
"You are my first Love"

Some romances are not guaranteed to be their own, this is normal in a woman's life. Do you remember him or not, but there are some memories somewhere, maybe you can't tell anyone. She is moving on to a new life, believing that she has forgotten him and is going to marry someone else. It could be the beginning of her new life. He tried to pull her closer to him. He loves her a lot ..... Let's get married next month. She tells him ok. Both of them are together for a new life, what is yet to happen and what is to be faced. They come together not knowing what awaits them in their lives, namely their marriage. ..... She loves him a lot, and he loves her too. "......" She sat in silence for a while and then she told him everything. From the time she met Sanju till now, she opened up about everything. After saying everything, she didn't say anything for a while. Karti held her and said, "Don't worry, you have done nothing wrong, you have to go to work in his company, be a good girl, be my only girl. You have me now, you have not done anything, you have only loved me. You are my wife, don't cry." thank you so much for always being with me hubby you are the greatest gift I got I love you so much.

littilenovelgirl · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Chapter:1 my unforgettable day

I did not expect such enjoyment when I went on a trip with my friends. It was a beautiful place full of flowers and I saw him for the first time among the flowers. I didn't know who he was and for the first time I stared at someone without blinking an eye. His smile was cuter than a flower.

Suddenly I heard a call from behind, "Preeti", I turned around and friends calls, "We are going to the other side, don't you agree" I slowly shook my head to her question.

From the garden slowly we went to another side, when we looked back we didn't see him, our eyes were searching for him everywhere

"Preethi, what are you looking at like this".

"Leena,i was looking at him but now I don't see him",

"Who has gone where". I stood there unable to say anything.

"Preethi, everyone is going to the room, we can also go, now we will see him when we come out", "but what if we don't see him"

When we reached the room, everyone said let's eat something and then take a rest and go out. I went to eat and was still thinking about him. Suddenly, I heard a call from behind

"Sachi come sit here, a small smile spread on my lips when I saw him.

"Leena, he is sitting there, you see, he is the one I told you earlier.

"Oh, it's him, there's nothing wrong with looking, do you like him that much?"

"I felt something when I saw him, I don't know if it was love or curiosity".

Everyone was sitting at a table. He was on the far side, so I ate and went to the washroom, came out, looked at him and went to the room.

I don't know anything about Sanju, I want to know something but don't know how to know and who to ask.

So everyone was resting in the room, I went outside and was watching the whole scene, suddenly someone came.

He was a tourist who came there.

"Ma'am will take a picture of us"....Ok

After taking the photo, I moved a little to another side, there was a bench to sit on, I sat there, and suddenly I heard someone talking.

So, while watching the sights, a friend came, "Preeti, your phone has been ringing for some time, disturbing the people in the room, someone comes out without picking up the phone, why are you sitting here alone, come and take a rest in the room for a while"

"No, there is no problem, you go and rest while I sit here."

"Okay, I'm going to the room."


So I was calling from home, I called back to my mother, I was not seeing the sight of me calling to ask for details,

"Prithi, you haven't eaten, what are you doing now, where are all your friends, are you okay", "Yes, mother, everyone has eaten food, taking rest, I am just sitting there. , hasn't mom eaten food, isn't dad there".

"Well, I'll call you later, bye"

After I hung up the phone, I went to a place, from where I could see mountains and forests, he was also on the other side but I didn't see him, I took all the photos, suddenly someone came and asked,

"Have you come alone? Why are you standing here alone?"

I suddenly looked back and I was shocked to see the guy, without knowing I smiled inside, Sanju looked at me and asked again,

"alone, is there anyone else with you?"

I said, "not alone, I have my friends with me, they eat food and take rest."

"Oh,Why are you standing here without taking a rest?"

"Hey, nothing, just looking at the sights"

"Oh, what's your name, do you live near here?"

"Preeti, this is my first time here. My friends and I came for a vacation trip. what's your name?"

"sanjay,Everyone who knows me calls me Sanju"

So after a short chat Sanju went to his friends, then I felt a little happy, I went to my friends room but didn't ask Sanju about the place and couldn't ask anything about him.

I felt a little trouble, it doesn't matter, if I meet you here sometime....