
"THE ONE" {poetry.passion}

Poetry is my passion and my pleasure. I write the verses either English or Urdu; whenever I got a specific mood :) This is the collection of some of my creativeness.... I hope you LIKE it or maybe LOVE it(who knows) ... ;) :)

Bano_Kanwal · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

P.P #9


"Seeking help from people was not my type,


To overcome the black hole you left me in,

I have to try once in a while,

Just because I don't want to remember you,

Just because I don't want to know you anymore,

It hurts to say that 'I love you a lot'!

But I don't think I can afford to be vulnerable,

So what's the point in not seeking help?

To go against mt type..

Again and again!"



"Something is missing,

The way everything is going,

it's like something is lacking!

I kept going on an unknown path,

Which I am walking from the day I born,

I feel like that centuries of centuries passed,

Bot nothing good is coming out!"