
"I was reborn in a fantasy world...as a CENTAUR?!"

Haruka Nakamura was an ordinary college student studying biology in Tokyo, but after being hit by a truck on her way home, she wakes up to find herself reincarnated as a centaur in a strange new world. With her memories of her past life still fresh in her mind, she sets out to explore this new world and navigate her new body. As she travels through the forest, she encounters various creatures and obstacles that test her strength and agility as a centaur. Along the way, she discovers that this world is full of magic and wonder, but also danger and treachery. As she explores the new world, she discovers a dark force that threatens to destroy everything she holds dear. With the help of new friends, including a quirky gnome and a brave elf, she sets out on a quest to stop the evil that threatens to engulf the land. But as she journeys deeper into this new world, she also discovers a duality within herself. She struggles to balance her human nature with her centaur instincts, and she must confront the fact that her past life and her current one are irreconcilable. Through it all, she must rely on her own wit, courage, and strength to navigate this new world and protect those she loves. Will she be able to conquer the darkness and find her place in this new world, or will the duality within herself tear her apart?

axcal · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Chapter 31: The Guardian's Riddle

The journey to uncover the relics of the stars had taken Haruka, Rollo, and Lirael to the heart of Enchanta's vast wilderness. They now stood before the entrance to the Whispering Caverns, a place rumored to hold the first relic they sought—a shimmering starstone said to harness the power of celestial alignment.

As they ventured deeper into the caverns, the air grew cooler, and the echoes of their footsteps reverberated through the labyrinthine tunnels. Haruka's heart raced with anticipation, knowing that they were drawing closer to their goal.

Rollo, with his lantern illuminating the way, broke the silence. "According to the ancient texts, the starstone is hidden within the Chamber of Constellations, deep within these caverns."

Lirael added, "But finding it won't be easy. The Whispering Caverns are known for their cunning traps and riddles."

The trio pressed on, guided by a series of luminous crystals that lit their path. They soon reached a chamber adorned with celestial symbols and constellations etched into the stone walls. At its center stood a massive stone door, engraved with an intricate design.

Haruka examined the design, realizing that it resembled a constellation she had seen during her time in Enchanta. The stars formed a pattern that looked eerily like a key.

"The key to unlocking the starstone must be hidden in this chamber," Rollo surmised.

As they searched, Haruka noticed that the walls whispered ancient verses. She approached one section and traced her fingers over the inscriptions. The verses spoke of the constellations aligning once every thousand years and the power they bestowed upon the chosen one.

Lirael joined her, reading the verses aloud. "When the celestial clock strikes its thousandth chime, the guardian's riddle shall reveal the way."

Haruka contemplated the riddle. "The celestial clock... What could that mean?"

Rollo examined the symbols on the stone door more closely. "Look here, Haruka. These symbols correspond to the constellations in the riddle. We need to decipher their alignment."

As they worked together to align the symbols, they realized that each constellation had a numerical value associated with it. Haruka recalled the ancient books she had perused in the enchanted tomes, revealing the secrets of Enchanta's starry skies.

With meticulous precision, they arranged the symbols according to the numerical values provided in the riddle. As they made the final adjustment, a brilliant light emanated from the stone door. It creaked open, revealing the Chamber of Constellations beyond.

They stepped inside, their breaths catching as they beheld the starstone, a radiant gem that pulsed with celestial energy. Haruka's heart swelled with awe at the sight.

Lirael spoke softly, her voice filled with reverence. "The first relic of the stars—the starstone. It's magnificent."

Rollo carefully approached the starstone, his hands trembling as he reached out to touch it. As his fingers made contact, a surge of energy coursed through him, and his eyes shone with newfound power.

Haruka, too, approached the starstone. She could feel its magic resonating with her very essence. It was a reminder of her destiny and the path she had chosen to walk.

But as they basked in the starstone's radiance, the guardian's riddle echoed in their minds once more:

"When the celestial clock strikes its thousandth chime, the guardian's riddle shall reveal the way."

Haruka frowned, the riddle's meaning still elusive. "What could it mean? And where is this celestial clock?"

Rollo gazed at the starstone, deep in thought. "We've found the first relic, but our journey has just begun. The riddles and challenges ahead will require not only our strength but our wit as well."

Lirael added, "We must remain vigilant and prepared for whatever lies ahead. The fate of Enchanta depends on our success."

With the starstone in their possession and the guardian's riddle etched in their minds, the trio left the Chamber of Constellations, their hearts resolute. They knew that their quest to unlock the power of the stars and protect Enchanta was far from over. As they continued their journey, they remained ever watchful for the next celestial clue that would lead them one step closer to fulfilling the Starlit Prophecy.