
"The Enchanted Masquerade"

In a small town on the outskirts of a bustling metropolis, there lived Ronnie, a cross-dresser with a penchant for extravagant outfits and a heart full of dreams. In a world where conformity was the norm, Ronnie stood out as a beacon of individuality. However, life in this mundane world had never quite felt like home. One fateful evening, while attending an extravagant masquerade ball in their most dazzling ensemble, Ronnie stumbled upon an antique mirror tucked away in a dusty corner of the ballroom. The mirror, surrounded by flickering candlelight, seemed to beckon to Ronnie, promising something beyond their wildest dreams. Unable to resist its allure, Ronnie touched the mirror's surface and, in an instant, was consumed by a swirling vortex of colors and lights. When the chaos subsided, Ronnie found themselves in an entirely different realm, a world of magic and mythical creatures. As they adjusted to this new environment, Ronnie noticed their reflection in a nearby pond, which revealed their appearance had changed completely. They now possessed an otherworldly beauty, and their clothes had transformed into an elegant gown fit for a royal court. It seemed the mirror had not only transported them to a different realm but had also altered their very essence. In this enchanting realm, Ronnie discovered that they were in the land of Eldoria, a place filled with diverse lifeforms, from graceful elves and wise dwarves to majestic dragons and mischievous fairies. Magic flowed through the very air, and the land was divided into various kingdoms, each ruled by a different race. Desperate to return home, Ronnie set out on a quest to find the legendary Seer, an oracle rumored to possess the knowledge of traversing between realms. Along the way, they formed unlikely friendships with beings they had only read about in books, including a gentle giant of a treant, a cunning rogue sprite, and a loyal griffin companion. Their journey was fraught with peril as they encountered dark forests, treacherous swamps, and cunning sorcerers who sought to use Ronnie's unique abilities for their own gain. But with their newfound friends and an indomitable spirit, Ronnie continued their quest, learning valuable lessons of courage, acceptance, and the true meaning of identity. Throughout their adventures, Ronnie found that their cross-dressing, which had once been a source of insecurity, became a symbol of strength and resilience. They inspired others to embrace their individuality, challenging the rigid norms of Eldoria and fostering unity among its diverse inhabitants. As their journey neared its climax, Ronnie finally stood before the Seer, who revealed the secret of returning home. But with the newfound wisdom they had gained, Ronnie faced a difficult choice: to return to their old world or to stay in Eldoria and continue their adventures, forever challenging the boundaries of what it meant to be true to oneself. "The Enchanted Masquerade" is a tale of self-discovery, acceptance, and the magic that lies within each of us. It reminds us that it's our uniqueness that makes us extraordinary and that the journey to find oneself can lead to the most enchanting of places, even if they are in realms beyond our imagination.

Misty_Ellaine · LGBT+
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47 Chs

391 - 400

Chapter 391: Hardcore 0 points! . . .

As soon as Elder Lu's score was announced, the entire Unreal Square erupted into a frenzy of astonishment, with eyes widening in incredulity.

"One hundred and twenty minutes!" The revelation of Zhan Fu Yu's score reverberated through the crowd, causing a stir that surpassed the previous shock of one hundred and fifteen points.

Meng Yaqing's countenance grew solemn as she absorbed the implications of Zhan Fu Yu's extraordinary achievement.

"Yaqing, if it came down to a confrontation, who do you reckon would emerge victorious?" Han Feng inquired, his voice low with curiosity.

Meng Yaqing's response was measured as she shook her head slightly. "It's difficult to say. He's undoubtedly formidable, but his exact combat prowess... remains shrouded in uncertainty."

Elder Lu fixed his gaze on Zhan Fu Yu, a glint of surprise flickering in his eyes. Meanwhile, Elders Cao and Wei regarded Zhan Fu Yu with keen interest, as if appraising a raw gemstone.

"Elder, may I descend?" Zhan Fu Yu's inquiry was met with eager anticipation from the three elders, to which he responded calmly, his expression impassive.

Elder Lu snapped out of his reverie and smiled warmly. "Of course, of course. I wish you every success in your future endeavors."

Elders Cao and Wei mirrored Elder Lu's sentiment, their anticipation palpable.

Zhan Fu Yu's aptitude placed him squarely in the middle to upper echelons of the sacred rankings. Were it not for the additional points, his true potential would likely have garnered an even higher score.

Han Feng found himself deeply moved by this uncharacteristic display of deference. In any other circumstance, such impertinence would have been met with swift reprimand from the sanctum.

As Zhan Fu Yu descended from the platform, the crowd instinctively made way, recognizing the boundless potential encapsulated within his being. To possess a near-first-class sacred aptitude was to embody the very essence of hope for the sanctum.

Though each individual present was a prodigy in their own right, Zhan Fu Yu's qualification set him apart, eliciting a mixture of admiration and reverence from his peers. This reverence was not borne of fear, but of genuine respect.

However, attempts at ingratiating oneself with Zhan Fu Yu were met with resounding failure. His aura exuded an air of aloofness, dissuading any attempts at familiarity, much to the chagrin of those seeking his favor.

Among them was Xie Shaoxian Anshan, who, under the watchful eyes of the spectators, approached Zhan Fu Yu with an air of haughtiness. However, upon drawing near, Xie Anshan's arrogance waned slightly, replaced by a forced smile as he extended his hand in greeting.

"In Xia Xie Anshan, I wish to extend the hand of friendship to Your Excellency. Pray, may I have the honor of knowing Your Excellency's name?" Xie Anshan's attempt at camaraderie was met with silence as Zhan Fu Yu remained unmoved, his eyes closed in serene detachment.

Xie Anshan's demeanor soured, a trace of impatience creeping into his tone. "Your Excellency, are you intent on ignoring me? Allow me to remind you that in the Northern Capital Academy, alliances forge paths to success. By spurning my offer, you may be closing doors to opportunities..."

"What!" Xie Anshan's voice trailed off as Zhan Fu Yu suddenly opened his eyes, unleashing an aura of indifference that sent shivers down Xie Anshan's spine. It was a cold detachment that seemed to render human life inconsequential.

Caught in the grip of Zhan Fu Yu's gaze, Xie Anshan felt as though his very existence was being squeezed, his pride and self-esteem crumbling under the weight of that chilling indifference.

"Yes... I'm sorry!" Xie Anshan's apology was tinged with panic, his heart gripped by a fear unlike any he had experienced before. He knew that any further provocation would likely result in his utter destruction, even amidst the watchful eyes of the sanctum's three powerhouses.

The crowd dared not utter a single word of ridicule as they witnessed Xie Anshan's humiliation. The intensity of Zhan Fu Yu's gaze permeated the air, sending a chill down the spine of anyone who dared to meet his eyes directly.

As Xie Anshan retreated into the crowd, his heart seethed with resentment towards Fu Yu, yet he trembled at the memory of that penetrating gaze. Resentment simmered within him, but the thought of retaliation never crossed his mind. One look from Fu Yu was all it took to quell any thoughts of defiance.

Meeting Han Feng's gaze, Xie Anshan's simmering anger found a new target. "Asshole, you enjoyed watching me make a fool of myself!" His voice dripped with venom as he directed his hostility towards Han Feng, his eyes glinting with coldness.

Han Feng, taken aback by Xie Anshan's sudden animosity, couldn't fathom the reason behind the shift in demeanor. Unbeknownst to him, his inadvertent glance had sparked a wave of resentment in Xie Anshan's heart.

Meanwhile, as the majority of participants completed their tests, it was finally Han Feng's turn to step forward. With a wry smile, he approached the platform, aware of the scrutiny from onlookers, including the disdainful gaze of Xie Anshan.

"Let's see what qualifications a small-town boy like you possesses," Xie Anshan sneered, his tone laced with contempt.

The Taixu brothers and other spectators, including Fat Master Stewart and Shi Jun, observed with keen interest, curious to see Han Feng's performance.

However, as Elder Lu announced Han Feng's results, a wave of laughter erupted from the crowd. "A zero-point qualification? How laughable! Do you even have the audacity to choose such a qualification?" Mockery and disdain echoed through the square, directed at Han Feng.

Wang Qingcang and his companions bristled with anger, itching to confront those who dared to mock their friend.

Meng Yaqing's voice cut through the derision with an air of indifference. "There's no need to be perturbed. Those who resort to mockery are seldom truly strong. The truly formidable wouldn't judge Han Feng based on his aptitude alone."

"Of course, exceptions exist for those with a penchant for insecurity," she added with a hint of sarcasm.

"Now they mock, but they'll eat their words in the next test," Wang Qingcang muttered, his anger simmering beneath the surface.

Indeed, despite the ridicule, it was rare for individuals to reach ground level proficiency before the age of twenty, let alone attaining levels as high as eleven or twelve stars in the profound realm.

The truly formidable could discern the faint aura of power emanating from Han Feng, a testament to abilities beyond his apparent aptitude. While his qualifications may be lacking, his strength was undeniable, hinting at the presence of unique abilities or techniques.

