
the great sleeping Kagorou's beginning. (the star's case)

3 day's passed in a flash and "Shinichi" is still stuck in a little girl's body that "he" named "Irene edogawa" to hide "his" identity from the men in black cloak, and for "them" (both Shinichi and Irene)there family and friends safety. in order to track those men in black "she" is now living at the detective agency that "his" childhood friend's father lives in, that is now a useless agency. or so to say.....

------------back to Irene-----------

curses!!! I need to go back to elementary all over again!!! Aghhh!!!!! Irene said to herself as the sun shines through the window of her room, that Ran prepared for her.

those men in black!!! she said angrily. just you wait!! I "Kudou Shinichi" will tell the world who you guys are and what your shabby organization do!!! she thought gritting her teeth as she suddenly hears a loud laughter out of her room.

Hahahahahahahahahah!!!! go Yoko Okino!!! a man shouted as he watched TV while drinking a beer at the pile of garbage around him

he. he. he!! Irene said in disappointment to the man infront of her that was used to be a top notch police officer and a supposed to be detective.

the reason I live here "for now" is because I might get a lead about those men in black cloak and maybe be able to track them down and catch them, but... that detective.... she said to herself as her eyes are looking at Mouri Kagorou lazily.

he doesn't have a single case coming at all!!, let alone a vital information about the men in black. she mentally sighed, like she was tired for a year worth of work and turned to see a poster of the famous Pop Star "Yoko Okino" on the wall.

oy, oy!! aren't you too old for that... Irene thought tilting her head at the poster directedly, before she changed her pajamas and wore the clothes Ran bought yesterday. it's was a sky-blue skirt and a white T-shirt with blue stripes at the edge of the shirt and headband.

nope... Irene snaped and change again to her blue suit and white skirt and went to Mouri.

hey, oji-san?? shouldn't you be clean, so that your presentable if a client comes around?? Irene asked lazily at the man.

that is if a client came comes, brat!! Mouri stated.

you want it to be clean?? clean it. Mouri added holding his beer and drink it.

if not, leave it! he ended.

okay!! Irene said cheerfully. in that case I will find you a client so that you can clean up your mess. she added innocently as she tilted her head.

also oji-san... I saw what you did yesterday. I will tell that to Ran-san too.

Irene remarks as a bright devilish smile lined to her lips.

wha--wait you brat... Mouri said as he quickly cleaned all that garbage around him.

now go get me clients! Mouri said as he finished swiftly.

and irene-chan... we're friends right. don't tell your Ran-san about yesterday okay... it will be our little secret. Mouri stated.

wow... oji-san!! client will be surely pleased. and also I will go out now for school Kay? after that I will get us lots of clients. Irene said with a bright smile as she walked to the door.

wait Irene. what about our secret?? Mouri asked worriedly.

oh that... it's our little secret. Irene said with a wink before walking out the door

Mouri mentally sighed when the girl was gone out.

as I thought that girl is not simple... Mouri complained.

also having two women now is very troublesome. he complained again before turning back to Yoko's show.

go yoko-chan!! he yelled.

---at the elementary school---

3 x 3 = 9!!!!

4 x 6 = 24!!!

the kids at class gladly answered


oy, oy!! give me a break!! Irene complained as she was mentally bored.

after the long boring class ended, Irene was heading to doctor Agase's house after when suddenly a little girl ran up and aproched behind her.

irene-chan!! why don't you walk home from school with us? the little cute girl named Ayumi asked her causing her to turn around and look at the exited six year old girl.

your the first new kid in a while, you must be kinda lonely alone. we'll be your friends. Ayumi said happily while two boys followed too.

ah thanks Ayumi-chan I appreciate the offer of walking with me but no thanks you. Ran-san is probably waiting for me outside right about now. and also I'm kinda busy... Irene politely refused as she scratched the head lightly.

ah... so little miss pretty thinks she's too good for us! guess I need to get put the snob pounder!... a fat boy named Genta said as he rolled his sleeves causing Irene to to glare at him sharply as the boy lifted his fist treating to hit her.

