
"Caught in the Web of the Spider."

Waking up in a hero's body is one thing, being a hero is another. SI, where Peter Parker's body is taken over and the new owner realizes the world needs a hero, it needs a Spider-man. Fully using Peter's genius, the new Spider-man finds a balance between being a hero and a teenager. Will include MCEU and more.

Carl_One · Tranh châm biếm
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188 Chs

Chapter 8:

"And there are people getting hurt MJ! I promise I'll be fine, I'll call you soon as I can," and without another word I took off.

"Peter!" she cried out but ignored her. She looked afraid, for me and herself, she must have thought I was a glory seeking fool, I know I would have. But the truth is this….I want to be a hero too, my life...it's not that great, but if I can use to to help others than….oh my god, I just realised, I'm going to be Spider-man.

I ran down the street and spotted a second hand cloth store with a busted street window. I ran in and looked around, I needed a costume. I grabbed a red hoodie my size, a pair of blue yoga pants from the women's section, a ski mask and a pair of gloves.

I ran into the trial room and quickly changed. I reached into my back pockets and sure enough my web shooters were there. I slipped them on over my gloves and tested them by firing a web line. It was strong and quick, good.

I grabbed a school bag and put all my clothes in there, zipping it up. I slapped down a twenty on the counter and ran to the door, but I stopped, there were cameras out there, if someone got curious about me they could use them to find me and my secret identity. I needed to be careful, parinoid even.

So I looked around and spotted an open window up near the ceiling leading out into the alley outside. I climbed on the walls, thanking god that my wall crawling abilities worked even while still wearing gloves and sneakers.

I crawled outside into the alley and took the bag with my clothes inside. I pressed it up against the wall and covered it in webs, holding it up there until I could come back and get it.

An explosion drew my attention. I looked up to see the military helicopter come crashing down a few blocks away. It was now or never. I stretched out one hand and fired a webline into the corner of a building. My stomach was filled with butterflies, nervousness and dread filling my soul.

I slowly pushed off the wall and held on tight to the web line, swinging like a pendulum across the alley into the open street.

My stomach lurched as I flew over the destroyed street and landed on the roof of the building on the other side. I stuck the landed and blinked in wonder, looking at my hands and then at the way there I swung.

'Yeah….this is freaking awesome!' I grinned and ran forward. I jumped off the edge of the roof and shoot out a webline. I swung from street to street towards the sounds of destruction, and landed on a rooftop, looking down at the monsters fighting.

The helicopter was still in one piece, thankfully, the battle field was a broken down block of land, barren except for a few barrel fires. And standing on top of the helicopter was Abomination, grinning at the Hulk who looked like he was annoyed more than angry.

The Abomination charged, throwing Hulk into a broken wall. He punched him repeatedly, I looked at the chopper as so soldiers pouring out, a female civilian among them, 'Betty Ross,' I realised.

There was fuel pouring out of the engines, sparks flying everywhere. It was only a matter of time before it went kaboom, even the hulk seemed to realise this as he tried to stop it, but Abomination didn't let him, keeping him pinned up against the wall.

'Look's like it's my turn now,' I gulped as I jumped off the roof and landed with a roll. "Hey all! Fancy seeing you here," I called out, 'why did I do that?! That's so stupid?'

The soldiers looked at me like I was crazy.

"Get out of here, it's going to blow!" Betty warned me, I smiled, nice lady.

"Not if I have anything to say about it," I turned to the leaking fuel tank and fired out web line after web line. I threw the strands around the tank and covered it completely with my web stopping the fuel from leaking out.

The tank was now insulated, the fuel that was already leaked out was dripping into the ground, being absorbed, crisis averted.

I turned around to the Hulk, "hey big guy!" the monster turned to me, "I got this! Kick his ass!"

Hulk grinned, turned to Abomination and gave him a headbutt, the resulting crack was so loud I could hear it from here as Abomination held his nose in pain. They began to fight once more, this time Hulk wasn't distracted from saving lives.

I turned to the soldiers still stuck inside the copter, I jumped in and slowly one by one pulled each of them out, handing the unconscious and injured ones to those who could still walk.






Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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