Amidst the laughter of the majority, a small faction observed Han Feng with a more serious demeanor. "This guy maintains his composure in the face of ridicule. That's the mark of a true leader."

"I wonder what hidden talents this kid possesses. We shouldn't underestimate him," they murmured amongst themselves.

Xie Anshan, reveling in Han Feng's apparent inadequacy, couldn't resist taunting him further. "I thought you were something special, but it seems you're nothing more than mediocre. You take yourself too seriously, it's almost pitiable!"

Meanwhile, the Taixu brothers remained indifferent towards Han Feng, their attention elsewhere.

"Like attracts like, and birds of a feather flock together. With Han Feng's lackluster aptitude, his strength must be equally unremarkable. He and Wang Qingcang's group are no match for us," one of them remarked confidently.

Fat Master Stewart scratched his head in disbelief. "Did I hear correctly? A mere top-grade qualification? Did we misjudge him earlier?"

Thin Master Shi Jun pondered for a moment before offering a plausible explanation. "Perhaps it's due to a special bloodline, like ours, that grants him exceptional combat prowess."

Fat Master Stewart nodded in agreement. "True, high cultivation doesn't always translate to high combat prowess. Han Feng might possess low cultivation but superior fighting skills. Such individuals are not unheard of in history."

Zhan Fu Yu, who had been observing silently, briefly opened his eyes, casting a glance towards Han Feng before retracting his gaze. "Something's off," he mused internally before closing his eyes once more.

"It's just strange, not necessarily a threat," he concluded, his expression inscrutable.

Chapter 392: The qualification test is over! . . .

"Keep at it, young one," Elder Lu's words were neither condescending nor overly encouraging as he allowed Han Feng to proceed with the test.

Despite numerous top-grade qualifications going unrecognized by Elder Lu, Han Feng's attainment garnered attention, eliciting jealousy and resentment from his peers.

Though the hostile gazes weighed heavily on Han Feng, he maintained a façade of indifference, though inwardly he couldn't help but feel the tension in his muscles.

Returning to his place, Han Feng received a nod of acknowledgment from Meng Yaqing before she stepped up to take her turn.

Wang Qingcang offered words of encouragement. "Pay no mind to their stares, let them bark like dogs. Your performance in the upcoming tests will surely leave them speechless."

Han Feng nodded wryly. "I'm fine, I expected as much."

Meanwhile, at the testing machine, Elder Lu's keen eyes detected something remarkable. "Elder Cao, Elder Wei, have you noticed? The kid's cultivation base has already reached the pinnacle of the second star of the earth, just a step away from the third star."

Elder Cao nodded in agreement. "Indeed, his true essence is exceptionally solid, surpassing the third-star level, yet hovering between the third and fourth stars. Such solidity is rare."

Elder Wei chimed in, his smile evident even through sound transmission. "Despite his top-grade qualification, his unique physique suggests formidable strength. In the special ability test, he might earn full marks, or even extra points."

Elder Cao's smile widened. "Seems like we've stumbled upon another intriguing individual. Our tenth batch is proving to be quite promising."

As the elders conversed, Meng Yaqing approached the platform, catching their attention. Initially dismissive, Elder Lu's expression quickly shifted as he observed her.

The sight of Meng Yaqing's earth-level eight-star cultivation base left the three elders stunned, contemplating the implications.

Excited, Elder Lu hastily initiated the aptitude test, only to be dumbfounded by the results.

As the crowd anxiously awaited Meng Yaqing's score, Elder Lu's announcement sent shockwaves through the square. "Meng Yaqing, Sacred-grade Qualification — 120 points!"

Zhan Fu Yu's demeanor shifted, his gaze locking onto Meng Yaqing with newfound intensity, brimming with a sense of rivalry.

Elsewhere, Hu Xiaodie couldn't contain her astonishment. "Why are they so extraordinary? I thought my aptitude was unrivaled."

A smile crept onto Hu Xiaodie's lips as she resolved to forge a bond with Meng Yaqing. "I must ally with her. It's either her or me. I won't allow anyone else to surpass us!"

Xie Anshan's frustration boiled over. "Damn it, I refuse to accept this defeat so easily!"

"Hmph, she's just a remarkable individual. In the Mirror of Death, all I need to do is eliminate that kid and cover my tracks. What can this woman possibly do to me?"

"And once I reach the outer courtyard, my eldest brother will take care of her."

"Sure, this woman's aptitude is impressive, but she's still young. At her age, she's no match for my older brother."

"My brother possesses a sacred aptitude and is now nineteen. He'll undoubtedly surpass this woman!"

As Meng Yaqing departed, Elder Lu was left in awe. "Elder Cao, Elder Wei, have you ever witnessed such exceptional sacred qualifications before?"

Elder Cao's expression turned bitter. "You shouldn't ask if I've seen them, but rather if I've ever encountered them. In my hundreds of years of life, such top-tier sacred qualifications have been exceedingly rare. This batch, with one nearing medium and another in the middle to upper class, represents the best I've seen in years."

Elder Wei echoed the sentiment with a wry smile.

Top-tier sacred aptitudes were scarce even in the ancient families, let alone on the North Continent. They represented beings beyond mere hope for the sanctum.

Had it not been for the severance from the Gods Continent and the subsequent loss of spiritual power, even the Little Thousand World would have been within reach for such aptitudes. Though not guaranteed, with ample resources and guidance, breaking through to higher realms was feasible.

As elders of the Beidu Academy, they understood that the pinnacle of this world wasn't just Dzogchen, but an even loftier existence.

However, due to the scarcity of such beings and the lack of spiritual power in the Forgotten Continent, many chose to slumber to conserve energy, awakening only once every ten thousand years.

Elder Wei's whisper cut through the air. "This aptitude... it's inconceivable that it's only at the eight-star level."

"Before the battle, even Fu Yu, with his first-class sacred qualifications, was at the eight-star level. Meng Yaqing's top-tier aptitude deserves more."

Elder Cao and the others couldn't help but feel that Meng Yaqing's cultivation level didn't do justice to her true potential.

Elder Lu examined the records in his hands, his expression twitching. "This Meng Yaqing... hails from a Seventh-Rank Empire!"

Elder Cao was incredulous. "Wh...what? A Seventh-Rank Empire!"

"To think such an extraordinary aptitude emerged from a Lower Third Empire! What a waste, what a tragedy!"

Elder Wei's face fell. "No wonder her cultivation base is lacking. With such qualifications, with the resources of a first-rank empire, she could easily be at least ten stars now. In an ancient family, reaching the pinnacle of twelve stars wouldn't be out of reach."

Elder Lu couldn't help but express his regret. "It's a shame we can only allocate up to 20 points. Otherwise, I'd gladly give this girl 200 points!"

The difference between a first-class sacred aptitude and a top sacred aptitude might seem minimal, but in reality, it's significant.

For a high-level sacred aptitude, if there were no limitations on points, Elder Lu would allocate a maximum of 140 or 150 points. However, for a top sacred aptitude, he'd readily allocate 200 points!

As Meng Yaqing returned, Jiang Da couldn't help but express his admiration.

As the tests drew to a close, Liu Yuer obtained a ninth-level qualification with a score of 98 points, while Wang Qingcang, with his sacred qualification, earned 101 points.

Sacred qualifications should have been remarkable, especially in the context of previous Northern Capital selections. However, in the presence of Meng Yaqing's extraordinary aura, Wang Qingcang's achievement failed to elicit the usual attention.

Nonetheless, Wang Qingcang remained unfazed by the subdued reaction.

Jiang Da, too, achieved a sacred qualification with a score of 103 points.

With the completion of all tests, the first qualification selection of Beidu finally drew to a close.

Chapter 393: Pandora Dreams! . . .

With the conclusion of the qualification test came the unveiling of the rankings for the first item.

Meng Yaqing claimed the top spot.

Though she and Zhan Fu Yu both scored 120 points, the elders accorded greater significance to Meng Yaqing's achievement, thus granting her the first position.

Zhan Fu Yu, ever stoic, remained indifferent to his second-place ranking.

In third place stood Hu Xiaodie, her perpetual sweet smile earning her a legion of admirers almost instantly.

However, Han Feng couldn't help but furrow his brow. While Hu Xiaodie possessed a certain charm with her sweet demeanor and radiant smile, were all the geniuses present so easily swayed?

There had to be more to Hu Xiaodie than meets the eye.

Subconsciously, some of the more discerning geniuses distanced themselves from her.

Meanwhile, the three sanctuary elders exchanged knowing glances, their amusement evident in their shared smiles.

The subsequent rankings were not individually announced.

Han Feng's gaze swept to the bottom, where he and Hua Wenlong found themselves tied for last place.

Among over nine thousand participants, two glaring zeroes stood out prominently.

