
อ่านหนังสือนิยาย streetfights ออนไลน์ - WebNovel


  • The Streetfighter and the Gang Lord

    One would expect the guy was the gang lord while the girl was the feisty streetfighter right? Oh how are you so wrong. .............................. Xavier Collins was the streetfighter known as 'The Crusher' at night and the 'bad boy' at school. He was known for being arrogant, reckless, and has a pride of a boxer. But don't get me wrong, he doesn't sleep around like those players. No, he would rather spin his motor than sucking a girl's face. Now, Meet Annalissa Winters. The 16 year old loner at school but the leader of the most feared yet respected gang in the town. Black Blood. Like her last name, her demeanor was of an ice princess in the cold winter, but that's what makes it more scarier. Both of them are different yet in similar situation. How will they coexist in this strange world of their?

    Fallen_Wings8Tears · สมัยใหม่
  • The Gangleader meets Streetfighter

    Hazel Gray already have enough on her mind with trouble at home with her dad and taking care of her little sister but when she accidentally crash into the badboy of the school will she have deal with his problems too. Will he find out her little secret or will she find out his

    Lexcene_Nurse · วัยรุ่น
  • God Brawler: From Streetfighter to God Brawler

    Brawlers: The name given to the humans who have been awakened to a power gifted by the gods. These people can wield immense power with almost no effort and are not bound in any fashion. Well... most are... F-Rank: Streetfighter E-Rank: Combatant D-Rank: Boxer C-Rank: Soldier B-Rank: Warrior A-Rank: Warlord S-Rank: Olympian Champion Z-Rank: God Brawler These are the ranks given to each Brawler individually. F-Rank: The bottom of the barrel. Not worth anything to the world beyond. A lowly human. Some of them are even weaker than humans. Which is why they are viewed as such an expendable pieces on society’s game board. They are used for one purpose; a simple means to an end. But this is where some differences between the fates of these warriors begin. Most F's are killed immediately upon being activated. Their deaths have little or no impact on society. They are considered trash to throw and nothing else But some things are more precious than that. Some are priceless. And this is one of them. In a world where only the strongest can survive, a person with enough strength could make everything change. A singular person is capable of making history. And while they may be small in stature, they can make people believe otherwise. To bring the light into darkness. Words spoken by humans may seem hollow and empty but they carry much weight within a world like this. A world where everyone lives according to their own selfish goals. A world where you either get things to go the way you want or die trying. Where there are no second chances nor fruits bored when you fail. This is his goal. His desire. This desire, which he had never felt before, drove him onward in life. In order to become stronger. For others to follow behind him. For the future to change. Reaching the final step toward Apotheosis. That was his mission.

    Kanjun · แอคชั่น
  • The Dilequent: The Street Fighter

    (Book 1 Of The Book Series: The Dilequent: ...) Luna is your typical Nerdy school girl. Nice, caring, helpful, and an overall bubbly and colorful personality. That is until night time comes around. Luna is an abused girl. Her mother left her st the young age of 7. And her father started to beat her at the age of 8. Soon enough, Luna started getting into fights in elementary school and some of middle school. In punishment, her father forced her to do streetfighring for the first time at the age of 13. It was supposed to be a punishment, a fight in which she should've lost. Keyword should've. Ever since her father has been forcing her to do streetfighting. But, what happens when one night a newbie turns out o be a rat? What happens when she gets arrested? Not as Luna but as Bones? What happens when Luna figures out that she's actually one of the most wanted streetfighting criminals? What happens when she's offered a deal that she can't refuse? Not just for her but for her streetfighting friends? Looks like you'll just have to read to find out!

    Alyzabeth_Hawkins · วัยรุ่น

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