

Unova was Ash's lowest point. Shattered, demotivated and at a loss, he turned off Alexa's offer to go to Kalos, finishing to sulk on himself everyday. Pikachu is always there with and for his trainer. Even after a journey through Alola, the boy hasn't recovered. Maybe, it is time for a new Dawn...and maybe Again it will be tomorrow.

Simic1997 · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs

A broken heart and a soft wind

That's it. They left.

"So ready to go to the Kalos region, Ash?"

"I'm really sorry Alexa… I think I can't come anymore."

"Why now? You were so excited only a minute ago!"

"Yes, it was only to not make Iris and Cilan worried. Right Pikachu?"


"Well, Ash. I get it… But I know that in a little period of time you will be fine again. I'll be waiting for you in Kalos."

"Thank you, Alexa,…"

"Now it's better get going… I'll see you again, won't I?"

"You will, I'll come. That's a promise."


He was a man to always look forward, to move from place to place. But now, he felt like moving was aching.


For a 16 years old young Ash Ketchum, this moment was very hard.

He had come back from Unova. The last journey was something traumatic for him. For the first time in his life, he felt like he had regressed from his past experiences.

The same feeling was felt by the boy's best friend, Pikachu. Since the whole incident with Zekrom, Pikachu knew his powered was more than halved but, even during the league, he wasn't able to summon his full strength.

In a way, Pikachu felt worse than Ash. He thought he failed his number one partner.

Truth to be told, Ash felt horrible for Pikachu because he couldn't help his buddy.

Even in that moment of weakness and self-doubt, Ash put himself aside and decided to train with Pikachu and stay even more with him in order to get him in shape.

It was by pure coincidence that his mother, after that Ash had stayed home for over three months, decided to take him on a little vacation in Alola.

It turned out to be what Ash needed. He went there with only Pikachu and decided to stay there to train again, living with the local researcher and teacher Professor Kukui. He attended the local Pokémon school. There, he had made good friends in Mallow and Lana, had helped Lillie with her fears but was never fond of Kiawe's sudden challenges, something very odd for Ash.

No one clearly noticed that, since they had met him only a little while ago, but Pikachu noticed.

The yellow Pokémon confronted Ash on the problem, but Ash brushed the matter off telling him that his focus was helping his recovery.

The duo engaged a rivalry with the Legendary protector Tapu Koko which had given Ash a Z-ring, a bracelet that was able to summon powerful moves if accompanied by a crystal.

Ash challenged the trials on the islands befriending new Pokémon like Litten, Rowlett and Rockruff.

Litten would later evolve into Incineroar and Rockruff into a unique dusk form Lycanrock. A true exception in the world.

The bond between Ash and Pikachu grew even more. They could move in sync, their hearts beating at unison during a battle, making their minds connected.

They could talk together and, to some extent, understand what the other was thinking in a moment. Their auras were in complete harmony and shared some sort of resemblance. I was like they were one.

During a battle, this new talent would shine even more and that made them proud. They had come a long way and finally all the scars Zekrom had left in Pikachu's strength were healed.

Professor Kukui, who had now become a father like figure for Ash, had called it "Buddy phenomenon" meaning that this was the result of all the challenges and obstacles they had come through together.

That was the ultimate power of Ash and Pikachu friendship. Pikachu was back to his old self and Tapu Koko challenged him in one last battle. During the climax, the Legendary Pokémon decided to give Ash and Pikachu a unique Z crystal, unique like their bond. That move also overshadowed the Tapu's signature Z move, and the duo won a battle that earned them a lot of fame in the region.

During those times, Ash became a new person, enjoying Alola in all its forms, all its power. That region had become his second home and Pikachu thought so too.

It was heartbreaking to leave Alola and his new family. But Ash felt ready for his new adventure, after a year since his promise to Alexa.

He landed in Vermilion City and saw the gym. He suddenly was afraid again…

In Alola everything was great because he had spent the time bonding with his Pokémon, training, enjoying Alola as a whole. But there, there weren't Gym battles and leagues; There, he was with his friends and that was all.

The thought of starting another journey like Unova made him sick. He vomited, scaring Pikachu like mads.

