
"Lucy", a soul that has no place in heaven or hell

Lucy, who died and was reborn as a man named Long Jiang, had 3 kids and had been betrayed by his wife after having wealth and fame. Thus, before losing consciousness, he made a wish to God to fulfill his promise to his kids, whom he had failed to save. And thus, he was reincarnated into a new body named Li Jing. A girl who is half-elf and half-human, and a girl who gave birth to triplets—with new life and a new world, Long Jiang, also known as Lucy, made the promise to herself that she would protect and save her kids more than anything.

Jesmer_Raposon · Kỳ huyễn
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43 Chs

Lucifer and his gifts

Upon arriving inside the void space, with Li Xuan Hu heavily wounded inside,

Li Jing has made a ritual to summon someone whose name is Lucifer Morning Star, a guy who has captivating looks and a voice.

As the man squats down and looks close to Li Jing, Li Jing starts to get embarrassed and looks away. Not because of his captivating looks, but because she's embarrassed to face him in her pitiful situation.

"Jiang— No, Lucy... You— What happened to you? You've changed again. " a voice that is neither concerned nor worried, but rather curious about her.

"!" Li Jing was instantly surprised as Lucifer touched her face and lifted it up.

"You... you became soft."

Lucifer continued to speak while closely looking at Li Jing's face.

"Ever since we heard you died 300 years ago, we've been looking for you... Of course, we still tried to find you in heaven, hell, the underworld, and even purgatory, but the chances of you being there are slim. Until you summoned me, right here, with a different appearance, in a different world, and in an unknown galaxy and universe. So tell me... what happened to you?"

"I don't have time to explain everything to you, Lucifer! Please help my son before he dies! "

In desperation, Li Jing looked at him in tears.

As he saw her pitiful face, he took a quick glance at the kid in Li Jing's arms.

"Is that your son, Lucy?"

Lucifer spoke calmly and collectedly as he looked down at Li Jing's son.

However, in his last statement, as he mentions Li Xuan Hu, Li Jing jolts and speaks softly.

"Y-y-yeah… He is." Although Li Jing's is a bit hesitant in her words, she still admits it in order for her son to survive.

Lucifer caught a glimpse of her hesitancy and spoke calmly.

"Your son is quite in trouble… Your so-called cultivation is going to kill your son right now."

From that moment, Li Jing was aghast! She yelled and shouted to Lucifer, asking for mercy and aid.

"Luci, help my son!!! Please!!! I'll offer anything that you want!!! Please save him!!! "

She begged, lowered her head, and cried. Li Jing's desperation to save her son made Lucifer sigh.

"Haizz... Calm down, Lucy. Relax, ok? Since I OWN YOU, of course I'll help you. "

A gleam of hope suddenly appeared inside of Li Jing's feelings.

Or so she thought.

Then Lucifer speaks as he shows his right hand burning with black flame.

"It'll be excruciating like hell… I hope your son will survive it. "

"I'll help!!"

Li Jing stood up and sat down in front of her son's head and gave her kid a lap pillow.

From that moment, Lucifer speaks...

"Try to make him conscious in his dreams."

Li Jing just nodded in response.


"Here I go..."

Lucifer immediately pushes his burning hand right into Li Xuan Hu's stomach. However, his skin doesn't burn or get damaged, but instead it creates a hole, allowing Lucifer's arm to get through into his body.

On the other hand, Li Xuan Hu screamed and howled in excruciating pain.

He regains his consciousness and opens his eyes. However, due to the pain, that only makes it worse.

His eyes started to flow with blood tears, his body started to sweat, and his breathing started to get heavy.

A terrible pain that he couldn't endure.

"M-mom...! Help... me... " Then Li Xuan Hu screamed once again due to the pain he felt. "wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Li Jing held her son's head, imbuing it with the spiritual energy of her.

"It'll be alright, my son... Mommy is here with you. "

From that moment, Li Xuan Hu felt at ease and his consciousness started to fade. As well, Li Jing's thoughts started to fade instantly.

While helping Li Xuan Hu, Lucifer saw and heard what Li Jing did to her son, and then smiled.

"She really became soft." Lucifer's thoughts towards Li Jing as he grins at her.

As Li Xuan Hu relaxes, Lucifer begins to collect every shattered mana core from Li Xuan Hu within his spiritual body.

Each shattered mana core has started to become one. Piece by piece, it comes together.

"This is quite harder than I thought."

Lucifer grins as he looks troubled.

