
"THE ONE" {poetry.passion}

Poetry is my passion and my pleasure. I write the verses either English or Urdu; whenever I got a specific mood :) This is the collection of some of my creativeness.... I hope you LIKE it or maybe LOVE it(who knows) ... ;) :)

Bano_Kanwal · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

P.P #3


"Whenever I come closer,

You push me away,

Like I'm some kind of monster,

Who will take you away!

When I look into your eyes,

I see pain and pleasure,

It's like you're playing with fire,

Admit it or not; you're attracted,

Attracted to me and my love;

Gawking you from my heart,

Trying to reach you so far,

I wanna call you mine forever,

I love to call you mine, my lover!

With the peace in your heart,

With the peace in my heart!"
