
Chapter 6: Saying goodbye

I can't believe this.. I actually have to say goodbye. Saying goodbye to my family, saying goodbye to my friends, saying goodbye to the life I've known up until this point. What would they say? How would they react? My mind was filled with thoughts and expectations. Maybe I'm exaggerating it just a tad bit. But, I'm not ready to go, I'm not ready to say goodbye. With these thoughts in me, I found myself crying, and the tears were uncontrollably flowing onto my face. 

"The memories" I looked up at the sky and smiled but still kinda teared up. I pulled myself together and went back to Sora.

"Dude, stop crying and being dramatic, you're not saying goodbye forever."

Me and Sora started swinging on the vines of the forest. Last time before we leave. Kinda nostalgic. I saw our house in the forest. I knocked on the door as it creaked. As I walked inside, I saw my uncle waiting for me at the table with a surprise. My uncle told me to open it, so I did. As I opened it, I saw a necklace with a phoenix. He gave Sora a matching necklace. 

"Be safe, you two. Sorry that your parents aren't here to wish y'all luck.goodbye"

I dropped a bag of 3k gold on the table and told my uncle 'Thank you, I'll miss you.' Me and Sora left the house, marking the last time we'll get to see it. 

As we left, all our old memories flashed back to everything we've been through, good and bad. While walking out of the forest, we turned and waved at it. "We'll never forget you."

I guess this is the start of a new chapter in our lives.