
Chapter 1: The wrath of the evil gods.

I don't know what's going on, but what I do know is this world is hell since I killed my mother, but maybe there's hope in this world. Maybe not but what I do know is I will make you pay Sarath and I will kill all the gods. That's a promise. I'm Janiya, I am the girl who will kill the gods. Maybe you want to know how it came to this. I will explain how it all started a few years ago.

 The day I killed my mother, some might think I'm a little insane. Think of the world I live in as a world of supernatural life that doesn't exist on a regular plane of time. My mom was a servant of the gods, and my dad was a God. My dad, at one point, didn't mind humans, but he and the gods' had let the power to get their head there unique power came from the rings that gave them extreme compatibility with the elements . This ring kept all their most powerful abilities, without it, they'd be weakened dramatically. They believed they should be the only beings' alive, and all races should be eradicated. Sarath had a unique ability known as "dark manipulation" which is what he used to control my mom. His goal was to eradicate all races and re-establish them under his control, and he knew he was going to do it, one way or another. 

Story begins 10 years ago. "Janiya, sweetie, wake up" My mom called out to me "Coming mom. I'm getting my armor."

 "Hurry up, your dad's ready to start teaching you." 

"Okay, dad, I'm ready."

 "You ready Janiyah?" 


"First we will start with sword combat training. I will teach you the way of the Diamond Blade Dance. Pick a Sword, I'll take the black and red one. "The curse blade!" Janiyah said confidently. "Are you sure?" My father asked with a bit of determination in his voice and face. "Hell yeah!" "OK…Begin!" slash slash slash a "Stop throwing out random attacks, Janiya! You must learn to use your head first. Don't just charge!" 

"Yeah, but you know this stuff is for my sister Sasha." 

You need to think rationally" He folded his arms. Looked to me like he meant it. 

"Yeah, yeah, Old man"

 "Sasha, come train with your sister, Janiyah, no cheating. Just use your hands, no abilities"

 "Yeah whatever" I didn't care about half of the words he was saying. I just wanted to get it over with. "Damn, I almost got hit." I said with a pout. In one hit, she destroyed the ground. "Janiyah, keep up if you can't. I'll crush you" I could see Sasha look at me like she had just won some kind of battle. I mean, it was me so it seemed like one to her. Boom, Kick, Straight to the ribs. "Damn it, Sasha, That hurt!" "I'm just getting started." She said as she smirked. Combo-Attack Flash Step. "I'm behind you." She sent me flying back. 3 to the face. 3 to the stomach. 

"Okay let's make this fair, Sasha, it's my turn now." Flash Step Flash Step Flash Step The face stomach ribs "If you move, I will cut you in half'' 

"We have a winner "

"Janiyah, don't try to kill our sister." 

"She wasn't gonna die". 

"Chill out, It was a bluff"

 "Go practice with your mother, Janiyah." 

"Yeah Yeah"

 I didn't realize at the time. Maybe if I took my training series. My mom wouldn't be dead. At my feet. Later that day. Sarath you are late, it's time we prepare to destroy humans and all the races. Don't worry. Soon, I'll be the strongest god as soon as I get my hands on the infinity cube and will use its power to destroy every race. 

Many days Later, after careful planning, he was able to get the 2 infinity cubes. Sarath Let the power of the infinity cubes fully Corrupt him, he turned mom into a monster

And she lost control and tried to attack me! I fought my hardest to protect my sister, but my mom, she was trying to kill me while my dad watched. 

After a long battle, I used a secret technique to try to kill my father, to stop his control. But my mom jumped in the way and got stabbed through the chest. To stop the corruption, she gave me the last of her power and told me to seal my father and take one of the infinity cubes and fuse it with me before he regains the full power of the cubes. "Hurry Janiyah, protect your sister. She's knocked out." "I promise you mom, I'll get revenge."

 I stepped forward as if to assert my dominance. "Demonic heavenly seal, return to the underworld where you belong. Be gone!" With that, I sealed him away. But I knew that wasn't the end, couldn't be. The seal wouldn't last forever. I took my sister and I ran. Over the years, we trained with the goal to get revenge. and kill his army of gods. I would reset the balance. This is the story of my student, Noah Kazumah, the kid who will become a god.