


Yadil1_yadil · Thanh xuân
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32 Chs


"What do you think? Are you still strong enough to work here?" asked Akbar's father, who had finished eating his food.

"Still strong, Om Insyaa Allah. Although I had a headache earlier. Maybe it's because I only had a little breakfast this morning." Iyan said with a smile and then drank some hot tea. Soon the rice and tamarind vegetables would be gone.

"Hem you can't do that. If you intend to work, you also have to take care of your health. So that you can work optimally." Papa Akbar advised Iyan firmly.

"Okay, Om. I'll always remember that." said Iyan, who was now wiping the corners of his lips. He had finished eating his lunch.

On the sidelines, Papah Akbar was talking with other employees and Iyan. The woman in all-white clothes approached Papah Akbar, with a look in her eyes and a nod of her head. The woman seemed to be asking Papah Akbar to leave.

"You guys are enthusiastic about working. I'll be back at 5pm." said Papah Akbar as the foreman at the project.

"Yes sir!" exclaimed all the employees as they nodded.

Papah Akbar and the woman entered the car and started driving away. Iyan who saw it could only frown.

"Who is that woman? I think I saw her really intimate with Papah Akbar. Is it possible that Akbar's father is cheating on him? Is this what Akbar has been thinking. Akbar is sad because his father is cheating on him? I can't believe it's happening. How could a kind-hearted man like Papah Akbar dare to hurt his own wife. He was a very good person in my eyes. I don't know, what really happened." Akbar said to himself. he never expected to see that scene in front of his eyes.

It was half past six in the afternoon. Iyan had boarded an angkot. He was alone in the angkot. He kept reciting istighfar on the way.

"Dek, where did you get off?" the driver said as he looked at the glass above his ear.

"Down at the sports hall evacuation center, sir!" said Iyan happily. Soon he would see Riri. Half a day without seeing Riri, it felt a little painful and annoying.

The Angkot stopped and Iyan got off after giving money to the driver.

Iyan walked again slowly. Because his body was hurting all over. Maybe tomorrow he would exercise first before work. Counting on warm-up exercises.

"Finally here." he said, sitting outside the evacuation center. He exhaled his breath calmly. Looking at the afternoon atmosphere that was so crowded in the courtyard of the evacuation center. Someone was busy tidying up the books that were messed up on a carpet. The program for the children had finished. The light was there.

Her eyes now see children running around chasing a ball and mothers calling their children to come inside the evacuation center. Because maghrib is coming soon.

Iyan is very grateful for this day. At least he could spend his time working. Then Iyan looked up at the sky.

"Ya Allah...it turns out that being a construction worker is very tiring, I can learn from this. That any job must feel tired. And I shouldn't give up. Because working there is an act of worship. Hopefully my work is in your pleasure, Ya Allah, and I can get a reward." Iyan said silently as he looked up at the sky.

Iyan entered the building and headed for his carpet. Akbar was sitting while straightening his clothes.

"How did you work earlier?" Akbar asked curiously. Akbar sat next to Iyan.

"I'm really tired." Iyan said as he massaged his own feet while sitting on his back.

"But you're still strong, right?" Akbar asked, looking at the exhausted Iyan.

"Take it easy, Bar. I'm still strong. To organize my life. I have to be ready to do anything." Iyan said showing his teeth to Akbar.

"You're doing great, Yan! You've got a lot of spirit." Akbar said, showing his thumbs up in front of Iyan's face. Akbar was proud of his friend. Iyan lived alone, but his spirit was so radiant. People who don't know him might not know that he lives alone. Iyan can cover his sadness by continuing to struggle in life.

"Ah, you shouldn't praise Bar!" said Iyan, patting his tall friend on the back.

"That's the truth, Yan! You have a lot of spirit. Maybe if I were in your shoes, I wouldn't be able to do it." Akbar said, imagining himself without his family. It was very sad.

"Yes, everyone is different. I just salute you for continuing to take care of your brother sincerely. You are a great and patient brother. I might have gotten angry if Bintang was fussy. But you seem to be quiet and very patient." Iyan praised Akbar.

"Indeed, Allah tests us according to the ability of his servants. I'm sure I can face Allah's test." Akbar said with dreamy eyes. He imagined his mother and father arguing that night.