"Is this all of it?" Lucifer was confused as he collected everything.

Seeing as he never met or quite familiar with Li Jing's son, Lucifer is having doubts about its size, if the size of the mana core of Li Xuan Hu is what he sees.

Li Xuan Hu's mana core was the size of a regular basketball before it shattered. However, given the fact that Lucifer doesn't know about this, he has some doubts.

After collecting and repairing the mana core of Li Xuan Hu, Lucifer came up with an idea to forcibly expand Li Xuan Hu's mana core from its original size by twice its current size, in order to remove his doubts.

By giving some of his power into Li Xuan Hu's Mana core, it immediately soared and rose from Diamond core layer 3 into the peak Heavenly Sky realm 8.

As Li Xuan Hu's mana core rose up, it once again started to crack up. However, with Lucifer's black flame covering it, Li Xuan Hu's mana core has maintained its form, bigger and more powerful.

Thus, he's done his task.

Lucifer gently removes his hand from Li Xuan Hu's body and immediately looks at Li Jing's gorgeous face and body.

While Li Jing still has yet to realize that Lucifer is already done saving her son, Lucifer takes advantage by moving closer to her.

Captivated and fascinated by Li Jing's beauty, Lucifer felt embarrassed by his weird feelings towards Li Jing.

"She looks beautiful..."

Then Lucifer gasps out his sense and looks away from Li Jing.

"Wait... What am I doing?!!!"

Confused and troubled, Lucifer's morality is starting to fade and go away.

So he slowly turns and looks at Li Jing once again. However,

What he didn't expect Li Jing and Li Xuan Hu are already awake.

"!" Lucifer got startled for a bit, then immediately calms down and collects his thoughts and coughs before he speaks politely.

"So... How is it, kid? Feeling better now?"

Li Xuan Hu has gone confused and dumbfounded as Lucifer talks to him casually.

So he asks his mother calmly.

"Mom, who is he?"

Before Li Jing even answers him, she holds her son's head and forcibly makes him bow in front of Lucifer, then speaks firmly.

"Give your respect to your savior... Because of him is why you're still alive. "

"!" With such a statement from his mother, Li Xuan Hu realized what his mother meant.

As his head is lowered, Li Xuan Hu speaks loudly and firmly to Lucifer.

"Thank you so much for saving me, Mister!"

Lucifer just giggles at how honest and funny Li Jing's son is.

"It's alright... No need to get worked up. "

As Lucifer speaks and waves his hand, he looks at Li Jing and speaks firmly.

"So we're done here?"

Li Jing saw his sprightful eyes and stood up.

"Wait here, Lucifer... I would like to talk with you later, so stay here. "

With a woeful reaction of Lucifer towards Li Jing, he spoke and smiled mischievously.

"I'm not going anywhere, so relax. Besides, I want to talk with you too."

Then Li Jing grabbed her son's wrist and opened a gate outside of her void and left.

Leaving Lucifer inside the void, he reaches into his pocket, pulls out a cigar, and lights it with the fire from his finger.

"Father... Did you do this? " thought by Lucifer as he thinks about something while smoking.

Meanwhile, outside of the void,

As Li Jing and Li Xuan Hu appear, Li Qing Long and Li Baihu immediately hug their brother, Li Xuan Hu.

"Brother?!!! You're OK, right?!" Li Qing Long expresses concern and fear.

"Thank God, you're alive!!!" Li Baihu, who is also concerned about Li Xuan Hu,

In the midst of it, Li Na, Li Jing's mother, speaks.

"Li Jing..."

With such puzzled looks, Li Jing shifted her attention and then replied to her mother.

"Yes, Mother?"

"I won't question you how you pulled this off, but... Don't ever, ever do reckless things secretly. "

Li Jing felt a little bit of guilt and realized what her mother was talking about before she replied to her mom contently.

"Yes, mother..."

However, that's not the case for her grandmother and grandfather...

Meira Eillee and Li Lei saw Li Xuan Hu's power surging inside his body and were immediately surprised and shocked.

Making Meira, her grandmother, speak firmly yet with concern

"Li Jing... Although we're all grateful that you were able to save Li Xuan Hu, but you... what did you do? This is not simple healing art or healing magic. For you to pull this off, you didn't just repair your son's mana core; you boosted his power too! How did you do that…?"

Li Jing jolted at hearing her grandmother's words.

She's scared to tell them the truth, that it's not her that saved her son, but instead someone else.

