showed up!"

As XLR8 approached the trapped car, the heat of the flames and the acrid scent of burning rubber permeated the air. Through the broken window, the muffled cries of a frightened child resonated. "Hold on, sweetheart! Help is on the way!" reassured a voice, presumably the mother's,attempting to comfort her trapped daughter.

The crackling flames and collapsing debris added an ominous undertone to the dialogue between XLR8 and the unfolding disaster. "Watch out! That structure's about to collapse!" warned a concerned bystander, pointing towards a precarious section of the wreckage.

XLR8 acknowledged the warning with a determined nod, weaving his way through the danger with calculated precision.

In the midst of the chaos, a firefighter, nattling a blaze nearby, shouted over the din, "We can't hold this fire back much longer! We need more hands here!" The urgent plea echoed the collective struggle against the relentless advance of destruction.

As XLR8 executed his rescue, the mother's relieved voice said, "Thank you, thank you! You're our hero!" Her gratitude rang through the chaos, momentarily drowning out the tumultuous background noise.