
"I'm So Afraid" (ENG Ver.)

This is a story about two identical twins brothers but they have a very different personalities 180 degrees. They are Azka Surya Kencana and Achio Surya Lentera. Azka who have a tough personality and also have a life full of challenge, is in contrast to Chio who has obedient and very innocent personality. Cause have some problem makes them have to live separately. Chio always tries to find a way to meet his brother but always fails. Until one day he had a massage from his brother. "Chio, If I die please find out who did it to me, okay?," "I swear to God I will definitely find who killed you, Bro. I promise to take your revenge so you can live in peace,"

JaeHan_Byun · LGBT+
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4 Chs

A Different Life II - Azka

Like usual nights, the 19-year-old boy drove his sport bike very fast. Does not care about his safety or the safety of those around him. He is Azka; a very reliable racer and famous among other liar racers. Well, currently Azka is competing against a motorcycle gang from a neighboring campus.

The motor sport continued to run at high speed leaving its opponent far behind. For Azka, motorcycle racing, alcohol, and nightclubs are the perfect escape to forget the days that he went through.

Azka increased his speed when he saw the finish line which was not far from where it should be now.


The audience's cheers and applause sounded very boisterous when Azka managed to cross the finish line, which made him win this match. Azka turned off her sports motorcycle and took off her helmet and gloves. He glanced back, where his opponent had just arrived at the finish line.

"You lost. "Don't forget to keep your promise and transfer the funds," Azka said coldly. The person he was addressing just nodded his head in response.

He got off his motorbike and walked towards the edge of the racing circuit he was using earlier. walking towards two young men the same age as him who are now busy eating potato chips in his hand.

"How cool am I?" said Azka very confidently.

"That's cool, but don't do it too often; aren't you scared if Chio finds out about her brother's behavior like this?" said one of the youths.

"Well, don't report it to him; you also know Leon how fussy my little brother is." Well, the young man who asked earlier is Leon, a friend of Chio and also Azka, since they were little and still live together.

"Well, I can't stop lying when Chio asks about you," said Leon, a little irritated.

"It's already noisy; it's better if we just have a party at the night club, how about?" asked the other young man, Ren.

"You always think of a nightclub," Leon interrupted.

"Just let it be If you don't come with me, I can go alone with Azka," said Ren. "Okay, come on, Ka, let's just leave this bustard here alone," he continued.

Azka scratched the back of his neck, but it didn't feel itchy. Actually, he really wanted to go with his two friends, but there was one thing he had to do tonight. "Oh, sorry, I'll just go home."

Leon looked confused. "Why is it so annoying that you go straight home? Are you afraid your father will find out again? Eh, but there's no way you're afraid of him."

"Yes, I'm horrified; I want to repent." "Bye, I'll go first," Azka said as he walked away from his two friends, who were both perplexed by Azka's unusual behavior, which had made it difficult to take him out at night recently.

"What's wrong with him? Is he really repentant?" Ren asked.

"I don't know."

"Okay, let's go home; what are we doing here?" said Ren, who was now starting his motorbike. Leon rides Ren's sport bike. Well, Leon really can't ride a motorcycle, so like it or not, he has to continue riding with Ren, but Ren has no problem with that. The two of them finally left the field, which was now starting to get crowded again because the next match was about to start.


Azka drove her motorcycle towards an abandoned house. He parked his motorcycle behind the house yard to avoid arousing suspicion from those in the neighborhood. He got off his motorcycle and walked into the house. This abandoned house makes it look very neglected. Buildings that are starting to break down on every side, walls filled with strange graffiti, and roots and weeds that are starting to creep up the walls of the house make the house even more tense.

And from the rumors of the residents who were there, according to them, the house was the former home of a robbery that claimed the whole family, so it was not uncommon for them to hear voices asking for help and also moans of pain from inside the house. But no one wants to check into it because of fear. This doesn't apply to Azka because of what? Well, because he is the one who makes these sounds come out of his victims.

Perhaps people would not have thought that he would take this risky but very promising job. a job that requires him to get rid of his humanity so that the clients he handles are satisfied with his performance. a job that is nothing more than being a dependable assassin. No one knows about this side job; even Chio, who is his twin sister, doesn't know. But Azka was very grateful for that because if her beloved younger brother knew what he was doing, his younger sibling would hate him just like his father.

Now Azka is in the abandoned house, which has been her secret base for the last two years. He walked towards the basement, where all the things needed to carry out his heinous act were located. He sat down at a desk there, turning on his computer. If you think Azka is an amateur assassin, then you are wrong. Even though he has only been doing this dirty job for two years, his name is already well-known among the mafia as one of the smartest contract killers. How come? In almost every action, there is no evidence of a crime being committed. All of his victims seemed to just disappear or were made to appear to have had accidents and suicides; besides that, he was also very good at hacking data systems and monitoring CCTV movement activities along his journey.

Azka typed a few words into the computer to hack the identity of the victim this time, who was the child of a government official on orders from her own stepmother. Well, for Azka, this world is full of tricks. The many clients he serves ask to kill their own relatives just to get abundant wealth without any disturbance. But that's none of Azka's business. He was only carrying out his duties as a contract killer. Let's just say he's crazy.

Kring... Kring...

The ringing of his cell phone made him pause in his work. He picked up the phone, which was definitely from his client.

"It's time," was the only word spoken by his client, but Azka really knew what the client meant.

Azka walked towards a wooden cupboard in the corner of the room. wearing a face mask made of latex, making it look very close to real skin, and wearing gloves, a mask, and a hat to complement the action. Not to mention a rifle, a dagger, and various other sharp weapons.

After everything felt ready, Azka walked back out of the old house and got into the car parked behind the house, which is usually used in every action. He started the car and started driving it towards the target, where his victim was this time.

That's the side of Azka that no one knows about, not even her twin brother, Chio.