But, since it's her grandmother talking, she needs to answer her regardless.


However, before she even speaks, Li Xuan Hu answers Meira firmly and straightly.

"It's the man wearing weird clothes... He's the one who saved me, great-grandmother. "

Everyone turns to look at Li Xuan Hu's straight face and answers.

"Great-grandmother... I don't know who that man was, but he's certainly not a bad person. So please don't pressure Mother about it..."

As Li Xuan Hu gave them a straight and honest reply, Lucifer appeared from behind his back.

and speaks casually while he taps Li Xuan Hu's head.

"He's right, I am not a bad person."


From that moment, everyone, besides Li Jing and her son, immediately became alert and pulled out their weapons, ready to take action.

However, before anything happens, Li Xuan Hu and Li Jing interfere and block them.

"Wait, everyone!"

Li Jing was troubled and also anxious, and so she yelled to stop everyone from what they were about to do.

"Grandmother, Grandfather! everyone! He's not a bad person! "

"Mother is right! He's the one who saved me! "

Both her parents and everyone inside the room have become perplexed and disturbed.

How come that this guy wearing weird clothes is a friend of Li Jing?

Thus, Li Na asks.

"Li Jing… Tell me the truth. Is he really your friend? " Li Na's face was bewildered for a moment as she spoke, unsure yet deeply concerned.

"Yes, mother… He is indeed my friend. "

Li Jing firmly answered Li Na without any other thoughts.

Li Na, who is looking at her daughter's straight looks, sighs and speaks softly.

"At the very least, notify us ahead of time. We might mistake them as enemies, like this friend of yours. "

"I am very sorry for hiding it from you."

Although Li Jing is a bit concerned, Lucifer, on the other hand, is quite mischievous.

With his looks and charm, and known as the perfect being throughout all creation by God himself,

Lucifer approaches Li Jing's mother, softly holding her hand, lifting it up, and speaking softly but smoothly.

"With all due respect, but, may I stay with you all for a while?"

With his angelic voice and handsome looks, Li Na was flattered and charmed.

"Eh?" Li Na's voice flinched as she answered.

"Li Jing mightn't have the guts to tell you this, but... She summoned me, without prior notice at that. So I don't have anything besides these clothes I have right now. So please…"

"Li Jing?!!! Is that true? " Li Lei immediately shouted at Li Jing as soon as he heard Lucifer's statement.

Li Jing was startled to hear her grandfather's angry voice.

Thus, she replies politely and softly.

"Yes, Grandfather… It's true, I called him. "

"You…!!!! How could you commit such an insolent act?! Summoning a person is a very dangerous thing! One mistake in the ritual and it'll take the summoned person's life! Don't you know this?!"

Li Jing has become dumbfounded after hearing her grandfather's statement. Although she has knowledge of her old self, as Long Jiang, and many more of herself, she has no idea a summoning ritual could be dangerous... at very least that's what she knew in her previous life.

She looks at her mother, who is perplexed and disturbed. The same thing happened with her grandmother, Meira, and her parents' friends. They all have the same reaction.

Li Jing speaks softly and earnestly, her face downcast.

"I am sorry; I had no idea that a summoning ritual could be dangerous. I promise I won't do reckless things."

She lowered her head and asked for forgiveness.

Lucifer saw her sad emotions and immediately spoke to everyone and defended Li Jing.

"Everyone please don't scold her... She did nothing wrong. In fact, if I were in her situation and she possessed similar abilities to mine, I would call her to assist my dying child, right? Don't scold her any more than she has done. Her intention is good... So, on behalf of her, forgive her and forget what she had done. "

Although they all become speechless at how well-mannered Lucifer is, that's only a small fact, but instead they all get fed up with hearing apologies and forgiveness on behalf of Li Jing.

Meira and Lei look at each other, and then reply sternly and exasperatedly towards both Lucifer and Li Jing.

"Alright, we'll intend to forget this ever happened. But! That doesn't mean we'll forgive you! Especially you, Li Jing!!!"

"Yes, Grandfather, I am very grateful to accept your mercy that you bestowed on me today."

"…Well then, since everything is OK right now, we'll take care of ourselves and get some rest for now. "

"Yes, Grandmother!" Li Jing speaks firmly and loudly.

"For today, we'll take care of your kids."

Hearing her grandmother's words, Li Jing got disturbed and bewildered.


"As your punishment, you should take care of your friend. Since he can't return to his place, it is your responsibility to take care of him."

