
อ่านหนังสือนิยาย kuroshitsuji elizabeth manga ออนไลน์ - WebNovel


  • Villain: Transmigrated Into A NTR Manga As The Antagonist

    An infamous playboy, killed by a former lover, inexplicably awakens to discover himself transmigrated into a NTR manga, assuming the role of the antagonist - Alex Smith. Propelled by a mysterious system that magnifies his skill in captivating women, he holds the power to seduce the women that belong to the various “main characters“. 【Ding! The Queen of Hearts System has awakened.】 【Overall goal: Steal all the heroines from the various main characters across the world.】 【Reward: God Status.】 ----------------------------------------------- [Disclaimer: This novel is based around Netori, NOT Netorare. Alex will NOT get cheated on, and there will be NO Yuri.]

    Zentmeister · สมัยใหม่
  • Abandoned by the Alpha, I Became the Lycan King's Mate

    "Margaret, you're the older sister, you have to give in to the younger one." In her whole life, those words clung like a curse to Margaret. Whether it was her beloved teddy bear, pretty dresses, Halloween candies, or parental love, if Elizabeth asked, she had to unconditionally yield them all up to her. Since young, Elizabeth had weighed down on Margaret like an enormous mountain and suffocated her. Fortunately she still had a boyfriend who had loved her for six years—Amster, the pack alpha. "You will be my wife and the future luna of the pack," He promised. Until the day when she and her sister was turning 18 years old, and Amster's lover and fated mate turned out to be her twin sister Elizabeth! Margaret watched as Amster, who had said he loved her, passionately kissed with Elizabeth, and announced Elizabeth as the luna without a second thought. The only emotional sustenance Margaret possessed crumbled; once again, what belonged to her had been snatched away by Elizabeth. What's worse, Amster even asked Margaret to entertain the guests. All because Elizabeth knew nothing except how to wheedle and dress herself up. Unable to refuse the request of her former lover, Margaret agreed to this...

    JQK · แฟนตาซี
  • Abandonada pelo Alfa, me tornei a Companheira do Rei Lycan

    "Margaret, você é a irmã mais velha, você tem que ceder à mais nova." Em toda a sua vida, essas palavras grudaram como uma maldição em Margaret. Seja o seu amado ursinho de pelúcia, vestidos bonitos, doces de Halloween ou o amor dos pais, se Elizabeth pedisse, ela tinha que incondicionalmente cedê-los a ela. Desde jovem, Elizabeth pesava sobre Margaret como uma enorme montanha e a sufocava. Felizmente ela ainda tinha um namorado que a amava há seis anos—Amster, o alfa da alcateia. "Você será minha esposa e a futura luna da alcateia," Ele prometeu. Até o dia em que ela e a irmã estavam completando 18 anos, e a amante e companheira destinada de Amster acabou sendo sua irmã gêmea Elizabeth! Margaret assistiu enquanto Amster, que disse que a amava, beijava apaixonadamente Elizabeth e anunciava Elizabeth como a luna sem pensar duas vezes. O único sustento emocional que Margaret possuía desmoronou; mais uma vez, o que pertencia a ela havia sido arrancado por Elizabeth. O que é pior, Amster ainda pediu a Margaret para entreter os convidados. Tudo porque Elizabeth não sabia fazer nada exceto bajular e se arrumar. Incapaz de recusar o pedido de seu antigo amante, Margaret concordou com isso...

    JQK · แฟนตาซี
  • Abandonada por el Alfa, me convertí en la Compañera del Rey Licántropo

    —Margarita, eres la hermana mayor, tienes que ceder a la menor —En toda su vida, esas palabras se aferraron como una maldición a Margarita. Ya fuera su querido osito de peluche, vestidos bonitos, dulces de Halloween o el amor paternal, si Elizabeth lo pedía, ella debía cederlo todo incondicionalmente a ella. Desde joven, Elizabeth pesó sobre Margarita como una enorme montaña y la sofocó. Afortunadamente todavía tenía un novio que la había amado durante seis años—Amster, el alfa de la manada. —Serás mi esposa y la futura luna de la manada —Él prometió. Hasta el día en que ella y su hermana cumplieran 18 años, ¡y resultó que la amante y compañera predestinada de Amster era su gemela Elizabeth! Margarita observó cómo Amster, quien había dicho que la amaba, besaba apasionadamente a Elizabeth, y anunció a Elizabeth como la luna sin pensarlo dos veces. El único sustento emocional que poseía Margarita se derrumbó; una vez más, lo que le pertenecía había sido arrebatado por Elizabeth. Lo que es peor, Amster incluso pidió a Margarita que entretuviera a los invitados. Todo porque Elizabeth no sabía hacer nada excepto cómo engatusar y arreglarse. Incapaz de rechazar la petición de su antiguo amante, Margarita accedió a esto...