Irene was glad that Ran was not around to see this. or else he might have the beating of a lifetime.

yeah... good job Genta-kun!! threatening her... now she will really like us!! the other boy with a freckles named Mitsuhiko said looking at the fat Genta. he slightly blushed when he realized that Irene was watching him defend her.

after a while Genta threatened Mitsuhiko next causing Ayumi to stop them into hurting each other.

Irene saw this as a opportunity to escape and said her good bye's to the group.

nice meeting you! bye! she exclaimed before running away to the three kids, causing them to watch the curly brown hair girl drift away.

Irene was not too surprised when she was Ran outside the gate to walk home with her.

hi Ran-san!!. Irene greeted the high school girl as she walked over to her. you don't have to walk with me all the time if you don't want too or don't have time to. Irene said reaviling a smile as the women smiled back and reached out her little hand wich she galdly accept and walked home.

I know that irene-chan, but I did want to walk with you on you're fist day of school here you know. I don't want you to get lost or lose you too... Ran said smiling sadly at Irene.

I mean... you just lived with us in two days, I don't want risking you getting lost on your way home. Ran suddenly said beaming a bright smile

Irene could only nod. and smiled back. but knowing that "his" childhood friend was worried about "him".

oh, right Ran-san. can we head fist to doctor Agase's home??. I need to asked him something. Irene asked Ran and she agreed to do so.

as the two females reached the professor's house, Ran asked to head home first and reminded Irene the way to the agency repeatedly before heading out. leaving Irene and the professor behind.

Hahahahahahahahahah!!! he's that bad is he, that detective Mouri!? the professor asked loudly as he laughed.

the old man's completely useless!! Irene answered lazily, both this hand behind his back

c'mon now lad, don't say that... he was a top-notch cop back in his days... the doctor defended as he continued to do his experiments

I know doctor Agase... you told me that before... but still. I have to find those men in black cloak soon. so that I can get the drugs components substance that made me shrink!!! Irene said seriously as she crossed her arms.

now, now... don't rush it Shinichi-kun... they tried to kill you using that drug. they might try to kill you once again if they realize your corps was never found!! the doctor reminded the other party.

more importantly you haven't told anybody besides me, haven't you?? the doctor asked anxiously at the girl.

If they find out you're actually Kudou Shin--professior Agasa was cut off by Irene.

I know, Dr. Agase... the people around me will be in danger as well, correct?? don't worry! I firmly established myself as Irene edogawa around Ran and Mouri oji-san. even if he was useless he is sharp from time to time. Irene assured the old man.

oh speaking of Ran-san, she came by again yesterday... also before she left earlier she asked if there was a sign of you coming home.

what about yesterday? Irene asked

it was sometime in the evening... she said you were not at school again yesterday and she knows that you've not been at home too... she thinks your missing since the day you two got to the amusement park. the doctor said.

she also knows that you've been glaring at those men in black at that time and been eyeing them. I'm glad that I stopped her from informing the police that you've been missing and might have been kidnapped or killed by those men in black or else she might become a target too. I convinced her that you're just in a tough case somewhere and is safe. he added.

Ran... she never shows how worried she is at home. "Shinichi" thought but then remembered what she said when they were walking earlier.

in any case, we've got to get your old boby back as soon as possible... the doctor said in a worried tone. as he looked at the little girl who was supposed to be a high school boy

yeah... I'm helpless like this... i was planning to take karate lessons with Ran's help but I don't thinks that's enough... Irene stated looking down at the floor.

and... I can't worry Ran anymore... she mentally noted.

oh! that right!! the professor suddenly said as he searched through his mechanical inventories.

I made you something!! I thought it might help you're investigation... he said merrily as he continued to search through the pile of mechanical items he has.

here it is.!! isn't it cute!! the professor exclaimed as he showed a red hair bow to the girl.

I know you dont like pink, and red is fitting for you're Snow White skin and cute curly brown hair! don't you think so too "Irene-chan"? the professor asked almost boasting like a kid waiting to be praised.

