
"Eternal Conflict"

In the depths of eternity, terrifying and gruesome entities emerge, instilling fear in the hearts of humans. These loathsome demons take various forms, inducing the greatest terror. These terrifying beings hide and infiltrate the darkness of past ages. These condemned demons, shattering minds, manifest in unimaginable forms. Some take the form of giant beasts, surpassing all imagination. Massive bodies like mountains, covered in torn skins, with limbs twisted like venomous snakes. Others take forms even more impossible and despair-inducing. Ghostly entities formed from dark clouds, shaping and dissipating like mist. They flow mightily through the terrifying space of this world, opening mouths like frightening towers to emit terrifying screams like thunderbolts. As the sun rises on the horizon of life, Its rays reveal a new offspring, pulled from the womb of darkness. That unfortunate child, burdened with the weight of the dark world. Is this true? .........Is Oliver the hero, or is he?

NAH999 · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter Eight Satan's Malice .

Chapter Eight

Satan's Malice


So Huda was surprised by this news: the respected offspring of the mysterious origin bore twins, but due to Oliver's poor talent, he was exiled minutes after his birth.

Huda felt sad for him, just minutes after his birth he was exiled and treated harshly.

"I'm sorry, Oliver," Huda apologized, her tone regretful, realizing her approach was impolite to make him speak of this sensitive matter.

Oliver nodded lightly, "It doesn't matter, thank you."


On the second day of the competition, after announcing the top nine positions, only the tenth position remained, from which the winner would be selected from the losers' group.

Number sixty-six against number thirty-four.

Oliver heard his name being called before descending to the arena. He looked curiously at his third opponent.

"With the third position, the first step," Oliver began, advancing forward.

The bald judge looked at the two before saying, "Get ready," raising the flag high, signaling the start of the match.

A black ethereal aura emanated from Oliver's standing position before gathering in his hand.

Pointing his hand towards his opponent, Oliver said, "Hand of Decay."

A dark, ominous halo formed symbols, taking the shape of a hand before swiftly launching towards his terrified opponent.

As the black hand moved forward, everything disintegrated into black dust.

"Cursed be you!" A large gelatinous halo appeared around his opponent's body, trying to fend off the polluted black hand, but in vain. His halo became helpless against this hand.

"No, no, save me!" his opponent cried out in terror, feeling the impending death crisis.

"Are you going to wait for his death?" one of the elders looked at his peers before rushing quickly to the arena.

The elder looked at the black hand, "Young talents are always impressive," before speaking aloud:

"Hara Kinsho Sento Saraz!"

Fiery red doors expanded before opening forcefully, swallowing the disintegrating black hand.

"The winner is Oliver," the bald judge looked at Oliver, "This boy is dangerous; I must stay away from him."

The last match for the losers' group, number sixty-six against twenty-two.

Oliver stepped into the arena. "Once again, this strange person," remarked Dante as he looked at Oliver.

"The sky has answered his request, placing him against this hateful person once more.

I underestimated you at first, Oliver, but don't think it will be like before," Dante said harshly, looking at Oliver with aggression.

"This hateful person who crushed his face ruthlessly and made his beautiful idol look at him like a clown," Dante thought to himself.

"Sky Butterfly, I rely on you. Ten minutes are enough to get rid of this scoundrel," Dante thought to himself as the heavenly butterfly fluttered inside him.

A transparent blue light enveloped Dante's entire body.

The judge looked at the two before raising his flag high. "Go!"

Oliver raised his hand and aimed it towards Dante, "Hand of Decay."

A large ethereal halo rushed towards Dante quickly.

"Hahaha, don't think, Oliver, that this simple trick will hinder me," Dante laughed as he watched Oliver repeat the same move that ousted his previous opponent.

The black hand passed through Dante's body, continuing its movement to destroy the arena in front of it.

Oliver looked at him, feeling amazed by his movement. Was this his winning card?

But the blue light surrounding Dante made him impervious.

"Damn you, Oliver!" Dante advanced towards him, cursing, before clenching his fist and striking Oliver in the face. Oliver wanted to retaliate against the previous humiliation.

Oliver sighed as he looked at him.

"Why are you foolish? Do you think that just because you have absolute defense, you will be invincible?"

Oliver smiled as he easily avoided his punches, saying,

"It's unreasonable to become in a state of absolute defense; there must be a limit or a loophole that can be exploited."

Dante became more angry as he watched Oliver's composure in facing him. "Don't underestimate me, Oliver!" he shouted.

Dante's grip became faster before slamming into Oliver's abdomen forcefully, attempting to crush him.

"Ugh!" Oliver felt intense pain in his abdomen. It seemed to him that Dante's blow had entered his intestines and hit him hard from the inside.

Oliver looked at him angrily, "Damn you, you despicable one!"

A large black halo spread out as Dante tried to strike Oliver forcefully, but in vain against this intangible blue light surrounding him.

Dante laughed at his chaotic attacks, futilely, "Oliver, your attacks are useless."