He came back home, her mom waiting for him, and he lost his drive again.

He didn't want to… Ash had failed himself… He only wanted to be with his Pokémon to hide his feelings from every human being.

But Pikachu was done with it… And he delivered.


Once again, morning was difficult for Ash. Every day he would wake up in the same bed, have breakfast, go washing himself and Pikachu and then running to his Pokémon at the lab.

Every day, he would have a confrontation with Pikachu, telling him to not worry.

Pikachu would always tell him that he was wrong, that he had to find the strength to put himself again on the line like he had done in Alola.

In over a month of discussion Pikachu never obtained direct information from his trainer, but now, through their bond, he knew.

Ash hated the pressure to be again in front of his mistakes travelling like he did until Unova.

Alola had been diverse only because of the strong bond he made with Kukui, his team and Pikachu.

But most of all, he didn't feel pressure.

That was what Ash needed. To be free from everything that could obscure his mind.

Pikachu knew also what a possible solution could be.

He decided to act one night.

He spoke to Ash's mom. She couldn't understand what Pikachu was saying but she could get the heart of the message out of the Pikapika speech.

She smiled. Pikachu was the best thing happened in Ash's life.

"Count on me Pikachu!" she exclaimed happily.

Pikachu went outside and relaxed. Soon his best friend would be out from his shower and would come with him.

For now, his only thought was about his plan. That plan had a name: Dawn.


A girl in Twinleaf Town was running up and down in her house, packing everything she could.

She had come back just yesterday but was eager to start a new journey.

A Piplup was observing the scene from the sofa with the mother of this girl who was patiently sipping a tea.

The blue penguin was getting annoyed by the fact that the girl had missed a crucial part of her preparation.

So, he decided to act firing a Bubblebeam right on the girl's face who hit the floor.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR, MISTER!?" she shouted, angry that her hair, with so much care combed this morning, were now all shiny and ruined.


The girl was a little taken away. "Right, where are we heading to?"

Piplup deadpanned while her mother only sighed.

"So, Dawn. What are your options?"

"Well," she started, putting her finger on the chin, "I can give a shot to the Sinnoh circuit or gain some more experience…"

Her mother came next to here and placed a hand on her daughter's shoulder: "Are you feeling ready to re enter your home circuit?" she asked.

Dawn thought for a bit: "In reality, I would like to travel to some other places before coming here. I feel like I still have a lot to improve to beat Zoey and be the best coordinator I can be"

Johanna, Dawn's mother, held a knowing smile: "You know? I passed your same phase when I went out on my own all those years ago"

Dawn raised her gaze, meeting her mother's tender expression: "Did you?"

Johanna went on:" Of course I did. And wanna know what I did?"

Dawn nodded. "I tried new things, explored new places, got to know a lot of people. And…" she added with a smirk, "I also found who would have in the future been your father!"

Dawn's cheeks turned red at the subtle implication, but her horrified face turned quickly into one of plead:

"What do you think I should do?" she asked expectantly, ignoring the embarrassment that her mother's last statement had caused her.

"Well. If I was you, I would try something like the Kalos Showcases."

Dawn had never heard about this. "Showcases are performances where your only goal is to shine together with your Pokémon. But I think it's much better seeing what I intend rather than just explain"

She turned the TV on and for the next few hours, they watched the latest Masterclass performances.

What shocked Dawn was the great harmony of the exhibitions of two girls.

The first one had blue hair and her Pokémon was a meringue like one, with what looked like a cherry on the top of its head.

The last one was a tanned girl with a cute flower like Pokémon and an Ivysaur.

Ever more astonishing, however, was the performance made by the famous "Kalos Queen" Aria. Her show was not only beautiful, harmonic, and joyful but also inspiring.

Dawn felt her blood pumping and her heart going on fire. She had decided. Next stop: Kalos.


Later that night, mother and daughter were having dinner together, chatting about the Kalos region and all the crazy stuff Dawn would be able to see there when the phone rang.

Johanna stood to answer, and Dawn went on daydreaming about her new adventure, Piplup and the other Pokémon joining the excited state of her trainer.