    JQK · แฟนตาซี
  • Vom Alpha verlassen, wurde ich die Gefährtin des Lykanerkönigs

    "Margaret, du bist die ältere Schwester, du musst der jüngeren nachgeben." In ihrem ganzen Leben hafteten diese Worte wie ein Fluch auf Margaret. Ob es nun ihr geliebter Teddybär, hübsche Kleider, Halloween-Süßigkeiten oder die Liebe der Eltern war, wenn Elizabeth es verlangte, musste sie ihr alles bedingungslos überlassen. Seit ihrer Jugend hatte Elizabeth auf Margaret wie ein riesiger Berg gelastet und sie erdrückt. Zum Glück hatte sie noch einen Freund, der sie seit sechs Jahren liebte - Amster, den Alpha des Rudels. "Du wirst meine Frau und die zukünftige Luna des Rudels", versprach er. Bis zu dem Tag, an dem sie und ihre Schwester 18 Jahre alt wurden, und sich herausstellte, dass Amster' Geliebte und zukünftige Gefährtin ihre Zwillingsschwester Elizabeth war! Margaret sah zu, wie Amster, der gesagt hatte, dass er sie liebte, sich leidenschaftlich mit Elizabeth küsste und Elizabeth ohne zu zögern als Luna ankündigte. Der einzige emotionale Halt, den Margaret besaß, zerbröckelte; wieder einmal war ihr das, was ihr gehörte, von Elizabeth entrissen worden. Schlimmer noch, Amster bat Margaret sogar, die Gäste zu unterhalten. Und das alles nur, weil Elizabeth nichts anderes konnte, als sich zu beschwatzen und zu verkleiden. Unfähig, die Bitte ihres ehemaligen Liebhabers abzulehnen, stimmte Margaret zu...

    JQK · แฟนตาซี
  • Villano: Transmigrado a un Manga NTR como el Antagonista

    ``` Un playboy infame, asesinado por una ex amante, despierta incomprensiblemente para descubrir que ha transmigrado a un Manga NTR, asumiendo el papel del Antagonista - Alex Smith. Impulsado por un sistema misterioso que magnifica su habilidad para cautivar mujeres, posee el poder de seducir a las mujeres que pertenecen a los distintos "personajes principales". 【¡Ding! El Sistema Reina de Corazones se ha activado.】 【Meta general: Robar a todas las heroínas de los distintos personajes principales a través del mundo.】 【Recompensa: Estado de Dios.】 ----------------------------------------------- [Aviso Legal: Esta novela está basada en Netori, NO en Netorare. Alex NO será engañado, y NO habrá Yuri.] ```

    Zentmeister · สมัยใหม่
  • Reincarnated As A Wolf With Cheats

    A normal man was constantly blamed and was eventually turned into a murderer. Everyone hated him and looked at him as if he was a non human. He was sentenced to death but just before dying, he was asked to state his last wish which would have been fulfilled. “I wish to live some more days” His words couldn’t be neglected and they fulfilled his wish but he died in the end when his free days had finally ended. However, he was born again, in a new world which was filled with magic. It was a place where science wasn’t known. He could have used his knowledge to become famous and gain a lot of money and fame, but the fate was not so kind to let him do that. He had to bear the responsibilities for the murders in his past life due to which he was really turned into a non human. But that didn’t seem like a punishment, in fact it was a perfect world for him to shed even more blood. “I will become a predator that will stand above all!” Join me in this amazing adventure where our protagonist is Reincarnated As A Wolf With Cheats!

    1st_Manga_KING · แฟนตาซี
  • The Goblin God's Predator Simulation System

    Yes, I'm publishing it on RR. I'm Lord Trexer. Bozo, a goblin, ends up getting killed at the hands of some cruel humans. This is something normal in the world, but Bozo feels betrayed. He is angry. Why must they be hunted? Why can’t they live in peace? His rage defined odds and his hatred against humanity, awakened the slumbering entity: Predator Simulation System. [If the host gains high-rank ratings, then he will be able to get good rewards and skills from the simulation which he could use in real life.] [The death in the simulation will not affect host, but he can no longer simulate the character that has died.] Bozo, the unfortunate goblin, finally had a fortunate encounter. His plan of revenge against humanity, and his plan to build a kingdom of his own could finally set in motion after he has grown stronger, all thanks to the Predator Simulation System which was destined to belong to a monster… or being who would become a true monster in the future! … Join the discord: https://discord.gg/BSU2UZT4s2 … Inspiration for writing style is taken from: Immortal cultivation simulation, world traveler simulation system, and Reincarnated as a wolf with cheats. …

    1st_Manga_KING · แฟนตาซี
  • Méchant : Transmigré dans un Manga NTR en tant qu'Antagoniste

    Un playboy notoire, tué par une ancienne amante, se réveille de manière inexplicable pour découvrir qu'il s'est transmigré dans un manga NTR, en assumant le rôle de l'antagoniste - Alex Smith. Porté par un système mystérieux qui amplifie son habileté à envoûter les femmes, il détient le pouvoir de séduire les femmes qui appartiennent aux différents « personnages principaux ». 【Ding! Le Système de la Reine de Cœur s'est éveillé.】 【Objectif global : Voler toutes les héroïnes des divers personnages principaux à travers le monde.】 【Récompense : Statut de Dieu.】 ----------------------------------------------- [Avertissement : Ce roman est basé sur le Netori, PAS le Netorare. Alex NE sera PAS trompé, et il n'y aura PAS de Yuri.]

