
[A] to [Z]

A thinks she's alone in this world. Z thinks he's lost his chance at everything in this world. A story of how A met Z A short novel [**Complete **]

Dayday_1 · Thanh xuân
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12 Chs

Girl meets boy.

Z looks at me with the most ridiculous expression. Like he cannot believe if I'm just dumb, or prone to accidents.

"Hi, my name is Z. I'm sorry I haven't introduced myself properly", he hold out his hand to shake mine.

I extend my hand and meet his halfway with a firm shake.

It's kind of hilarious. I'm sitting on my butt, while he's sitting up in bed holding my hand in a formal gesture. It kind of feels like two different people were making it across space and finally found each other.

I quickly withdraw my hand as the thought passed though my head. He looks at his hand like He's been told he had a contagious disease. I cringe. I have that effect on people.

They often misread how I feel.

I quickly get up and start heading out.

"Wait", he calls out. "I'm supposed to make sure the nurse checks you after you wake up."

I turn around and look back at him.

"I don't need a nurse. I feel fine." I don't feel fine. I feel awkward about the handshake and can't be in the same room as you.

"You know you just said that out loud"

No I didn't

"Yes you did"

Now, I'm delusional. Do I have a concussion or can he just read my thoughts.

"No I can't read your thought's you're just saying them out loud."

I cover my lips with a hand.

Well I bet you to hear me now, he he.

"'I bet you to hear me now, evil laugh'" he mimics, "you need the nurse, or some more sleep"

I sigh and walk back to my bed.

I wonder who put my bag beside my bed, and why Z is still waiting here with me. He looks fine.

"Thank you"

"It's not a compliment" I say out loud.

Another annoying laugh.

"Why were you chasing after me?" Z asks.

"Because I hate being chased" I say with a pointed look.

He looks as confused as ever.

"Who was chasing you?"

"YOU" I said


"Yes you. The one with the white Nike running shoes."

"I wasn't chasing you, I was doing a lap for the 200m. I saw someone running in my lane so I sidestepped and kept running."

"YOUR Lane?"

"Um, the lane I was running in?" He says sheepishly

"I heard feet pounding the floor from behind me. I was running, and this 'person' was running faster, and I was frankly TIRED of being chased." A said," Do you have any idea, how fast I was running just to beat you? You kept on going like I didn't exist!"

I continue, "To be honest, I don't fully understand why I was chasing you, but frankly I was just MAD."

I look up and find his face looking at me so intently, like he was listening. Really listening to what I had to say and then I remembered. "He probably thinks I'm someone else."

Hours pass in mutual silence as I'm waiting for the nurse to show up. He's probably still on the field, delivering first aid to athletes.

I've always loved silence but this silence stretched out thin and I was wary to break it or keep it going. Either way, I want out of it.

"I'm sorry" he says.

"Hmm ?" I look up in confusion, and find Z staring at me.

"I'm sorry for running after you, on the track. It must have been creepy. Having someone seem to be following you all the time." he continues, "I can relate. I used to run a lot. Not because I wanted to, but because I had to." "It's a pretty weird place to be, but sometimes you just forget everything and start to feel free. "

I'm about to ask him how he knows when the Nurse walks in.

I don't know who this boy is, but I want to know more.

Hi readers!

I'm thinking of ending it here.

What do you think?

Should I just leave this as a meet cute or write a detailed love story?

Dayday_1creators' thoughts