
[ BL ] Sunshine Fever

Ayan Dutch. Time of death,1:28 pm

n_vy · Hiện thực
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1 Chs

Chapter 0: Didn't I...

"Alan Winchell. Time of death, 1:28 pm."

It wasn't a doctor nor nurse who proclaimed the deceased's death. The person is just an ordinary traffic enforcer who just happened to be on the sight of the incident. It was tragic, and unlucky on the onlooker's perspective. A stranger's soul passes in front of them and they don't who it was. 

They only hoped the family of the deceased wouldn't be sad over their relative's passing. 

If he would have a family. 

Alan Winchell, 29, a college dropout, no permanent address, a part-time employee, no friends, parents abandoned him when young, has died miserably on the streets after a loose window dropped and hit his head hard. 

A tragic end for someone without value. 

Well, that was my life 28 years ago. I was reborn once again and the pathetic life I had in my previous life is already in the past. I got lucky to be reborn in a simple family with no debts, and parents who helped me graduate college. Hooray, hooray, hooray! 

For my second life, everything has been planned. After college, I landed on a decent job with a decent salary. One clap for me, yey!

Work is not very tiring and all are very kind to me. Sob, thank you. 

I am thankful to my new parents so I bought them a new house. Filiality, check!

And more importantly, I am about to have a relationship with the beautiful baker near the company. Family secured!

This second life's going smoothly, I thank heavens for pitying me and gave me another chance. 

"I heard it's your birthday today, Assistant Manager" A colleague of mine said after the meeting

"Really? Let's celebrate it at a nearby restaurant, then." Suddenly, my young boss even heard it.

"S-Sure, sir" 

It's miscalculation of mine. Today actually marks my 29th year in this second life. Time sure flies fast. I should go home this early and visit the cafe. I should have courage to finally ask her out for dinner since it's my birth day. 

"That was a great lunch, wasn't it?" 

"Yes, I agree, Sir. The ambiance of the place is actually good, too. " 

"That's true. Maybe intead of iron, the place incorparated glass more so the place seems warm and bright." 

Glass? Looking back at the place, indeed, there are lots of glass. The wall, the door, the table----

"Assistant Manager! Look out, above your head!" 

Above my head? I looked up and saw the lights. Right, the hanging lights are glass, too. 

I turned to my boss. "The owner seems to like glass, Boss."

I remember I died in my first life because a glass window hit my he---

"Areo Michaels. Time of death, 1:28pm"
