
"Very Pure, Very Ambiguous"

Ethan Parker, a struggling student, stands up for what is right and acquires a pair of magical contact lenses. Through these extraordinary circumstances, he meets Caleb Foster, the King of Assassins. Caleb passes on his legacy to Ethan, making him the fifth-generation King of Assassins. From that moment on, Ethan's life becomes rich and colorful.

rogers_caidyn · Thành thị
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44 Chs

**Becoming a Hero**

"Captain Ava, why are you listening to him? Is there really a need to investigate this?" Charlotte asked, puzzled. "It's just an attempted robbery, is it worth all this fuss?"

"I had a feeling something was off. If my hunch is right, there's definitely more to this!" Ava Fay glanced at Ethan Parker and said, "Thanks to your reminder, I realized there was something we might have missed."

"Humph!" Charlotte snorted disdainfully. She didn't believe a high school student could have such insight.

Soon, the officer who had left earlier rushed back in, excitedly shouting as he entered the interrogation room, "Captain Ava, we've made a big discovery! We sent the photos of those two to police stations across the country, and shortly after, we got an urgent call from Province S. These two are wanted for robbery, rape, and murder!"

"I knew it!" Ava Fay slapped the table and stood up, walking over to Ethan. "Young man, it seems you're not only innocent but also did a great service!"

Ethan finally breathed a sigh of relief. If these two were indeed fugitives, then he had nothing to worry about.

Sure enough, the forensic team arrived a little later. Based on the evidence at the scene and the sequence of fingerprints on the knife, they concluded that Ethan had acted in self-defense. Additionally, information from Province S revealed that the skinny man, Ji Shuisheng, was skilled in martial arts and had committed multiple murders in a brutal fashion. Given this, Ethan's actions were clearly in self-defense.

"Young man, I apologize for the inconvenience. Your actions were just and commendable. I will personally request commendation for you from the chief..." Ava Fay was speaking when the door to the interrogation room opened.

A middle-aged man entered, followed by Amelia and the principal of Ethan's school.

"Director Wang, what brings you here?" Ava Fay said, surprised to see him.

"My old classmate told me that one of their students was brought in, so I came to see what's going on!" Director Wang pointed at Principal Li Yuejin.

"Ethan, are you alright?" Amelia asked, delighted to see him. She rushed over, almost reaching for his hand but stopped herself, aware that Principal Li was watching. However, her concern was evident.

When Ethan was taken by the police, Amelia had felt completely lost. For the first time in her life, she experienced such anxiety. Initially, she didn't think much of it, but Ethan's predicament made her realize how much she cared. Was she in love with him? Impossible, she thought. He was just her student. Maybe it was just sisterly concern.

"Ms. Amelia, I'm fine. Captain Ava has treated me very well," Ethan said gratefully. He hadn't expected Amelia to come so quickly and even bring the principal.

"Young man, did old Ava give you a hard time?" Director Wang joked as he approached, smiling.

"Director Wang, you know me better than that!" Ava Fay shook his head with a bitter smile.

"I was just joking. Ava, what's the reason for his detention?" Director Wang asked, pointing at Ethan.

"Murder," Ava Fay's expression turned serious as he spoke.

"What? Murder?" Director Wang was taken aback. His old classmate had only mentioned a student being detained, not the gravity of the situation. He had assumed it was something minor, like a fight.

"Ah?" Principal Li was equally shocked. He had come without knowing the details, only that a student was in trouble.

"Director Wang, please hear me out. Ethan did kill someone, but it was in self-defense against a fugitive wanted for murder in Province S. Here's what happened..." Ava Fay explained the situation in detail.

"So that's it. I thought it was strange that he wasn't even handcuffed. If he had committed murder, he wouldn't be so relaxed," Director Wang said, understanding. "Principal Li, your school has produced a young hero! I'll make sure he gets the recognition he deserves, and we'll get the media involved!"

Principal Li also breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed this was a good thing. He smiled and said, "As long as he's alright. However, I think we should skip the media attention."

"Why?" Director Wang was puzzled. This was a great opportunity for positive publicity; why would Principal Li refuse?

Ethan was also curious but agreed with Principal Li's thinking. Even if Principal Li didn't mention it, he would have requested to handle the matter quietly. He didn't want to worry his parents. Despite his self-defense, he had still taken a life, and his parents might not take it well.

"Ethan is in his final year of high school and will take the college entrance exam in two months. I don't want this incident to affect his studies. Media attention would be too distracting. So, this honor can wait," Principal Li explained and looked at Ethan. "Ethan, you don't mind missing out on fame, do you?"

Ethan was touched, almost brought to tears. Principal Li was a good principal who truly cared for his students. He was willing to forgo beneficial publicity to avoid disrupting Ethan's studies. Other schools would envy such an opportunity!

"What's wrong, Ethan? Principal Li is looking out for you. Are you upset?" Amelia noticed Ethan's emotional state and quickly tried to console him, worried he might say something inappropriate.

"Thank you, Principal Li!" Ethan bowed deeply and said, "That's exactly what I wanted to say. I'm still a student, and my main goal is to get into college. So, please, Director Wang, grant Principal Li's and my request."

"Hahaha, good young man!" Director Wang gave him a thumbs-up. "You're young but not greedy for fame. Excellent! Principal Li, I admire you for nurturing such fine students!"

"Ethan, I'm very pleased with your attitude! You're right. Getting into a good college means more to me than any honor. Your success is the best reward for us!" Principal Li patted Ethan on the shoulder.

"Alright then, we'll handle this discreetly. Ava Fay, take charge of this. Let me know if you need any approvals!" Director Wang instructed.