    Zentmeister · สมัยใหม่
  • The Abandoned Hunter

    “Dark Overlord! All hail the Dark Overlord!!!” “...” “I tried to deny it but looks like I have really become their king... THE DARK OVERLORD!” . . . A story about a world of hunters, where an F-rank hunter who is bullied and despised and left alone turns himself into an OP hunter! He is left alone by many and was considered weak, However thanks to his luck he is able to get hold of a unique power from a dragon to act as its proxy. On top of it, he had an amazing power dwelling within him which took the shape of a system. Join me in this amazing adventure. [NOTE: Those readers who feel like this is a copy of solo leveling or something then you are wrong, inspiration is taken from that but it’s by no means a copy! Read fully before making claims! Also, I own the copyright of the cover. Don’t take the cover or ss of it. If I find it anywhere then you have to pay the fine of breaching copyright law!] [ I'm so sorry guys, the chapters from 1- 40 are in weird dialect. It's rubbish, to be honest, I hope you forgive me for that. Those chapters contain only 500-800 words! ] [ Chapters after 61 is locked so they are 1000+ words. Incidentally, from chapter 65 onwards, the chapter contains 1500-2000 words ] [ The sounding might be different and there might be a lot of errors, ( English is not my native language )but those errors won't be repeated again from chapter 175 that is ] [ Read at your own risk, if the chapters anger you or upset you, you may quit but don't leave hate comments or reviews that demotivate behind! ] [ Last edited on 05/24/2021 ]

    1st_Manga_KING · แอคชั่น
  • Elizabeth.

    "I love you, " He whispered, his eye glued to mine. I believed him when he said that. I was naive no I still am maybe that could be my stupid reason. "What is love?" I asked him,my voice was equally as strong and unyielding as his. Its true , I don't know what love is. I know what its supposed to look like. I have it from my parents, in movies and books. But I don't know what it is. "I can't tell what love is but I can show you" he smirked, his eyes shifting from my eyes to my lips.

    Unnotice000 · แฟนตาซี
  • SOUL: Supreme Overlord's Unknown Legacy

    A world filled with Beasts. A world where everyone is born with a Beast Soul. A world, full of cultivators who aim to become immortal just like the Gods by leveling up! Some are destined to rule while others remain as bottomfeeders. The rich get richer while the poor get poorer. 'Fate is telling me that I will always remain at the bottom...' 'Born in an orphanage with no talent, that is how my life is...' "..." "I will rise to the ranks of Supreme Overlords..." "No, I will go higher and become a true Beast God!" Join me in a journey of cultivation and power where no one knows when one will get betrayed. If you do not fight against fate, you are as good as dead! [ Fan of Soul Land? Then you have come to the right place. This novel has a similar power system base yet it's completely different. Enjoy~ ] [Join my discord server to chat and suggest new things - https://discord.gg/Wdjrb5akVX ] [Disclaimer - the cover doesn't belong to me.]

    1st_Manga_KING · แอคชั่น
  • My Pirate System

    To hunt down the Gods and snatch their powers, I embarked on a journey to loot the world. Allies? Foes? I need none. All I want is revenge, revenge for the death of my parents. *Ding* [ New Mission – Become A Pirate ] [ -> Gain 2 Allies ] [ -> Find a ship to sail ] I couldn’t be any happier after receiving the first mission. But making allies? Ha… I will make allies for sure, but they won’t have my trust. They will only be my pawns! [Warning: A bit slow paced, mc only gets system in chap 21. Aggressive progress after that. ]

    1st_Manga_KING · แฟนตาซี
  • Manga Watch

    Ryan sees the mysterious watch device through the smoke and dust. He picks it up. "Aahh!!" Blood is drawn out from his wrist as the device is worn on it, causing blood to spill. Ryan notices a flashdrive on the watch. "Carsonn. That's my family's name." He turns around and sees three dead bodies on the floor. "No!!!!!" Ryan feels tears bubbling up in his eyes and lets them out. [Do you wish to save their lives? The Cost: ???] [Yes] [No] Ryan reads the strange watch and instantly accepts. [Power transfer commenced] Bright light leaves the watch and enters their body. "Cough cough." The bodies get up. "You guys. You're alive again. This is all my fault." Ryan smiled. How does Ryan use the Manga Watch to help himself? Does it connect to his late biological parents? What was the cost of bringing his friends back? And who created this device?

    Kardine_Spike17 · ไซไฟ

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