Then her grandmother, grandfather, and her mother as well... grabbed each of Li Jing's children and left, followed by people who had been with them from the beginning.

Li Jing was left speechless and dumbfounded by what had just happened.

"They all really left me! As if I am nothing. "

Lucifer, who has been standing behind the entire time, has an idiotic grin on his face and speaks with such malice as he puts his face close to Li Jing's left ear.

"It appears that only you and I are left, Lucy."

Li Jing immediately shivered as she heard Lucifer's soft voice in her ear directly.

She shoved him away and felt embarrassed.

"Will you stop doing that?! You're my creator! At least act like one! "

With the flustered face of Li Jing, Lucifer's grin then walks closely once again towards Li Jing.

"Lucy... I may be your creator, but let me tell you again. I am Lucifer. I am not bound by anyone's rules. I am who I am... You should not forget that thing. "

He looks down upon Li Jing, then softly grabs Li Jing's chin and lifts it a bit, then speaks to her closely.

Li Jing looks at Lucifer's gold eyes and says

"I may not know what you're planning right now… But at least don't forget, I am a guy. "

Lucifer smiled…

"Was a guy... But let me remind you that it all happened because my father grew fond of you. I originally created you as a woman! "

Li Jing was infuriated just listening to the facts and truth about Lucifer's statement.

She grips her fist, imbued with mana, and then punches Lucifer's face.

Lucifer has been blown away, confused and shocked.

"Quit screwing around, Luci! Get fucking real! I am grateful enough that your father gave me a chance! But... you! Taking advantage of me... you're literally a whole new level of madness! "

Lucifer smiled, then sat down casually on the side.

"Alright, alright… I was just joking. Can't you treat your creator kindly? But still, jokes aside... Your new body is indeed beautiful right now. "

Li Jing is still mad and looks away from him.

At that moment, Lucifer continued to speak.

"How about this... Let's call others as well. I know how to summon the Jade Emperor, Michael, and everyone else; there's no need to be concerned. "

Li Jing twitched immediately, then shifted her attention back to Lucifer and yelled aloud.



Lucifer was confused and dumbfounded, looking at Li Jing's embarrassed and wrathful looks.

"…Don't call them! Those guys... are nothing but trouble. And you being here, it's already worse. Calling them while I am like this... those guys will definitely make fun of me. Just imagining it makes me want to die, again! "

Lucifer, looking at her, finds it odd.

He looks away and thinks for a moment, then smirks.

"Alright… I won't call them; but, in exchange, let me live with you."

Li Jing stares at him and speaks loudly.

"You... you use your contacts with those guys as a hostage for me?"

"Close but, not quite really..."

While he's speaking, Lucifer has created a sigil out of thin air.

A series of burning lines had begun to form a circle and patterns.

However, at that moment, Li Jing recognizes what Lucifer's trying to do and immediately interferes!

"Alright, stop!!! You can live with me! Just don't try summoning Michael! "

Li Jing rushed towards Lucifer and immediately dispelled the sigil by using his void magic and letting it swallow

Irritated and angry, Li Jing yelled once again to Lucifer, who was looking at him mischievously.

"Alright, I'll let you live with me! But there are a few ground rules while you're under my watch! You have to follow this no matter what or else... "

Then Lucifer looks closely once again and speaks softly.

"Or else, what… Lucy? Remember, I am the devil itself. I'll say this once again: I don't follow rules. Because I am tired of it. " Although his voice is so soft, his expression says otherwise. His face twitched from hatred and anger.

"Then at least be considerate and listen! I don't want my family right now to be misunderstood as if there's something happening between us! especially towards my children! "

Lucifer looks at her silently and speaks annoyingly.

"OK... I'll listen, but only to this one." Lucifer stood up from the floor and stretched his body.

"Thank you..." Li Jing felt a deep relief from her chest, then gracefully smiled upwardly at Lucifer.

Lucifer saw it and felt a little bit flustered.

"Ok... First, I want you to stay vigilant and never cause trouble, especially to my family. Second, if you are going to stay with me, at least don't cause trouble that will make my family misunderstand that I am having a relationship with you! You got that?!"

Lucifer put his finger on his lips once again and looked away from her for a moment, then looked back at her again and smiled gently.

"Sure... as our agreement, let me give you a gift. "

"Gift?" Li Jing's tantrum immediately calmed down and became confused for a moment.

"Your daughters... I know where they are. They are with Michael in heaven. "