Irene frowned at the radient scarlet red hair bow.

what does it do Dr. Agase...? she asked looking at the hair ornament.

it's a voice modulator hair Bow!! the professor said proudly.

voice modulator?? Irene asked.

you can turn the dial on the back of the bow and change into all sorts of different voices and sounds. it's pretty convenient for you in this situation!! the doctor explained.

wow... Irene said amazed but frowned when she remembered its a hair ornament. because she need it, she always has to ware it. and that made her grimm

old people or young to infants, tt can change into it all... both men and female too!! he added.

this is amazing Dr. Agase!!! but, can you do something even cooler? something that I can use to catch criminal's with one shot?? cool gadgets like that? Irene asked remembering what happened last time

you see, Dr. Agase... since I've been shrunk and all, I'm not very strong as before. adding the fact that I'm a person with the body of a little girl now too.. even if I can track those criminal's I can't upper hand them let alone capture them. Irene pointed and reasons the man.

all right, leave it to me!! I'll come up of something!! the professor assured the little girl, that even thou she is depressed and looks fragile when sad, it still looks utterly cute that you want to help with all you can.

but even if you do make something, who knows if I'll ever get to use it. she suddenly said.

nobody comes into the old man's office... Irene complained

"Shinichi-kun" it's up to you!! the doctor said lifting the mood.

you need to work hard behind the scenes! solve a lot of cases! and make Kagorou Mouri seems like a great detective.! the doctor motivated.

his reputation will rise and the cases will start pouring in!! he added.

the old man... a great detective, huh?? Irene lazily said.

it's not impossible to make him a great detective but it will take him a very long time. Irene said weakly.

you can do it "Shinichi-kun" Agasa cheers and said he's good bye to the little girl.

---------back at the agancy---------

welcome back irene-chan ~~ Ran greeted happily and smiled at the girl.

you must be hungry. I'll cook something right up! Ran said as she hurriedly run toward the kitchen

Irene was at the door when she suddenly saw Mouri Kagorou lying drunk on the table with cigarette buds and beer cans again

I take back everything I said earlier... this guys it impossible! Irene said to herself as she he rubbed the back of her head lazily. when suddenly the alarm clock rang



mmff?. . . the man muffled.

whoa... hey!... he suddenly rushed and opened the TV and watched Yoko Okino's show.

yoko-chan!! OHH!! the man said hands clasped like praying at a God.

yup! definitely impossible... Irene mentally said as she looked at the man defeated.

ding dong!! the door bell rang

mmm?? who's that!? I'm busy!! the man said annoyed as he walked to get the door.

yes, this is Mouri private investigators office... Mouri said as he opens the door

I'd like to discuss something with you... the woman at the door said.

naww, not today. we're closed!! Mouri said as he walked away.

if you guys have case for me come back. . . . he suddenly slowed and stiffens . . . . tomorrow. . . ? and stopped only to come at the door again


you're.. you cant be.... Mouri pointed out at the woman.

Yoko Okino!? the detective surprisingly yelled

yes... Yoko Okino replied at the stunned detective.

but you're on TV right now.!! how--!? the asked.

that's taped... the pop star answerd.

like I said... I have a case for you. the star said softly at the man

c-case..!? the detective said as he suddenly dashed through a room and changes his clothes properly and presendably as possible.

as he walked out of the room as his sudden dazling appirance was shown to the group adding his red rose at hand.

pray, what's the matter of my dear Godess Okino? Mouri asked holding the rose close to his face as he strikes a pose.

who are YOU?.... Irene asked to herself

y-yes, well... actually... Yoko said. someone's been stalking me... that's why I want you to investigate it... Yoko said firmly in a wisper

someone's been stalking you!? Mouri asked loudly

yes... the pop-syar replied.

you sure it's not some tabloid reporter? the detective asked calmly

that's what I thought at first too, but... there's something strange about this stalker actions. and that not all. Yoko said in defense politely.

when I got home, I sometimes find my furniture rearranged... I receive photos of myself in mail taken without my knowledge. I even get silent phone calls all the time... the pop-star said shivering as she recalled those times

....and when I was alone last night someone started chasing me. she added feeling cold sweat to her skin.