Dante looked at his broken hand. "This is the price of a skillful attack, fourth-ranked." It will take at least months to repair it if he doesn't use any healing doses.

According to Dante's count, he felt tense. Seven full minutes had passed; he only had three minutes left to exhaust his skill.

Dante thought to himself, "I must use the spinal destruction to strike again to end the match." Damn it, his body is too rigid, how can he be of the second rank?

Oliver felt the danger as he looked at Dante. He became very angry because of his first punch,

which played with his intestines, making him feel like he was about to vomit blood any moment.

"Will he use it again?" But his hand was damaged due to just one punch, and it seems to have significant side effects on him.

Oliver looked at him with great harshness; his dark eyes were burning with anger.

"Just one punch was enough to end him, after this blue light disappears from him, I won't show mercy to you, Dante."

Oliver sensed Dante's anger. Dante rushed towards him at a very high and stumbling speed, seeing only one thing in his eyes in this world, Dante.

His ethereal aura became very black to the point of opacity. "Disappear, Dante!" Oliver shouted loudly as he punched Dante's abdomen forcefully before closing his eyes and fainting...

Oliver slowly opened his eyes to assess his surroundings. "Am I in my sister's cave? What happened to the winner?"

He felt intense pain in his head, as if he had vomited a lot of blood. Oliver grew very angry,

contemplating Dante's unbelievable skill. How could he possibly maintain absolute defense for more than 5 minutes?

What frustrated Oliver even more was the weakness of his despicable opponent. If he were from the third rank, the fight would have been even more tragic for him.

The sound of footsteps approaching Oliver. It was Laftel, her eyes complex as she looked at her brother who was in a chaotic state with his disheveled white hair, angry eyes, and, more notably,

the gruesome injury on his abdomen that had peeled his skin.

Laftel sighed at her bad luck with her tools and said to him, "Your luck is very bad, Oliver, facing strange and powerful opponents.

But the good thing is that you qualified for the tenth place after a desperate victory."

Oliver felt relieved upon hearing news of his victory. "Well, at least I secured the tenth place."

Laftel looked at Oliver with her red irises, patting his white hair. "Okay, wake up.

Today is the final day of the Demon Suppression Contest. The winners will be determined today when facing the demon." Her eyes grew expectant as she spoke.


Ten contestants gathered in front of an elderly, wrinkled-faced senior.

"Allow me to introduce myself first. I am your elder, Yang Yer. I will be the witness and judge. This heavenly artifact before you will display the highest-ranking contestant causing the most damage to this lower demon.

The first place will be awarded to whoever inflicts the highest damage."

"Are you ready?" His gaze became serious.

"Alright, the first contestant, Laftel the Ferret."

Laftel observed the elder's serious expression, clenching her hand firmly. She also aimed for the first place.

Laftel entered the enclosed arena ahead. The lower demon couldn't escape from it.

A horrifying and grotesque image appeared. It had a huge, twisted figure with grotesque details radiating chaotic energy.

Its deformed skin was dotted with red spots resembling frozen blood, giving it a terrifying and hideous appearance. Its ugly, empty eyes emitted a vacant glare.

"It's disgusting," Laftel looked at it with disgust. "Why does the heavens grant them such abilities?"

"Alright, Laftel, calm down and focus. I need to score the highest points to win," her chest undulated as she adjusted her delicate breaths.

A long golden whip appeared in her hand. Every time she waved it, sparks of fire appeared in the air, accompanied by a loud sound.

"Scourge of Destruction!"

The golden whip in her hand twisted strangely, covered in intense blue flames, before disappearing into the demon's terrifying figure.

"Owwooooooo!" A very loud scream emanated from the lower demon as it tried to rush towards the repulsive creature and tear it apart.

A noise like the screeching of harsh metal came from the demon's body as it received Laftel's blow, which cut off a large part of its body, causing black blood to gush out.

The demon's vacant eyes became chaotic and enraged, and its hard hand, now like metal, stretched out like a snake toward Laftel, trying to tear her to pieces.

Laftel quickly grasped the situation, trying to maneuver quickly. She had to settle it quickly before it recovered.

All demons had a terrifyingly rapid recovery ability. It was not a big deal to cut off a hand or tear apart the guts; it only took longer than usual for them to recover.

"Scourge of Destruction!" The golden whip began to twist in a strange and intricate way, covered in intense blue flames.

"Disappear, cursed demon!" Laftel shouted as the golden whip in her hand twisted, trying to strangle and squeeze the demon while engulfed in intense blue flames.

Her eyes turned extremely white, and numerous veins appeared on her celestial skin.

"Aaaaaaagh!" The demon's screams were very loud as the golden whip crushed and squeezed it while engulfed in intense blue flames, trying to erase it from existence.

Laftel smiled at the sounds of its torment before turning to leave, declaring her victory with pride.

The demon looked at her with great hatred as she left easily. If not for her sealed special abilities, he would have killed her, torn her teeth out one by one, and made her wish for eternal death.

[Leave your comment; I'm interested.]