Though laughter still echoed around them, it was tempered by the presence of Meng Yaqing. Few dared to openly ridicule in her presence.

While Han Feng offered silent solace to Hua Wenlong with a reassuring pat on the shoulder, Hua Wenlong's expression remained dark, his humiliation palpable.

Elder Wei rose to address the assembly. "Let neither high scores inflate your pride nor low scores diminish your spirit. The selection comprises six major assessments, and this is just the conclusion of the first."

"Now, let us proceed to the second assessment."

With a gesture, a massive golden gate, over ten meters high and five to six meters wide, materialized before them.

"This is one of the entrances to Pandora's Dream World," Elder Wei explained, a faint smile gracing his lips. "Pandora's Dream World is vast, so do not underestimate it."

"Even if you enter together, you will not be able to see one another."

A murmur of confusion rippled through the crowd. With over nine thousand participants, how could Pandora's Dream World be so vast as to render them invisible to each other?

Jiang Feng offered a whispered explanation. "Entering Pandora's Dream is akin to each of us entering a separate, independent space. It's like a sphere connected by countless thin threads, with each end leading to the individual spaces we enter. Hence, we cannot see each other."

"The same applies to the Celestial Tower later on."

"Encounters can only occur in the Mirror of Death."

Han Feng and his companions nodded in understanding.

The Jiang family's knowledge spoke volumes about their experience with the Beidu Academy. Graduating safely was no easy feat, despite the seeming simplicity of passing the Northern Capital Selection.

As everyone filed into the Pandora's Dream World, Han Feng and his companions exchanged encouraging cheers.

Despite his earlier claims of indifference, Han Feng couldn't shake off the frustration caused by the zero score in the qualification test. Achieving a high score in Pandora's Dream would provide the catharsis he sought.

As the last of them entered, the golden gate slowly closed, its presence still tangible.

Elder Wei smiled faintly. "I wonder how everyone will fare this time?"

The first round of aptitude tests had already provided the three sanctuary elders with insights into who warranted attention. Barring any surprises, their focus would remain on these individuals.

Indeed, there had been many unexpected contenders in the past.

Pandora's Dream Secret Realm tested one's willpower, particularly the strength of their martial practice. The illusions presented were incredibly enticing, unlike the Soul Tower's pure test of soul power. Failure often stemmed from succumbing to temptation rather than a lack of mental fortitude.

In Pandora's Dream, the strongest contenders might falter, while unexpected candidates could excel. Those from powerful backgrounds, shielded from hardship and temptation, might struggle, whereas those from humbler beginnings might possess a steely resolve born of adversity.

In the confines of Pandora's Dream Secret Territory, Han Feng found himself in a secluded space.

Taking in his surroundings, he murmured, "Indeed, it's an independent space. I wonder what challenges await in this Pandora's Dream Secret?"

Before he could ponder further, the scenery shifted dramatically.

Suddenly, Han Feng found himself seated upon a throne in a grand palace, surrounded by beautiful women dancing to enchanting music. Each dancer wore a seductive smile as they gazed up at him, their graceful movements hinting at temptation.

Han Feng, now cast in the role of an emperor, observed senior officials seated on either side of him.

Unexpectedly, the prime minister rose and addressed him, "Your Majesty, this is a dance dedicated to you by the young ladies. I hope you find it to your liking."

Uncertain of how to navigate this illusion, Han Feng weighed his options. Should he resist passively, or take a more proactive approach?

Aware that any action could alter the course of events, he chose to bide his time, opting for caution over recklessness. After all, if this test truly gauged one's belief in martial arts, perhaps endurance was the key to success.

Han Feng sensed a lingering thread of control over his thoughts, a subtle reminder that his agency within the illusion might soon wane. Should he succumb to the illusion completely, failure would be inevitable.

Meanwhile, Lin Huixuan, born into royalty, found himself bored by the illusion of opulence, reaffirming his dedication to martial arts by dismissing the illusions of luxury and indulgence. Similarly, Xuan Shen Tong's resolve remained unshaken, his unwavering belief in martial arts rendering the illusions ineffective.

Others faced their own trials: Wang Qingcang confronted his greatest adversary, Liu Yuer grappled with betrayal, and Jiangda experienced a stark reversal of fortune.

Meng Yaqing faced her illusion with a faint smile, finding it tedious, while Stai Shijun paid little heed to his own illusion.

Xian'an Mountain, accustomed to success, found himself drawn into a fantasy where he was hailed as the foremost genius of a prestigious faction, stirring a sense of ambition within him. The Taixu brothers scoffed at their illusions, deeming them unworthy of their attention.

Hu Xiaodie, however, relished the challenge, confident in her family's expertise in illusionary arts. Meanwhile, Zhan Fu Yu, embodying the spirit of battle, shattered the illusions with his sheer force of will, effortlessly dispatching the ensuing demons.

In Han Feng's illusion, a bevy of beauties surrounded him, their intoxicating fragrance stirring desire within him. Despite his efforts to resist, the allure of their presence threatened to overwhelm him. Suddenly, he drew a sharp breath as a beautiful woman boldly reached out to touch him.

Chapter 394: Counterattack . . .

Han Feng's encounter in the illusion intensified, causing him to break into a cold sweat. While attempting to fend off the advances of the illusory women, he remained vigilant, wary of any unexpected actions that might compromise his integrity. With a fraction of his focus dedicated to maintaining his mental fortitude, Han Feng also practiced the Nine Flames Different Fire Art, using it to reinforce his resistance.

As time passed, the illusion shifted once again, presenting Han Feng as an omnipotent ruler, revered by countless subjects and esteemed even by figures like Lin Qingshan and Meng Yaqing. However, this fantastical scenario failed to ensnare Han Feng completely, as a sense of shock pierced through the illusion, reminding him of the vast disparity between his current status and that depicted in the dream.

In the Unreal Square, many geniuses emerged from the illusion, some still visibly affected by their experiences. However, a significant portion remained trapped within the illusion, unable to break free. As the clock ticked past the sixty-minute mark, a surge of expulsions occurred, ejecting more than half of the warriors from the dream world.

Among those expelled were Lin Huipo with 69 points, Yu Henfei with seventy points, Zangqinghu with 72 points, Lei Junyan with seventy-five points, Lei Ruwen with seventy-eight points, and Yu Youcai with eighty-one points.

Overall, the results of several individuals in the Pandora's Dreamland test were better than the first round of the qualification test. However, despite their improvement, they still fell short of the selection requirements of the Northern Capital University. Only Yu Youcai managed to approach eighty-one points, and even with the addition of the first qualification test score, it wasn't enough to meet the threshold.

The disappointment was palpable among the group, realizing that their performances were not up to par with their expectations. Once regarded as shining stars in the Great Jin Kingdom, they now found themselves overshadowed and unremarkable in the eyes of their peers.

Lin Huipo speculated that Hua Wenlong's results might fare better, given his special illusion physique. Lei Junyan explained that the strength of the illusions in the Pandora's Dreamland secret realm escalates over time, surpassing the level of individual souls and becoming increasingly challenging.

Jiang Da's disheartened demeanor upon emerging from the test, having scored only eighty-nine points, was met with sympathy from his companions. Even Xian'an Mountain, who had scored less than ninety points, felt frustrated with his own performance.

As more participants exited the secret realm, including the Taixu brothers and Jiang Feng, Jiang Da surprised his older brother with his newfound calmness and resilience. Despite his initial disappointment, Jiang Da's experience in the illusion had evidently tempered his character.

Reflecting on his time in the illusion, Jiang Da realized that the adversity he faced within mirrored his own struggles in the real world. However, this challenging experience served to strengthen his resolve and fortify his spirit for future trials.

As the time approached a hundred minutes, Hua Wenlong emerged from the test, visibly exhausted and collapsed on the ground. Despite his fatigue, he had achieved an impressive score of 98 points, a significant improvement from his previous performance.

Curiosity and astonishment filled the air as the participants awaited the emergence of Han Feng, the other half of the infamous "double duck egg duo." It seemed inconceivable that Han Feng, who had previously scored zero in the qualification test, could achieve such a remarkable feat.

Speculations and suspicions swirled among the crowd, with some acknowledging that Han Feng might not be as simple as he appeared. Xie Anshan, in particular, felt a surge of anger and disbelief, realizing that Han Feng might surpass him despite hailing from a smaller country.

Meanwhile, Brother Taixu and his companions, Wang Qingcang and others, had yet to emerge from the test, adding to the intrigue and tension surrounding Han Feng's performance.

As anticipation reached its peak, Han Feng finally emerged from the golden gate, staggering slightly but visibly triumphant. It became evident that Han Feng had exceeded all expectations, demonstrating resilience and determination beyond imagination.

The surprise continued as Lin Huixuan, Liu Yuer, and Xuan Shentong emerged one after another, each with a perfect score of 100 points. Their exceptional performances left the crowd in awe, further highlighting the unpredictable nature of the Pandora's Dreamland test.