Seeing Akbar with such a sad face. Iyan remembered something he saw at work.

"Oh yes! Bar, I'm really sorry in advance. It's not that I interfered. I just wanted to say that I saw your father with a woman and they looked very intimate." Iyan said carefully. Afraid that Akbar would get carried away with his emotions.

Akbar averted his eyes. He looked in any direction.

"I already know, Yan. That my father is cheating on me. Last night my parents had a fight. This morning he didn't even say goodbye to my mom." Akbar said sadly.

"Oh my God..." Iyan covered his mouth in disbelief.

"I'm also confused about what to do. I feel sorry for my mother, she's not excited to do things. She's really disappointed with my father. He told me that he already loves that woman." Akbar said with an angry look in his eyes.

"I think I've seen that woman before. But where?" said Iyan as he imagined the face of Akbar's mistress.

"She's one of the health volunteers in this refugee camp. She's a midwife." Akbar said trying to calm down.

"Oh yeah right, I've seen her here. So you already know?" Iyan was curious.

"Yes. I've known since I first evacuated here." Akbar replied.

"Well, then you just tell her." Iyan said as if he had come up with an idea.

"What does that mean?" Akbar asked confused.

"Well, you tell her how you feel after finding out that your father is cheating on you. Maybe you can advise her." Iyan said as if his eyes were thinking.

"Can I talk to that woman? I'm afraid I'll add to the problem." said Akbar, hesitant about Iyan's idea.

"You haven't tried it yet, just try it Bar. Duh, I'm so annoyed with that woman. How could she get close to a man who already has a wife. Where the hell is that woman's brain?" Iyan said with annoyance.

"How come you're angry, Yan?" Akbar asked, seeing Iyan's expression. Akbar chuckled at Iyan.

"Yeah, I don't know, I really feel bad. Maybe if that woman didn't want to be with your father. Your father wouldn't have cheated on you. She just doesn't think!" said Iyan in annoyance as his nose hardened.

"Actually, I can try your suggestion. By the way, I'm also really curious about that woman. Maybe if I talk to her nicely. She will leave my father alone." Akbar said with strong conviction. He would do it Iyan's way.

"After this maghrib prayer, you just hit that woman." said Iyan with a nod.

"Okay, I agree." Akbar said confidently.

Maghrib prayer time arrived. Iyan called to prayer with an almost perfect voice. The congregation immediately lined up and the imam immediately began the maghrib prayer.

"How about it Bar? Do you already know where she is? Now, Bar, you hit her!" said Iyan who was already impatient.

"Yes, I already know. She's at the health post right now. I'm going there now." Akbar left as quickly as he could. Iyan prayed for Akbar's success.

Akbar arrived at the health post. He looked for the woman with long wavy black hair. From afar he could now see her back in a white knee-length skirt and white coat. Akbar tried to get closer and called out.


The woman turned around with her beautiful face.

"Yes, what's wrong, Dek?" she asked with her waist ruffled.

"Do you know Mr. Tio?" Akbar asked directly.

"Yes, that's my future husband. Why are you his son?" said the woman with her eyes recalling the photo she had seen on her future husband's cell phone.

"Yes, I am his son! I don't agree with you getting married." Akbar said firmly.

The few people who saw and heard their serious conversation made the woman unable to stand it.

"Come with me now!" she said, walking quickly out. Akbar followed her. Now they reached the back of the refugee camp building.

"You have no brains, my father already has a wife. How could you approach my father? You want to get married again. Don't even think about it!" Akbar said, no longer calling him politely.

"Listen up, you arrogant young man! Your father is the one who approached me. Yes, I want to. Your father is handsome and rich again. Anyway, he told me that he doesn't love his wife anymore. He's tired of his wife. Who he said likes to nag and likes to spend your papah's money." said the woman with emotion.

"Don't bring up my mother! You should repent. That means you're ruining people's relationships!" Akbar said in a high tone.

"Whatever you want to say. The important thing is that your father will marry me soon!" she said with a snarl right in front of Akbar's face and then left Akbar alone.

"What an ignorant woman!" Akbar looked down in frustration. He gripped his hand tightly.

He stood up and walked away emotionally.

"God, what am I going to do. That woman is completely crazy. I can't imagine what would happen if my father married her!" Akbar huffed inwardly.