
"The Multiverse Ruler System"

Sura5_5 · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

"The Multiverse Ruler System": A Prank Gone Awry"

The sun shone brightly over the high school grounds as students gathered for another eventful day. Kei, with his hair carefully covering his handsome face, made his way through the bustling hallways. He noticed Risa and Hiro, his childhood friends, talking animatedly near their lockers. Kei couldn't help but feel his heart flutter at the sight of Risa's radiant smile.

"Hey, Kei! Ready for another day of high school adventure?" Hiro called out, grinning with his charisma.

Kei, always the reserved one, nodded and replied, "Yeah, sure. Just another day."

Unbeknownst to Kei, Risa had been stealing glances at him from afar. With her stunning looks and athletic abilities, she was admired by many, but her heart belonged to Kei. Hiro, too, had picked up on Risa's feelings and decided it was time to play matchmaker.

One fateful morning, on April 1st, a day known for pranks and tricks, Risa and Hiro hatched a plan to confess Risa's love for Kei under the guise of a prank. Hiro was determined to bring their two introverted friends together.

Their prank was to pretend to date and gauge Kei's reaction on his face, which would reveal his feelings if they were truly heartbroken. Then, they would reveal it was a prank and Risa would confess her feelings to Kei.

During the lunch break, Risa and Hiro approached Kei, exchanging nervous glances. "Kei, we have something to tell you," Risa began, her voice trembling slightly.

Hiro chimed in, "Yeah, uh... Risa and I have been secretly dating for a while now."

Kei's eyes widened in surprise as he tried to process their words. His heart ached, but he managed to hide his true feelings behind a smile. "Wow, I had no idea! Congratulations, you guys. You make a great couple."

Inside, however, Kei felt like his world had crumbled. He excused himself, claiming he needed some fresh air. The days stretched into weeks, and Kei's attendance at school dwindled. Whenever questioned about his absence, he would simply reply that he had been staying up late playing video games.

His friends, worried about his well-being, decided to reach out to him. They couldn't bear to see Kei distancing himself and suffering in silence. But little did they know the extent of his pain.

One fateful night, as the moon illuminated the night sky, Kei sat alone in his room, contemplating his shattered heart. With tears streaming down his face, he took out a pen and paper and poured his emotions onto the page. The words bared his soul and expressed his true feelings for Risa.

Feeling an overwhelming weight on his shoulders, Kei decided it was time to end his own suffering. He placed the letter in a small, locked container that only he and Risa possessed the keys to. This act, in his mind, would be a final farewell.

With a heavy heart, Kei embarked on a journey to a nearby beach, seeking solace in the crashing waves. Consumed by grief, he impulsively stole a boat and ventured into the vast ocean, ready to surrender himself to its depths.

Unbeknownst to Kei, the owner of the stolen boat had witnessed his act and recorded everything, swiftly contacting the authorities. Worried for Kei's safety, they saw the urgency to intervene.

As the waves grew stronger, pulling Kei deeper into the ocean's abyss, a blinding light suddenly enveloped him. Confusion gripped his thoughts as he opened his eyes to find himself surrounded by a dense, mystical forest.

Before him, a peculiar blue screen materialized, displaying the words "Multiverse Ruler System activities." Kei's mind raced with questions about this bizarre turn of events, but for now, all he could do was wait and hope to uncover the truth behind this mysterious system.

And so, Chapter 1 ended, leaving Kei in a realm of uncertainty, his destiny taking an unexpected path. Little did he know that his journey through fantasy, laughter, and adventure was just beginning.