
"Lost in a daydream"

A book of poems, taken directly out of everyday life, in which every reader can find a small part of themselves.

Cloud_kid · Thanh xuân
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28 Chs

"We all forget"

We all forget. After days, weeks,

months or years.

As the time passes by,

your mind just can't hold all the memories. And they don't just disappear.

You'll notice it, little by little.

It starts with small things,

like the music they used to like or their favorite colour.

Then you forget their birthday,

the place they lived at, their family.

And then you'll forget their voice.

The sound it made.

You'll forget their laugh, even the little chuckles.

You'll forget the feeling of their touch.

But after a while you'll forget their face, their smile, their eyes.

In the end they'll just be a blank page. You'll have the memories,

but who did you make them with?

And believe me, I try so hard not to forget you, even if I have to. But the memories hurt more, because I know that they mean nothing to you. Do you remember me? Or have you simply forgotten?