Chapter 395: Counterattack . . .

Elder Cao and Elder Wei exchanged knowing glances, recognizing the potential of the young talents, including Meng Yaqing and her companions. They understood that these individuals possessed a strong belief in martial arts, which was crucial for their development.

While the initial qualification test served to identify important geniuses, the subsequent assessments would be more critical. The elders would closely monitor the progress of these individuals, especially those who showed rapid improvement or unexpected performances.

The sanctuary elders were particularly impressed by Hua Wenlong's performance and added him to the list of key candidates for further observation. However, they noted that Han Feng had yet to emerge from the test, prompting speculation and anticipation among the participants.

As the remaining candidates emerged from the test, Wang Qingcang's demeanor caught everyone's attention. Despite his outward calmness, observers could sense a profound sense of hatred and determination brewing within him. His controlled demeanor concealed a turbulent inner turmoil, hinting at a potentially dangerous side.

Wang Qingcang's emotional reunion with Liu Yu'er revealed his vulnerable side, eliciting concern from his peers. However, Lei Junyan couldn't help but tease the couple about their public display of affection, urging them to find a more private setting.

The atmosphere among the group remained tense as they awaited Han Feng's emergence, aware that his performance could significantly impact their standings in the selection process.

Wang Qingcang and Liu Yu'er's embarrassed departure elicited amusement from their peers and elders, who reminisced about their own youthful experiences. Elder Lu announced Wang Qingcang's impressive score of 106 points, reflecting his exceptional belief in martial arts and sacred aptitude.

The Tai Xu brothers, however, began to ponder the implications of facing such a formidable opponent. Despite their initial concerns, they remained committed to their alliance with Long Sansao, prioritizing the benefits and resources promised by their affiliation.

Following Wang Qingcang's emergence, the Tai Xu brothers, known as Fat Master and Thin Master, revealed extraordinary scores of 110 points each. With their combined total of 215 points, they solidified their status as top contenders, sparking envy among their peers for the prestigious rewards associated with the top-ranked warriors.

As the remaining candidates failed to emerge after 120 minutes, speculation grew about the identity of the final contestant with a score of 120 points. While some assumed it to be Zhan Fu Yu, others recognized the possibility of Han Feng's remarkable transformation from a low-scoring participant to a top performer.

Upon further inquiry, it became evident that Han Feng was indeed the fourth individual with a perfect score, prompting a mixture of astonishment and apprehension among the gathered warriors. Shi Jun's acknowledgment of the perceived threat posed by Han Feng confirmed their suspicions, highlighting the significance of Han Feng's unexpected ascent in the selection process.

As the anticipation built up among the onlookers, Hu Xiaodie emerged from the golden gate, exuding an air of nonchalance. She cheerfully greeted the three elders, confident in her ability to navigate the illusion effortlessly. However, her smug expression quickly turned to dismay upon learning that three individuals were still inside.

Disappointed but undeterred, Hu Xiaodie retreated into the crowd, where she was met with a flurry of chatter and speculation. Regretful of her hasty exit, she resolved to remain longer if given another chance.

Following Hu Xiaodie, Zhan Fu Yu emerged with a stoic demeanor, adding another perfect score of 120 points to his tally, bringing his total to an impressive 240 points. Shortly after, Meng Yaqing also emerged, opting not to prolong her stay despite her capability to do so, as she had already secured a perfect score.

Surprised by Han Feng's continued absence, Meng Yaqing's reaction hinted at her admiration for his resilience. Her subtle smile, however, had a captivating effect on those around her, drawing them into her sphere of influence. Even some of Hu Xiaodie's admirers found themselves swayed by Meng Yaqing's charm, reflecting the magnetic allure she possessed.

Chapter 396: Wanrong Divine Body and Sword Emperor Holy Body! . . .

Zhan Fu Yu stood before the majestic golden gate, its brilliance casting an ethereal glow upon his determined countenance. As an eight-star pinnacle warrior, his senses were finely attuned, granting him the ability to discern even the faintest whispers of conversation from afar.

Despite the solitude surrounding him, Zhan Fu Yu's keen ears caught wind of nearby discussions. "Han Feng? Is he truly a high-quality candidate?" The inquiry floated through the air, prompting Zhan Fu Yu to fix his gaze intently upon the gate, as though seeking answers through its shimmering surface.

Retracting his scrutiny, Zhan Fu Yu's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "Shi Tai, Shi Jun, and Meng Yaqing—all formidable adversaries," he mused aloud, his voice a low murmur in the quiet air. "With Han Feng's inclusion, it appears Beidu Academy boasts an abundance of prodigious talents."

A steely resolve flashed in his eyes as he continued, "My aim is to surpass these prodigies, to shatter every barrier until I ascend to the sanctuary! Mother, your suffering shall be avenged by your son! Father, mark my words—your actions will one day haunt you!"


Time ebbed away, and finally, the golden gates parted, revealing Han Feng's emergence to the expectant onlookers. Beads of sweat glistened upon his brow, a testament to the trials he had endured within. Only with the timely intervention of the Nine Flame Skyfire Tower had he narrowly escaped potential peril.

Elder Lu greeted him with a warm smile. "Congratulations, young one. You've scored one hundred and twenty."


After a brief respite, during which the participants recuperated under the watchful eye of the three elders, Elder Cao took center stage. With a wave of his hand, a shimmering barrier rose from the ground, encasing the gathered candidates within.

"Next, we proceed to the Mogu test and assessment of special abilities," Elder Cao announced, his voice carrying authority. "Those called forth shall enter the barrier for evaluation by Elders Lu and Wei, while I shall disclose the results."

"First up, Zhang Nianbo."

Zhang Nianbo stepped forward, disappearing into the barrier for an extended duration. Upon his return, Elder Cao divulged his scores. "Zhang Nianbo, bone age nineteen, ground level one star, Mogu grade seventy," he declared, before adding, "Special ability score forty."

The specifics of each candidate's special abilities remained veiled, withheld to prevent bias in the evaluation process.

Jiang Feng clapped his hands, rallying the weary crowd. "Let us be seated. These assessments are meticulous and time-consuming, especially with over nine thousand participants."

"Six assessments in total, and yet these tests and the death mirror evaluation prove the most laborious," he remarked, his tone tinged with weariness. "The first phase may have passed in a matter of seconds, but with the second phase underway, the day stretches on."

Indeed, the arduous journey toward distinction within the hallowed halls of Beidu Academy demanded both resilience and endurance—a testament to the unwavering dedication of those who dared to pursue greatness.

As the testing continued, each participant's evaluation consumed not mere minutes, but sometimes stretched into tens of minutes. Elder Wei and Elder Lu often engaged in lengthy discussions, meticulously analyzing and deliberating over each candidate's performance. In some cases, particularly intricate demonstrations of special abilities necessitated extended scrutiny, further elongating the process.

Jiang Feng's earlier estimation of a half-day or even a full day's wait for one's turn proved increasingly plausible with each passing assessment. Sensing the prolonged wait ahead, several individuals opted for superficial cultivation exercises, acknowledging the limited efficiency of such endeavors but recognizing their necessity in the current circumstances.

Engaging in shallow-level cultivation served a dual purpose: it helped pass the time swiftly while maintaining a level of vigilance essential in such a competitive environment. Observing the actions of figures like Han Feng, some took to their practice with renewed determination, while others found solace in camaraderie, engaging in discussions regarding each warrior's achievements and the intricacies of Mogu's special abilities.

The significance of a candidate's special ability score became a topic of fervent debate. Many deduced that a higher score correlated with heightened prowess, thereby indicating the potential difficulty of an opponent. 


In due time, the spotlight shifted to the two brothers, Shi Tai and Shi Jun, as they stepped into the square enchantment. Elder Lu nodded, signaling for the brothers to display their special abilities in unison after the Mogu test.

Shi Jun offered a respectful bow before addressing Elder Lu. "My lord, my brother and I possess distinct special abilities. May the younger one undergo the assessment first."

"Different abilities? Very well, proceed," Elder Lu acquiesced, his attention unwavering. While it was common for siblings, especially twins, to share similar abilities, occasional deviations existed, often indicating either exceptional strength or significant resource investment.

The performances of the two brothers, Steish and Shi Jun, surpassed expectations, eliciting admiration from the elders. Shi Tai's results positioned him as a top-tier war king, a designation that piqued Elder Lu and Elder Wei's interest.

Expressing gratitude with a humble bow, Shi Jun then unleashed his special ability, causing a palpable shift in the atmosphere. Elder Lu's expression shifted abruptly as an invisible force emanated from Shi Jun, akin to a keen-edged sword poised to strike. Though Elder Lu maintained his composure, the threat was unmistakable.

After a moment's assessment, Elder Lu acknowledged, "You possess the Saint Physique of the Sword Emperor. A scion of the imperial lineage, indeed."