"Dawn, there's someone for you" shouted her mother, snapping Dawn out of her trance.

"Uh, who can possibly be?"

Coming to the phone, a yellow cute snout with red puffy cheeks appeared: "Pikaka!" shouted the Pikachu.

"Pikachuuu?!" asked a surprised Dawn, "Is it really you?!"


"Oh, my Arceus. It's been so long! Where is Ash? How did he do in Unova? He won, doesn't he? And you? How have you been? Hey, where's Ash?!" she bombed the little Pokémon with so many question that, if the mouse had been there, he would have electrocuted the noisy girl from stress.

Instead, Pikachu looked away from the screen and Delia Ketchum appeared.

This was strange from Dawn's perspective.

"Hi dear Dawn. How are you?" Ash's mother asked with a caring gaze.

"I'm totally fine Mrs. Ketchum. And you? Where is Ash?" she asked, feeling that this call had probably other intentions aside from courtesy.

"I'm fine, dear. I'm sure you are wondering why I'm calling with Pikachu and there's no sight of Ash. Well, you can say that he is having some troubles lately."

Dawn's eyes widened in realization. Ash was still home even after an entire year since the Unova league.

Delia and Pikachu went on telling the girl all about Ash's situation and also about the fact that he was meant to head to Kalos but still didn't.

At this Dawn grew confident again: "I will take him to Kalos with me. Wait for me. Tomorrow, I leave, and I will come to Pallet" she proclaimed with fire on her eyes.

Pikachu and Delia shared a relieved look. The first part went smoothly.


Dawn couldn't sleep that night. Her mind was racing through hundreds of thoughts.

Her new adventure, new Pokémon and new friends. But also. Ash.

The guy she first met at the start of her journey. She was only thirteen. He was the guy who taught her everything, the best fried someone could possibly ask for. Always there, supporting her, trusting her. She wouldn't have come that far if it wasn't for him.

And the same could be said for Ash. He performed like he had never in Sinnoh. And even if she wouldn't say that, probably ash thought that it was also thanks to Dawn, she had helped the guy in a lot of ways, from cheering for him to helping him regain his confidence to even creating a combo move together. Together, they were amazing.

Dismissing the hope to sleep soon, Dawn got up, careful to not wake Piplup and headed to her balcony.

She breathed the night's air, fresh and pure.

She was worried for Ash. She couldn't have imagined how he was feeling even if he had given her hints during their brief meeting in Unova.

She had soon shrugged them off. She was a bad friend. Ash was suffering and she didn't do anything; Heck, she didn't even care to ask if something was bothering him. She had seen him one night during the Unova meeting going out with only Pikachu and she simply didn't follow him like she would have done back in Sinnoh.

A tiny strain of tears covered her eyes. What a horrible person she had become… She had let down her mentor, her best friend, the guy who always inspired everyone. She was so lucky to be his best friend. And she let him down when he really needed.

She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and moved a lock of hair from her face. With her pearly eyes shining from the reflection caused by the stars and the moon high in the sky, she placed a hand on her chest.

"I won't let you down, Ash"

She calmed down after saying it. She stayed there for a while more, enjoying the night and her mind wandered about all the crazy stuff she was about to meet upon exploring Kalos. With Ash. Alone. With Ash. In the region of love. With Ash. Alone. The region of love.

The thought made her cheeks flowering with a cute tone of pink. Her hands now clutched to her chest as if listening carefully at the now accelerated beating of her heart.

"Me and Ash, alone, in the region of love!" she whispered with a peaceful smile from the railing. And then, her eyes started to glow while her mind stated to wander around again.


From the terrace downstairs, Johanna was able to hear her daughter while petting her Glameow. Her lips curved into a graceful smile: "Never thought otherwise".

Welcome to the first, completed chapter of “Again”. I didn’t expect so much support but to thank all of you, I decided to drop the first full chapter.

Hope you liked it. Thanks for all your love.

About the cover: My girlfriend is making the one for this book, but I still didn’t find someone to help me with “When a life fades away”. If you can help me with the search, it would be much appreciated.

Until chapter two, see ya!


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