I'm so scared I can't haven't had decent night's sleep!! she finally blurt's out

if I could only get my hands on the bastard! the detective said in anger

We'd prefer that you keep this investigation as discreet as possible, if the police got involved, her image might...you know... the man with Yoko said, hoping that the detective find a bitter understanding of what might happen to the star.

ehh, who are you supposed to be? the detective asked.

o-oh, excuse me.... I'm her manager, Mr. Yamagishi. Yamagishi replied

hmm... he manager Eichi Yamagishi ehh? Mouri muttered.

understood! the investigation will be confidential! the detective calmly said

thank you very much!! both Yoko and the manager said in delight.

now if you'll just write down your phone number and address here... Mouri pointed at the paper.

s-sure! the pop-star then started to write.

....and you're signature right here... Mouri added as he gives a piece of signature notebook

and please don't forget to write " to Kagorou"... he reminded

huh? Yoko said confused. but still writes it down

now just leave this matter to detective Mouri Kagorou and everything will be just fine! hahahaha! I won't let a single soul lay a finger on you miss Okino! the big fan airhead exclaimed in happiness

now! let's start by checking out your apartment for more information. the detective added

okay... the manager replied

otou-san! can I got too? Ran asked suddenly.

l wanna see what's a stars room look like! right irene-chan? she added involving Irene into it as well.

uh, yeah... Irene can only nod at the lady.

ahhgg. fine, you can tag along but you'd better not get in my way. Mouri reminded the two.

of course not! Ran assured as she happily smiled.

oy, oy! this is the girl who's suppose to be worried about me? Irene asked to herself as she looked at Ran's bright smile.

that was when Yoko Okino noticed the little girl in the room besides the high school student. she didn't notice her earlier cause she was too worked up by her fear and the fact that she is talking to a detective.she has no time to look around her surroundings and see the angle in the room.

and who might you be? Yoko Okino asked Irene

I'm Edogawa Irene!! I'm six years old and a first grader!! Irene introduced "herself" both hands at her back and smiled at the pop-star

KYAAA!! KAWAII!! both Ran and Yoko yelled and the star hugged the girl tightly

as Irene gasped for air.

air... please...! Irene pleaded and so Yoko then let her go.

homem irene-chan your just too cute. Yoko apologized

I know right!! she's to cute it's a sin!! Ran agreed and smiled at Yoko.

yes! I know right! Yoko also agreed and both Ran and the pop-star formed a agreement and friendship

ha.ha....! Irene could only look at the female pair holding each others two hands as there eyes sparkle at there new found friendship. Irene understand's why Ran could act this way. cause she is the splitting image of a dolting and an overprotective mother. but she doesn't understand why the hell would Yoko Okino the POP-STAR!! act this way too.

irene-chan, if you want to be a star just look for me. both Ran-chan and I will make you look like a goddess. Yoko said as looking at her like she was a gem.

now I understand... Irene thought as she understood why the pop-star acted the way she is now. she's looking at her like a possible star.

ehem!... Mouri cutted there star search conversation and wanted to proceed to the investigation.

yes, yes... Yoko said in embarrassment as she remembered what she was here for.

---in the building that Yoko lives---

wow! what a building! Mouri complimented the view outside the 25th floor window.

a fitting residence for miss Okino. he added.

please, not out loud! the manager stopped the detective.

nobody knows she lives here!!

Ohh... the detective reacted feeling wronged.

you live in the 25th floor yoko-chan! Ran said in amazement looking at the beautiful view.

yes... the view is incredible isn't it? Okino said happily as she opened the door of her home.

please come it... Okino invited them but stopped and walked back slowly with a dark face

what's wrong Yoko? Yagamashi asked and saw the look nasty the stars face.

oh, no... oh, my... Okino mumbled shivering, not hearing her manager's question

both Mouri and Irene felt something amiss in the mood and run towards the door.

what's the matter!? the detective Mouri Kagorou asked before turning his face inside the room

gasp! what the--!? the detective asked as he turned and saw what's inside the room

KYAAA!!!!!!! Yoko and Ran screamed in terror as a bloody body layed in the room with a knife a his back surprising the group of people at the door.