Shi Jun nodded respectfully, his words tinged with subtle flattery. "Your insight, senior, is truly remarkable."

Elder Lu's response was a mixture of amusement and chiding. "Do you take me for an ignorant old man? The historical lineage's famed bloodlines are well-known, my young friend."

"It is said that your ancestors boasted both the Sword Emperor Eucharist and the Wanrong Divine Body. Given your inheritance of the former, your brother must possess the latter," Elder Lu continued.

Shi Jun's grin widened. "Indeed, my brother boasts the Wanrong Divine Body."

Elder Lu was momentarily at a loss for words at the informal exchange. It was uncharacteristic for someone to address his younger brother as "Fatty." Deciding to let it pass, he turned his attention to Shi Tai's demonstration, only to find his attack effortlessly absorbed.

The rapport between the brothers, evident in their playful banter and seamless coordination, left Elder Lu both amused and impressed. Such camaraderie, coupled with their exceptional abilities, marked them as formidable contenders within the academy's ranks.

Elder Lu nodded in acknowledgment, his expression a blend of approval and contemplation. "Indeed, the Wanrong Divine Body lives up to its reputation, effortlessly neutralizing even my own attacks."

Shi Jun reverted to his normal form, a playful smile gracing his lips. "That's the leniency of senior's restraint. Were you to unleash even a fraction of your true might, I would undoubtedly falter, bursting at the seams."

Elder Lu regarded the duo thoughtfully before speaking, his tone measured yet encouraging. "While the Sword Sovereign Saint Body and Wanrong Divine Body are formidable, you both remain at the initial stages of awakening. Shi Jun, once fully awakened, you will transcend mere sensory transformation. Your entire being shall morph into a legion of swords, a manifestation of true sovereignty—a force to be reckoned with."

"Likewise for you, Shi Tai."

"Currently, your capacity is limited to absorbing energy attacks, with physical assaults proving less effective. Moreover, the absorbed energy cannot surpass your own strength. However, as your awakening progresses, you'll not only absorb energy far beyond your current capabilities but may even inhale the very breath of your adversaries."

"Given your current state, I can award you one hundred and fifteen points. Does this meet your satisfaction?"

It was a seemingly modest assessment, considering the immense potential harbored within the siblings' bloodlines. While the innate power of the Wanrong Divine Body and Sword Emperor Eucharist warranted near-perfect scores, history bore witness to countless prodigies whose bloodline potential remained largely untapped, rendering them little more than ordinary.

Despite the grandeur of their lineage, realization of their true potential hinged upon their ability to traverse the path of awakening—a journey fraught with challenges and uncertainties.

Chapter 397: Tenko Girl! . . .

  This is the situation between Shi Tai and Shi Jun. The two have a strong special bloodline, but they are only in the initial stage.

   No one can guarantee that the two will eventually awaken to the advanced stage, even if it is Shi Tai and Shi Jun, they cannot guarantee.

  In history, those who are still in the primary stage, there is no shortage of super geniuses.

  Special bloodlines have nothing to do with talent.

  Some people may have extremely high qualifications but no special abilities.

   Some people with average aptitude have quite powerful special bloodlines, such as the body of the Ice Emperor of Xuan Shentong.


   Shi Jun and Shi Tai looked at each other and bowed together: "The juniors have no opinion!"

   When Shi Jun and Shi Tai came out, everyone's eyes were shining.

   After only two assessments, it is probably clear that more than nine thousand people are at the top level, and Shi Tai and Shi Jun are one of them.

   As a top-level genius in the tenth game, he naturally attracted everyone's attention. When Shi Tai and Shi Jun entered the square enchantment, everyone outside was surprised and discussed.

   Most people think that the results of Shi Tai and Shi Jun will definitely be more than 100!

   Intense discussion, Han Feng also regained consciousness from shallow level cultivation.

  Fat Master and Thin Master are also the focus of Han Feng, so Han Feng simply stopped for a while and waited for the results of Shi Tai and Shi Jun.

   Elder Cao's faint voice came out: "Shi Jun, the bone age is seventeen, the ground level is five stars, one hundred and twenty minutes."

   "Special ability: 115 points!!"

   "Shi Tai, the bone age is seventeen, the level is five stars, one hundred and twenty minutes."

   "One hundred and fifteen points for special abilities."

   hiss! !

   As soon as this result came out, even if someone expected it at first, he couldn't stop taking a breath and was shocked.

   is only seventeen years old, five stars, this is too abnormal, no wonder it will give a score of 120 points.

   There are so many people present, more than 90% of them are below four stars, and very few of them are above four stars.

   But most of the four-star and above, including Xie Shao and Tai Xu brothers, are mostly 18 or even 19 years old.

  Eighteen or nine-year-old tier four stars and seventeen tier five stars, which one is better, you can tell at a glance.

   With the aptitudes of the two brothers, Shi Tai and Shi Jun, when they are eighteen or nineteen years old, they will have the resources of the Northern Capital Academy, at least at the level of eight or nine stars.

   Not talking about the cultivation base, just talking about the special ability of 115 points, shocked everyone again.

  Special abilities are extremely difficult to possess. Even if they have, many people's special abilities can only help a little.

   One-hundred-point special ability means that by relying on special abilities alone, without using other martial skills, one can fight with one star. For example, the five-star pinnacle has the ability to compete against the initial six-star.

   And one hundred and fifteen points...

   Everyone can't imagine it anymore.

   The gazes of many geniuses looking at both Shi Tai and Shi Jun were extremely jealous.

   It was Zhan Fu Yu, still expressionless, but the fighting spirit in his heart became stronger.


   After Shi Tai and Shi Jun, the geniuses afterwards have average results.

   Mogu scores can mostly reach sixty to seventy points, but higher, less than eighty to ninety points, and even fewer scores above ninety points.

   As for special abilities, most of the special abilities scores are seventy to eighty points.

   Don't even look at it as seven or eighty points. In fact, this special ability is already very good, not inferior to Xuan Shentong's primary and top ice emperor body and peak level dragon scale transformation.

   even a little beyond!


   "Hara Masahara!"

   Elder Cao called out two names at the same time.

   Inside the square enchantment, Elder Lu was a little speechless, and the bloodlines of the two teams of brothers were different.

   "Is the blood of the too and the blood of the virtual, how about I give you each one hundred points?"

  Masa Hara was a little unwilling: "Elder, the blood of our two brothers is united together, can it not reach one hundred and twenty points?"

   "Also, our Taixu bloodline is handed down from the continent of the gods."

  Elder Lu's face sank: "Although the power of uniting is great, it's normal to separate them separately. Can you guarantee that you will all be together for dinner and toilet in the future? You can't separate every second?"

   "Furthermore, I also know that the blood of Taizhi and the blood of Void have great origins. They used to be the blood of a strong man in the Continent of Gods, but the Forgotten Continent and the Continent of Gods have been separated for at least a million years."

   "The so-called Taixu bloodline now has an immeasurable difference from the Taixu bloodline of the Continent of Gods. It would be good if it can have one ten thousandth of the power."

   "Not to mention that you have only mastered the current Taixu bloodline to an intermediate level, and you can exert less power."

   "Depending on the level you have now, the unity is one hundred and ten points."

   "If you separate and give 100 points, it is already based on the origin of the Taixu bloodline. Otherwise, it will give you ninety-seven and eighty points at most, don't think about 100 points!"

   "Also, not only the Taixu bloodline, but some of the top special bloodlines that have been handed down now, which one is not related to the gods continent, really have to talk about this, it is much stronger than the Taixu bloodline."

   "Okay, don't talk nonsense, let's go!"

  Elder Lu waved his hand impatiently.

   As a master of the Great Sanctuary, Elder Lu has a lot of temper.

   As an investigator at the same time, Elder Lu thought he was extremely fair, but now he is questioned by the teenage boy, isn't he questioning his character.

   has a hot temper, and being so questioned, it is strange not to go crazy.

   Yuanzheng and Yuanan turned pale, and felt embarrassed.

   From the attitude of Elder Lu, they didn't feel much attention at all, which was completely different from their empire.

   The sharp contrast made Yuanzheng and Yuanan very unbearable.

   It is a pity that no matter how uncomfortable they are, Yuan Zheng and Yuan An dare not resist in the face of the masters of the great sanctuary level, so they have to leave dingy.


   Outside, Elder Cao also began to announce the achievements of the Taixu brothers: "Yuanzheng, eighteen bone age, four stars, 110 points."

   "100 points for special abilities."

   "Yuanan, eighteen bone age, four stars, one hundred and ten points!"

   "100 points for special abilities!"

  A group of geniuses made shocked sounds again, and did not notice at all. The faces of the two brothers Hara Masahara were dark and there was no slightest joy at all.

  In Unreal Square, there is no day or night, and Han Feng doesn't know how long it has passed. Anyway, in the process of cultivating, time always flies quickly.

   Suddenly, Han Feng was awakened by a loud noise.

