
"Re:life"otaku got transport to another world

our MC kazo is a 15 high school student with 0.5 friends and he got bullied but what nobody knows is that kazo is a hacker,a professional user in Web so he can always revenge from his bullies online and spend hours reading manga, Web novels ,watching anime and play games on the dark Web so one day he found a awesome game on the dark Web and give his whole time playing it and become number one in it and after he become number one amoung 1 million players,the game maker send him a massage to his game account telling him that they gonna reward him by giving him anything he want so our MC was thinking about what he wants(a car,a house,a bitch) than he got a funny idea he writes: isekai me!!!! he was laughing waiting for the answer but all that laugh stop when he read the reply saying "YES" then in a blink of a eye his PC gamer explode killing him. After that the moment he open his eyes he found himself in a baby body in a another world this story is about the life that waiting Kazo in this world this is "Re:life"

hicham · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

chapter(1):OMG,I got isekaid!!!!

hmmmmmm....what just happened?.

where am I?

the last thing I remember was the blast.

everything is so dark here.

wait....I hear voice but it's so weird and low

I will try open my eyes

gaaaaah so light.

and at that moment,I realised what is happening

I was in a hut-like room and of tree wood,there was some Hanging paintings on the wall,the paintings looks so old and high quality,I bet they will be expensive if you sell them online.

The room had some furniture like the closet there and the small table next to the bed that I'm on.

and at the moment I saw the table I realised there was a man in front of me.

he was a young dude properly between 20 and 27 I will give him 23,he was kinda muscular .

He had broad shoulders and an open chest. When he looked at his face, his features were normal, brown eyes, black hair, thin eyebrows, and he had no hair on his face.

then I saw the way he was looking at me,it was a look full with happiness and joyful and pride.

as if he was looking to his son.

After that I looked to myself and I was a baby,a newborn was between arms of a woman,when I looked to her face,only one word came in my mind...."mother".

it didn't take me too long to figure it out that she is my mom,I sense it,it's was that simple.

she has a green hair and green eyes with strawberry lips and rosy cheeks,she was beautiful and young at the age of 18,and maaaaaan,the way she was looking at me,as if I was her world.

I didn't understand what they were saying but just from their look,they both were welcoming me to this world.

at that moment I didn't care about anything,I just want one thing,I want to that moment to never end.

and deep down in my self,I was screaming saying:

"OMG OMG OMG, I got fucking isekaid!!!!"