
"Love You Till Eternity"

Kimo is a stalker and the one he stalks is Asuka, Asuka knew his stalker was his childhood crush and wants to win him over. but Asuka got murdered by another stalker name Kishibe and Kimo swear to his God that we will take revenge no matter what

Kardelllalic · Võ hiệp
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9 Chs

Ch. 3 First day of school got myself a rival?

Asuka: Oh btw what school do you attend?

Kimo: cissl same school as you

Asuka: coincidence? I think not hehe

Kimo: HEY!

Asuka: joking joking hihi

Kimo: anyways see you tommorow Asuka

Asuka: same to you Kimo "grins"

(The next day"


(Kimo then introduced himself and sitted besides Asuka yes they are classmates)

"I am Kishibe I play chess all the time and I always place top 6 in the score board since kinder I can say I'm pretty smart, and there's this girl that my mind can't take if it's Asuka I have a big crush on her and there's this transfer student who is currently talking with Asuka which makes me angry I haven't even talked to her and a transfer student did?

Kimo: hey Asuka are you free by the time school ends?

Asuka: yeah why is that? Kuku don't tell me your gonna invite me to your house and do lewd thing to me kyaaaaaa~

Kimo: Idiot that's not it I wanted to invite you to go chill with me in the park like building a bond

Asuka: oh ok I'm free haha building a bond you say kuku~

Kimo: tsk idiot

(As the both talked the whole class Kishibe's hatred grew and grew)

Asuka: ahhhh~ this park is so nostalgic it makes me remember the days when we were little

Kimo: yeah me too

(As they talked for a while and decided to go home now)

Kimo: want me to head to your home with you?

Asuka: nono I'm fine I can go to my home alone, well that k you for being with me Kimo see you at school tomorrow

(Kimo waves good bye as he go home as well)

(Kishibe decided to stalk Asuka to know everything about her to make her fall for her)

Kishibe: so this is Asuka's house huh

(As Asuka's entered her house)

Asuka: notices the stalker and says, HEY YOU FREEK WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?!

Kishibe: (tsk she found out guess I'm balls here oh right an easy way to make her mine is too force her