   "This is..." Han Feng looked at a group of excited male geniuses, wondering, but when he saw the person walking towards the square enchantment, Han Feng knew it.

   It was Hu Xiaodie who went to test this time.

   Hu Xiaodie scored 115 points for the first time and 120 points for the second time. This kind of result is currently ranked third among more than 9,000 people.

   No matter how many fans there are, it is only natural that the assessment will be paid attention to.


   Inside the square enchantment, Hu Xiaodie was a little bit twisted.

  Elder Lu smiled: "Little girl, Don't hide it, how can you hide your ability, how many old guys of us can't?"

   Hu Xiaodie uttered an 'ah', and said in frustration: "So you all know it."

   At this time, Hu Xiaodie no longer concealed it, turning his body into a five-tailed white sky fox.

   The soft white hair is an old man like Elder Lu, and he can't wait to touch it.

   But Elder Lu still held back. If he really touched him, he would become a hooligan.

   is still an old hooligan.

Elder   wei exclaimed from the side: "It's a Tianhu."

  Elder Lu said: "As a sky fox, special abilities should be related to illusion and fascination. Come, let the old man see your illusion."

   After a while.

  Elder Lu gave the result: "Good illusion."

Tianhu turned into Hu Xiaodie, Hu Xiaodie curled his lips: "I haven't attracted you yet." Elder Lu shook his head and laughed and cried, "I am an old man who has lived for so long, and now the remaining goal is to cultivate to a higher level, and his character. Stability, which is what attracts you when you say it is attractive."

   "Liar, your nose is bleeding."

   "What!" Elder Lu was shocked, and quickly touched his nose, only to find that there was no fart.

   Looking at Hu Xiaodie again, she had already secretly left.

   "This girl...she left me, this old man." Lu Chang laughed, his face showing a gentle touch.

Chapter 398: Blood of God of War! . . .

Elder   wei exclaimed: "How long has it been? I haven't seen the sky fox for a long time."

  Elder Lu nodded: "Yes, the monster fox clan has been in existence for too long, and the sky fox hasn't appeared for a long time. This time it appears as the five-tailed sky fox. No wonder the monster domain monster fox clan sent this girl here."

   "As long as this girl is fully grown, the demon fox clan can be restored."

   Suddenly, Elder Wei hesitated and said: "This girl is not a human race after all, will the upper one..."

  Elder Lu shook his head: "Don't forget the purpose of our Beidu Academy. Whether it is a human or a monster, as long as you are willing to come to the Beidu Academy to study, it will recruit."

"And maybe the high-levels are still very happy. Humans and monsters have been in conflict for a long time. If they can get the support of the demon fox clan, then the Northern Capital Academy will be able to obtain more medicinal materials and resources from the monster domain. The resources of the Northern Continent have begun to be scarce. With the support of the demon fox clan, the resources of Beizhou Continent can also be somewhat relieved."

   "The patriarch of the demon fox clan knew this, so he gave his beloved girl a transformation pill, and let it transform into a human form at the ground level to come to the Northern Capital Academy."

   "Speaking of which, the Eastern Capital Academy is better than our Northern Capital Academy. It is a pity that the host of the Eastern Capital Academy is not very good with the senses of Warcraft. If not..."

  Elder Wei knows it.

   In the entire North Continent, few people know that between the North Continent and the East Continent, there is a demon territory.

   Demon Realm is divided into four parts, which are located between two continents.

  The scope of the demon domain is not as large as that of the mainland, and there are enchantments specially set up by the strong of the demon domain, it is difficult for ordinary people to find the existence of the demon domain.

   Demon Realm, only the real powerhouses of the entire continent are qualified to know. Everyone knows that a Beast Monster can transform into a sanctuary level. This shows that the level of powerhouses in the Demon Realm far exceeds that of humans.

   The demon realm is not big, and the monsters in it are not as dense as humans, but all of them are super strong, without a certain strength, they just die.

   Even at the level of the Great Sacred Domain, entering the Demon Domain is not 100% safe.


   Hu Xiaodie left the square enchantment, looking in a certain direction, a trace of determination flashed on his face, completely different from the sweet smile before.

   "Sure enough, as my father said, Beidu Academy doesn't mind my status as a monster."

   "The demon fox family is divided into one-tailed demon fox to nine-tailed demon fox according to their qualifications. The qualifications of the nine-tailed demon fox are not weaker than the first-class top-notch, and above it is a sky fox like me."

   "Tianhu is equivalent to the sacred qualification."

   "The five-tailed celestial fox is already close to the first-class sacred qualification, and at the ninth level, it is not weaker than the top sacred qualification."

   "As a five-tailed celestial fox, as long as I practice hard, sooner or later, I will break through to the peak of the sanctuary, and even the sanctuary small perfection."

   "As long as I reach the peak of the sanctuary, those monsters will not dare to target my monster fox."

   "If I reach the sanctuary small perfection, I will be able to take revenge. I will not let go of those **** who hunted down my people!"

   Thinking of this, Hu Xiaodie's eyes flashed fiercely.


  Hu Xiaodie walked into the crowd, and someone humbled and asked. Hu Xiaodie also returned to his sweet smile. At the same time, Elder Cao also read out Hu Xiaodie's achievements.

   "Hu Xiaodie, bone age...sixteen, four stars, one hundred and twenty minutes!"

   "Special ability, one hundred and ten points!"

   Hu Xiaodie pouted a bit, but didn't say anything.

   After all, her special abilities have limitations, and she can give a high score of one hundred and ten, which is already considered as the care of Elder Lu.

   Strictly speaking, her special ability is at most one hundred and eighty-nine points.

  The so-called illusion and charm, if you encounter a very determined will, even if the opponent's soul level may not be high, it is not easy to be recruited.

   Maybe everyone had guessed that Hu Xiaodie's score could not be low. This result did not cause a large-scale gasp.

   In the eyes of these people, it is normal for Hu Xiaodie to get such a score.


   After Hu Xiaodie, it has entered a low period again, and even one of the geniuses has no special ability and is scored zero.

   It wasn't until hundreds of people later that one genius after another appeared.

   But compared with a character like Hu Xiaodie and Shi Tai Shijun, it is a far cry.

   Xie Anshan also finished the test soon.

   Mogu scored 110 points.

   100 points for special abilities.

   Xie Anshan is quite satisfied with this result.

   More than nine thousand geniuses, how many can surpass 100 points?

   There are not even ten.

   can achieve full marks, even less than 100.

   One hundred points and one hundred and ten points can be said to be the top level of more than nine thousand people.

   Xie Anshan glanced at Han Feng without a trace, gritted his teeth: "It's just a firm mind on martial arts. With such a bad aptitude, I don't believe in any powerful special abilities?"

   Han Feng did not know anything about Xian'an Mountain's resentment, and was still practicing at a shallow level.

   Over time, many geniuses have learned a little bit about how Mogu scores results.

   A level of about sixteen years old can get a full score with one star.

   The seventeen-year-old tier is ninety points.

   An eighteen-year-old tier is eighty points.

   The nineteen-year-old tier one star is seventy points.

   A twenty-year-old tier is 60 points.

   In other words, as long as you can break through the ground before the age of twenty, you will get a passing score.

   Other results are changed according to this law.

   For example, reaching the second star at the age of sixteen is one hundred and ten points.

   At the age of sixteen, reaching the ground level three stars is one hundred and twenty minutes.

  Similarly, at the age of seventeen, it is 100 points for reaching two stars, one hundred and ten points for reaching three stars, and one hundred and twenty points for reaching four stars.

   At the age of eighteen, it is ninety points to reach the second-star level, and one hundred points to reach the three-star level...It is 120 points to reach the five-star level.

   At the age of nineteen, it is eighty points to reach the second tier of the earth...It is one hundred and twenty points to reach the sixth tier of the earth.

   One hundred and twenty points can only be obtained by reaching the seven stars at the age of twenty.


   "Fight Fu Yu!"

   Suddenly, Elder Cao read Zhan Fu Yu's name.

   All eyes condensed.

   At this moment, the atmosphere on the scene became serious.

   Fight against Fu Yu, but the second uncontroversial one, this one, can you still get one hundred and twenty points for two in a row?

   Mogu is easy to say.

  The special ability requires one hundred and twenty points, so what a powerful special ability is needed.

   Shi Tai and Shi Jun have serious faces. Their special abilities are very powerful, but they are only one hundred and ten points, not one hundred and twenty points.

   Under the gaze of everyone, Zhan Fu Yu coldly walked into the square enchantment.


   Inside the square enchantment.

  Elder Lu looked at Zhan Fu Yu and smiled: "Okay, you can show your special abilities."

  Zhan Fu Yu's face was expressionless, and suddenly, a powerful fighting intent burst out.

   is like a fearless warrior who moves forward!


   The red energy swept out like a storm. A large amount of red energy surrounded Zhan Fu Yu, and soon formed a huge red half-length figure. Bones appeared in the red figure, like skeletons.

