
Chapter 8: Entrance Exam

As I look around in the arena, I see multiple different species. Vampires, Humans and even zombies. Kinda got scared for a second because I thought the zombies were gonna eat my brain. Turns out the zombies have control over themselves. All these different spirit animals. They have dragons, wolves, and even queens and kings of ancient times. Even..Phoenixs'. Like mine. I could see everyone lined up with their species so I went with Sora and the humans to go take the entries exams.

I picked up the fliers to see what the entrance exams were about. They were into different parts.

 Spirit control, animal control, practical survival and a simple exam

I waved goodbye to Sora as we went our separate ways. I went into the first door labeled Spirit control. Spirit control was split into 3 different categories. Aim control, Elemental capacity, and Elemental output. I chose to go to Aim control. It seemed most simple compared to the other ones. 

I saw an area filled with unique weapons ranging with bows, katanas, and swords. It seemed like a bow would be most simple to use, so I grabbed a bow. There were four targets in front of me. I had to hit all 4 four targets to pass this category. This was my first time using a bow so I was a little nervous. I took an arrow and I shot it towards the first target, but I missed completely. I was confused as to why the arrow went straight? That was until I noticed there were people using elements everywhere so I couldn't concentrate with the elements blowing out of control. I tried my hardest to concentrate and used my flame element to create a small barrier and block out elemental discharge. Then, I lined up my bow. I loaded three arrows into the bow string and I shot two of them, but the third one hit the number nine mark. Luckily, I still passed, hitting the amount of targets necessary to pass. 

I went to the next group of targets. There were fifteen targets. I was surprised by the number of targets this time but elemental control was my best skill so I knew I would pass this with flying colors. I summoned fifteen fireballs but I noticed the targets were moving in a unique way. I realized that this wouldn't be as easy. I would need to keep adjusting my fireballs if I wanted them to hit, but I realized that all I needed to do was pre-fire. This wouldn't work in a real battle but this would work on a target. All I need to do is hit where I need them to go next. As I hit all fifteen targets with a little bit of difficulty, I left aim training in fifth place next. CDC. 

Next was animal control. I thought this was going to be another simple test so I went into the door labeled Animal control. As I walked into the door, a thought popped up in my head. How do these doors work? How do we just walk in and teleport to another dimension? I walked into the room with my name. I was surprised to see that this task was simple. All I had to do was kill two spirit beasts using my spirit animal. It was a hunter vs. Prey sorta thing, interesting.. 

These were simulations so these weren't much of a problem. I got out my spirit animal and defeated it with ease, I walked out of the room, untouched. After I did the exams, which were a piece of cake. The last part of the test would be the hardest. If not, I would die here.