
[A] to [Z]

A thinks she's alone in this world. Z thinks he's lost his chance at everything in this world. A story of how A met Z A short novel [**Complete **]

Dayday_1 · Thanh xuân
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12 Chs


Three more periods go by, and school is over!

I head to the Student Council office and take a seat. I love being early, and I don't have extracurriculars that end around 3:30pm like the others, so I do my homework instead.

I'm currently about to crack Number 8 on Mr D's Biology homework, but I can't seem to figure it out.

Suddenly the council room door opens, and he walks in.

S, his name is S. Like all letters in the alphabet he chose to be the one to grab my attention, because he's a Saint.

I don't know how long I've liked him, but ever since I joined the student council, I absolutely loved the insights and suggestions he brings to the table.

Being the Games prefect, I barely get to see him at all, since my interests don't intersect with sports.

I look up at him subtly from my book. My earpods is still in, and he thinks I don't hear him, or even worse, I might be ignoring him. I don't know what people think about me, but I like that they leave me alone. I don't want the bad type of attention, so I just exist. My plan is to graduate, get a job, go to community college and be an entrepreneur. (I'm not sure yet, but I like the sound of being self employed).

S looks up and meets my eyes, and I look back down at my book. I love my complexion because it's too dark to see me blush if I do. I look back up and he waves at me.

I take out my earpiece and wave back. I try to smile but I don't think it comes out right, because he looks alarmed, like I look constipated. And this is why I don't try. People, just don't get me, my facial expressions and whatnot. They think I always look angry, I don't blame them. I have resting bitch face and my tall, imposing figure doesn't help much.

He smiles back, a little scared and I put my earpiece back in. That ends my conversation with my crush. Another epic tale to be written in my journal of failures (Yes, I journal, and yes I find pleasure in excruciatingly writing out the embarrassing details of events like this, as if living through it once is not good enough).

Before long, the room fills up, and voices come from everywhere, Assembly is talking to Labor about what punishments to give to latecomers, and the President is talking to Social, about the upcoming open house events for freshmen. I'm the secretary, they talk to me when they need files for something or they need to submit a memo to the school or outside sources. Other than that, I think they're mostly just scared of me.

After 15 minutes of random talking, the President finally calls the meeting to order, and now it's my job to take notes. I take the meetings minutes, as we take attendance and update the president about recent developments.

Towards the middle, Games mentions the need to get more freshmen players, as the graduating set had half the soccer and track teams. Social backs that up with a suggestion to make the inter-house competition an open house event, to attract athletic freshman. The vice president Q vetoes it. She doesn't believe the Principal will let the seniors participate so close to their final exams.

We all agree. Social then asks if they could conduct a race in the open house. That suggestion passed. We all take a vote and decide to submit our request to the Principal.

The meeting ended soon after, and people started to head out. I waited. I don't like crowds. People bump on each other and it's just uncomfortable. I move to tidy up the minutes when I look up to find someone staring at me. One of the committee members. I don't really know him, but I don't like the look he's giving me, like I know something I shouldn't.

I, for one, have a good sense of self-preservation, and I'm not going to be alone in this room with this stranger.

I head towards the door, but someone beat me to it. I hand is holding the door in place, and I can't get out.