  Elder Lu looked horrified: "This...this is... the blood of the God of War!!"

   "It turned out to be the blood of God of War!"

   "This battle Fu Yu actually came from that family!"

   "Looking at the blood of the God of War, it is clear that the nearest level is perfect!"

   is also the initial stage, and the power of different special bloodlines is different.

   For example, the special bloodline and physique of Shi Tai and Shi Jun, even if they are only in the initial stage, are no worse than the intermediate ice king body and dragon body.

   Fighting Fu Yu also belongs to the primary stage, that is, the first level, which is more powerful than the primary stage of Steish Jun!

  The stronger the special bloodline and physique, the harder it is to improve, but once it increases, the increased combat power is also extremely terrifying.

   "This War God change alone, without using martial skills, is enough to contend with the ten stars of the ground level, if you use martial skills..."

   "It seems that this time the academy has accepted a terrific guy. It is worthy of that family. It is really scary. Anyone who comes out has such strength."

  Elder Lu doesn't believe that Zhan Fu Yu is a direct line of the God of War family. As a direct line of the God of War family, he has received more training than the Northern Capital Academy. How can he look at the resources of the Northern Capital Academy.

   As a direct line of the God of War family, at this age, most of them have been promoted to the pinnacle level of the earth tier, and the stronger ones have even stepped into the sky.

Chapter 399: Korean wind test . . .

"Although I don't know why this son came to Beidu Academy, and I also know that this son is probably just an ordinary member of the God of War family, but to the Beidu Academy, he is still a precious genius."

"With this child, maybe in a few years' time, my Beidu Academy will shine."

"It has been several years, and the Beidu Academy is the bottom of the five universities. If this continues, the prestige of the Beidu Academy will become lower and lower, and there will be fewer and fewer geniuses here."

After thinking about it, Elder Lu and Elder Wei looked at each other, and both saw the surprise of their eyesight.

Against Fu Yu, the two Elder Lu became more and more satisfied.

"Zhan Fu Yu, we have finished testing, please go back."

Subconsciously, the two treated Zhan Fu Yu with the same level of attitude.

As the owner close to the high-end sacred qualifications and the bloodline of the God of War, Zhan Fu Yu's future is not comparable to them.

The God of War family is also a first-class level among the ancient families. There are hundreds of levels in the Sanctuary Small Perfection Sanctuary Great Perfection, and there are even super powers above the Sanctuary level.

As a member of the God of War family, it's rare for them to reach the peak of the Sanctuary in their lifetime.


Zhan Fu Yu walked out of the square enchantment, and Elder Cao also looked at Zhan Fu Yu several times. From the sound transmission, Elder Cao already knew the identity of Zhan Fu Yu, and took a deep breath: "I really didn't expect my Beidu Academy to have one day. Will recruit people from that family."

"This time, I'm afraid the deputy palace master will be alarmed."

When Zhan Fu Yu walked into the crowd, Elder Cao finally remembered Zhan Fu Yu's achievements: "Zhan Fu Yu, with a bone age of seventeen, an eight-star pinnacle in the ground, with a score of 120 points!"

"Special ability score of 120 points!!"


The crowd was in an uproar.

The Mogu score was 120 points, which everyone had expected.

But everyone didn't expect that Zhan Fu Yu's strength had reached the eighth-star peak level, eight-stars, and even further, he reached the last stage of the latter stage.

Among them, the strongest is just five-stars.

and many more...

Someone glanced at Meng Yaqing, Zhan Fu Yu is so strong, what about Meng Yaqing?

For a while, everyone looked at Meng Yaqing with strange eyes.

This is just a cultivation base.

In the area of ​​special abilities, everyone looked complicated.

The special ability is also 120 points, which shocked everyone.

This means that the opponent can fight against martial artists at the pinnacle level by relying solely on special abilities. If they have martial skills, they will be stronger.

The combat power at the pinnacle level in the outer courtyard is already considered an upper level, not strong, but definitely not weak.

It belongs to the kind of existence that is not easy to bully.

Those who have entered the outer courtyard of the Beidu Academy are so good outside, they are only ordinary in the outer courtyard, and the strongest can stay in the middle.

Zhan Fu Yu really broke the record. First, it was the upper-level combat power, and it was estimated to be very close to some sort of list.


Everyone talked a lot and couldn't stop it.

Many geniuses looked at Zhan Fu Yu with fear.

In this atmosphere, many people have completed the test.

Before I knew it, it was the turn of the people of Dajin.

Lin Huixuan was tested first.


Inside the square enchantment.

Lin Huixuan took a deep breath, and sternly shouted: "The golden dragon is ever-changing-the dragon's body is transformed!!"

Roar! !

With a dragon chant, Lin Huixuan's entire body was wrapped in dragon scales, with dragon horns on top of his head, and a huge dragon tail extending from behind.

The dragon scales change, but the body is covered with scales, nothing more.

But when the dragon body changed, Lin Huixuan had already become a dragon, and even if his limbs were removed, he would be very close to the form of a golden dragon.

Elder Lu said lightly: "This should be a special secret method to enhance strength, not a special ability."

"Or, your special ability is to use secret methods without sequelae?"

"If it's just that, I'm sorry, I will give you sixty points at most."

Lin Huixuan's complexion changed slightly, and he quickly took out a sword with the sky-shaking dragon pattern, telling the whole story.

Only then did Elder Lu gain some interest: "It turns out that it is a secret method that has been recognized by the growth-type spirit weapon spirit, without any sequelae."

"Well, in this case, it's also your special ability."

"Looking at your improved strength, you should have just entered a short period of time for the Dragon Body Transformation."

"Senior wise." Lin Huixuan returned to his normal state and bowed.

Elder Lu touched his chin, pondered for a long while, and asked: "Listen to what you mean, Jinlong can be divided into four changes."

"Dragon scale transformation, dragon body transformation, golden dragon transformation, nine claw golden dragon transformation."

"You are now initially entering the Dragon Body Transformation. In other words, before reaching the top of the Dragon Body Transformation, will there be any bottleneck?"

"Only when we are about to reach the Golden Dragon Transformation will we encounter a bottleneck, and it is very likely that we will be stuck in this bottleneck and never make progress."

"Of course, it is also possible to enter the Golden Dragon Transformation, and then all the way to the top state of the Golden Dragon Transformation."

Lin Huixuan nodded: "Yes!"

"Well, at the level of your new Dragon Body Transformation, I will give you 80 points at most, but since there is no bottleneck before reaching the top of the Dragon Body Transformation, I will give you an extra 10 points and give you 90 points."

"Seeing that you have reached the 12-star peak limit of the Profound Rank, you are only one step away from the Earth Rank, I will give you 70 points."

"Thank you senior!" Lin Huixuan was overjoyed, he was already very satisfied with the result.


Outside, Elder Cao read: "Lin Huixuan, the bone age is eighteen, the Xuan rank twelve-star peak limit, seventy points!"

"Ninety points of special ability!"

The eighteenth mysterious rank and twelve stars did not attract much attention from everyone. This cultivation base was almost inferior among more than nine thousand geniuses.

You know, most of the geniuses present are at the higher level.

But the special ability of ninety points surprised everyone.


Yu Youcai is next.

It's a pity that Yu Youcai's Huopo Zhenyuan may be special in other places, but in Beidu Academy...

Sorry, it's not too precious, let alone Huopo True Essence, it is an ordinary level of abnormal fire, and it will not get too high evaluation in the selection process.

In the end, Yu Youcai's Mogu score was 60 points, and his special ability was 40 points.

Seeing such results, coupled with the previous two results are not ideal, this is almost doomed to be eliminated.

Yu Youcai walked back in frustration.

Then Xuan Shentong.

Inside the square enchantment.

Elder Lu looked strange: "The intermediate ice emperor's body is also a newcomer."

"Forget it, I will give you ninety points."

Xuan Shentong's score was slightly better than Lin Huixuan, Mogu's score was 75 points, five points more than Lin Huixuan.

The results of Lei Ruwen, Zang Qinghu, Lei Junyan, and Yu Henfei at the back were not enough.

As far as special abilities are concerned, the four of them have almost none, and in the end they are all zero.

Mogu's grades are also average, barely a pass, but only 60 points.

As soon as this result came out, it also announced the failure of the selection of the four.

In the last two major items, even if they all get full marks, they can't be the same.

However, Hua Wenlong's special ability scores are good.

With the physique of illusion, Hua Wenlong was able to grasp the illusion, and finally got 80 points.

It's a pity that Mogu's performance is also average. It may be because of Hua Wenlong's special physique that he gave him 60 points.

At present, Hua Wenlong's total score is more than 230 points, which is basically no match for Beidu Academy.

At present, only Lin Huixuan and Xuan Shentong are okay. As long as the latter two assessments work hard, there is still hope to pass the assessment of Beidu Academy.

After Hua Wenlong returned, it was Lei Yuru's turn.

Lei Yurui's bone age is 18, which is a latecomer. He is now at the first stage of the first-star cultivation base, and he has obtained 80 points.

In the area of ​​special abilities, Lei Yuru actually scored one hundred points.

This shocked Lin Huixuan and others.

Lin Huixuan shook his head and sighed, "I thought Han Feng was hiding very deeply, but I didn't expect Lei Yuru to hide even deeper."

Lei Yurui's current score is almost three hundred and fifty points. As long as the last two items are above 80 points, he can pass the selection.

This makes the people who are destined to be eliminated extremely jealous.

Time is fleeting.

Finally... it was Han Feng's turn.

At this moment, Xian'anshan, Shi Junshitai and others immediately became concerned.


Inside the square enchantment.

Han Feng opened his hands, and slowly condensed a blue flame like a fire lotus-Canglan Xuanhuo!

Chapter 400: End! . . .

  "This kind of strange fire... is already at the top level!"

   A hint of admiration flashed across Elder Lu's face.

   From the temperature of the different fire, Elder Lu could see that the flame is not simple.

   But that's the only thing.

   "Little guy, do you know how to improve such a strange fire? If you rely on your current level, it will be of little help when you reach the top of the ground, and my score will not be very high." Elder Lu said.

   Han Feng replied immediately: "I know, as long as my strength increases, my Canglan Profound Fire power can increase."

   As he said, Han Feng increased his true essence transmission, and the power of Canglan Xuanhuo suddenly increased.

  Elder Lu looked surprised: "As your cultivation base increases? This is really rare."

"In this case, it can give you more than ninety points. After all, if you only improve with your cultivation base, then it means that your Canglan Profound Fire level has always been at the same level as your cultivation base. This can only guarantee you forever. It is quite a powerful existence in the same level, if it can be stronger..."

  Elder Lu shook his head.

   Han Feng knew that the special ability test would not be that simple.

   Immediately, Han Feng burst into words: "The seventh heavenly fire fighting body, condensation!!"


  In an instant, Han Feng's cultivation base skyrocketed from the two-star level to the middle level.

  Elder Lu was stunned: "This...this is..."

   When Han Feng recovered, Elder Lu frowned: "You should also use a secret method, but there are no sequelae. Could it be..."

   "Yes, my abnormal fire can eliminate the sequelae of the secret method, but it is only for me."

   "And my Canglan Profound Fire can also swallow the true essence of the true crystal level."

   "Really?" Elder Lu's eyes lit up and he peeled the Saint Yuan from his body, weakened to the level of True Crystal True Essence, and slammed to Han Feng.

   Han Feng flicked his right hand, and Cang Lan Xuan Huo slammed into Zhen Yuan.

   Accompanied by a dull sound, the blue flame is like a hungry wolf. It will not take a long time to swallow the small group of true essence, and the entire flame suddenly increases in a circle.

  Elder Lu nodded: "Good ability."

   "But there should be a limit, for you now."

   "Yes, if it is the true crystal true essence of the late stage or even higher level, based on my current mere two-star cultivation base, it is not enough."

   "Below the late stage, the success rate of swallowing is different because of the strength."

   Han Feng explained.

"Little guy, you really surprised me. You only need to have high-quality qualifications and a firm belief in martial arts, and there is such a strange fire, well, you can withdraw, I will give you one hundred and twenty points!" Elder Lu Wearing a sleeve gown.

   Han Feng was overjoyed: "Thank you elder!"


   Outside, Elder Cao recalled Han Feng's results: "Han Feng, fifteen bone age, two stars, one hundred and twenty minutes!"

   "Special ability 120 points!"

   As soon as Han Feng's achievements came out, many geniuses were dumbfounded, and they kept sucking in cold air.

   If they were at the level of Meng Yaqing and Zhan Fu Yu, although they were shocked, they would never be shocked as if the sky was falling.

  Who is Han Feng? That's a duo of double duck eggs.

   Although the results of the previous assessment were good, it was only a test of the belief in martial arts, and did not require much qualification and cultivation.

   But this special ability is completely different.

   It is really hard to imagine, what kind of special ability it is that would make Elder Lu give him such a high level of one hundred and twenty points.

   Such an ability unexpectedly appeared in the mere high-grade aptitudes, giving countless geniuses a feeling of violating the heavens, and a lot of jealousy filled everyone's hearts.

   Why? ?

  Why does a high-quality person have such a powerful ability but they don't? ?

   Han Feng's achievements give many geniuses the feeling that it is like a beggar who has obtained the wealth of an enemy.

   makes people extremely unwilling and jealous.

   At this time, everyone has ignored the fact that Han Feng is already a second-star cultivation base, especially under the premise of fifteen years old.

   The few who noticed this really took Han Feng to heart.

   At this age, there is such a cultivation base, it must have its special features, and it is not surprising that it has powerful special methods.

   Among the crowd, Hu Xiaodie's eyes rolled slightly: "Who is this guy, hey, you must get in touch with each other in the future. Sure enough, there are many perverts among humans."


   Xie Anshan's face is ugly, and the little person who was not in the eyes is so perverted, which makes Xie Anshan a little frightened: "Damn, I knew you wouldn't end up with this kid? Is it just like this?"

   "No, no, my pride does not allow me to do this."

   "And the other party may not let me go."

   "Since you have already settled your enemies, kill them to avoid future troubles!"

   "Asshole, hiding it all day, if he showed such a strong ability earlier, how could this master easily offend him."

   lowered his head, Xianshan's face was full of ferocious gloom.

   If Han Feng knew about Xian'anshan's thoughts, he would be very speechless. From beginning to end, Xian'anshan himself was picking things up.


   When Han Feng went down, it was Meng Yaqing's turn.

   There was a fight against Fu Yu, everyone didn't even think about it, it was definitely two hundred and twenty minutes.

   Some geniuses lamented that perverted guys emerged one after another, how could this make them mix up?


   Inside the square enchantment.

   Meng Yaqing spread out her palms, and a hot flame swept out.

   A trace of disappointment flashed in the eyes of Elder Lu: "Is it the first class strange fire?"

  Elder Lu had great expectations for Meng Yaqing, a top sacred aptitude, but the result turned out to be only a first-class strange fire, which is like a billionaire going out but wearing a street stall, which is completely out of the billionaire's grade.

   Meng Yaqing didn't care about this, and spread out her other hand. This time, what appeared was a strange fire emitting an icy breath.

   The original disappointment of Elder Lu was wiped out.

   "The different fire of completely opposite nature!!" Elder Lu was overjoyed. A person may have two attributes, but the situation where the two attributes are in opposition is extremely low.

   And at the same time having different fires with opposite attributes, the probability is even lower.

   This alone is enough to give a high score, one hundred points or so.

   Elder Lu just about to speak, Meng Yaqing put his hands together, the two different fires have completely merged.

   A terrifying force kept surging out.

   is the two heavens of ice and fire!

  Elder Lu laughed: "As expected of the top sacred aptitude, I will give you one hundred and twenty points!"

   Two hundred and twenty minutes passed, everyone was not shocked, but it was taken for granted.

   With the precedent of fighting Fu Yu, Meng Yaqing's eight-star rank did not surprise everyone.


   Liu Yuer, Wang Qingcang, and Jiang Da have all tested.

   Liu Yuer's Mogu score is also 120 points, and his special ability is 90 points.

   Wang Qingcang's Mogu score is 120 points, and his special ability is 105 points.

   This special ability does not include the spirit sword. If there is a spirit sword, Wang Qingcang's more star combat ability is no weaker than the one hundred and ten special ability holders.

   Spirit swords that are matched with sword intent will increase their power to a terrifying level.

   Jiang Da's cultivation base is too low, but because of his very young age, he also gave him more than one hundred points, but less than 120 points.

   But in fact everyone knows that Jiang Da is fully qualified to get one hundred and twenty points.

   As for the special abilities, everyone has long guessed that Jiang Da has a special bloodline, so it is not surprising that Jiang Da's special ability has reached 110 points.

   I don't know how long it has been. When the last test is over, everyone feels 'finally over'.

   This time the assessment time is really a bit long.

   If it's normal, everyone doesn't care about this time, and the training time will pass.

   But in this assessment, everyone looked nervous, and sometimes felt extremely long for a second.

   Some geniuses who have been completely desperate even hope that the six major assessments are all over, they can't bear it anymore.

   These geniuses obviously practice too smoothly on weekdays, and have no psychological endurance at all.

Elder   wei began to announce the rankings after the four assessments.

   This time, Han Feng's ranking is already extremely high.

   If it weren't for the first qualification assessment's zero score, it would not be impossible to rank in the top few now.

  Elder Wei gave a light cough, which attracted everyone's attention, and then Elder Wei smiled slightly: "The Mogu and special ability test has ended, and the next test will be the Celestial Tower!"

   "Now I will give you one hour to rest."