
อ่านหนังสือนิยาย elizabeth kuroshitsuji ออนไลน์ - WebNovel


  • Abandoned by the Alpha, I Became the Lycan King's Mate

    "Margaret, you're the older sister, you have to give in to the younger one." In her whole life, those words clung like a curse to Margaret. Whether it was her beloved teddy bear, pretty dresses, Halloween candies, or parental love, if Elizabeth asked, she had to unconditionally yield them all up to her. Since young, Elizabeth had weighed down on Margaret like an enormous mountain and suffocated her. Fortunately she still had a boyfriend who had loved her for six years—Amster, the pack alpha. "You will be my wife and the future luna of the pack," He promised. Until the day when she and her sister was turning 18 years old, and Amster's lover and fated mate turned out to be her twin sister Elizabeth! Margaret watched as Amster, who had said he loved her, passionately kissed with Elizabeth, and announced Elizabeth as the luna without a second thought. The only emotional sustenance Margaret possessed crumbled; once again, what belonged to her had been snatched away by Elizabeth. What's worse, Amster even asked Margaret to entertain the guests. All because Elizabeth knew nothing except how to wheedle and dress herself up. Unable to refuse the request of her former lover, Margaret agreed to this...

    JQK · แฟนตาซี
  • My Ex Husband Wants Me Back After 3 Years Of Divorce

    Meet Erika Walters, a woman who left her wealthy family and expensive lifestyle, hid her identity just to marry the one man that she loves. A man whom her family had warned her not to chase if she doesn’t want to be heartbroken. Turning a deaf ear towards her family, Erika married Adrian Hart. Adrain was against the marriage due to the fact that he never had feelings for Erika. However, the both of them got together because of the Matriarch of the Hart family. Grandma Elizabeth. A marriage was supposed to be a sweet journey for a woman who had just been accepted by her in laws but Erika’s was the opposite. Being treated as a servant wasn’t one of the roles of a married woman. Her in laws all treated her like dirt. Her husband continuously cheated on her with his lover, Felicia Evans whom his grandmother had always looked down on. After witnessing her husband having sexual intercourse with his lover in their matrimonial bed, Erika couldn’t take the torture anymore. She has reached her limit of endurance. She couldn’t let her heart to be continuously played with as if it was some toy. Erika reached out for the divorce papers, signed her name and left the Hart mansion with a promise that she would come back and make them loose everything they had ever worked hard for. Love? She has three elder brothers who dote on her. Erika went back to her family and started her plot against her ex in laws until she met Ethan, her childhood friend whom she had bumped into years ago. **** Excerpt “You really are a slut”, Adrian spat in disgust. Erika calmly looked at him. “The last time I checked, Mr Hart. We are not longer related so why is it such a bother to you if am a slut or not?” She coldly questioned him. “Since you have such a good eye at identifying who is a slut, why haven’t you figured out the main slut in your family yet?” She questioned him back. **** Will Erika successfully get her revenge? How will Adrain react when he sees that she has moved on? Will Adrain and Felicia have a happy ending? Will Erika feel any regret after getting her revenge? Will there be more secrets that she will discover on her journey of revenge? Find out more by clicking the book; My Ex Husband Wants Me Back After 3 Years Of Divorce

    Sour_corn · สมัยใหม่
  • Abandonada pelo Alfa, me tornei a Companheira do Rei Lycan

    "Margaret, você é a irmã mais velha, você tem que ceder à mais nova." Em toda a sua vida, essas palavras grudaram como uma maldição em Margaret. Seja o seu amado ursinho de pelúcia, vestidos bonitos, doces de Halloween ou o amor dos pais, se Elizabeth pedisse, ela tinha que incondicionalmente cedê-los a ela. Desde jovem, Elizabeth pesava sobre Margaret como uma enorme montanha e a sufocava. Felizmente ela ainda tinha um namorado que a amava há seis anos—Amster, o alfa da alcateia. "Você será minha esposa e a futura luna da alcateia," Ele prometeu. Até o dia em que ela e a irmã estavam completando 18 anos, e a amante e companheira destinada de Amster acabou sendo sua irmã gêmea Elizabeth! Margaret assistiu enquanto Amster, que disse que a amava, beijava apaixonadamente Elizabeth e anunciava Elizabeth como a luna sem pensar duas vezes. O único sustento emocional que Margaret possuía desmoronou; mais uma vez, o que pertencia a ela havia sido arrancado por Elizabeth. O que é pior, Amster ainda pediu a Margaret para entreter os convidados. Tudo porque Elizabeth não sabia fazer nada exceto bajular e se arrumar. Incapaz de recusar o pedido de seu antigo amante, Margaret concordou com isso...

    JQK · แฟนตาซี
  • Mi exmarido me quiere de vuelta después de 3 años de divorcio

    —Conozcan a Erika Walters, una mujer que dejó su adinerada familia y un estilo de vida lujoso, escondió su identidad solo para casarse con el único hombre que amaba. Un hombre a quien su familia le advirtió que no persiguiera si no quería sufrir un desengaño amoroso. Haciendo oídos sordos a su familia, Erika se casó con Adrian Hart. —Adrain estaba en contra del matrimonio debido a que nunca tuvo sentimientos por Erika. Sin embargo, los dos terminaron juntos debido a la Matriarca de la familia Hart. Abuela Elizabeth. —Se supone que un matrimonio debe ser un dulce viaje para una mujer que acaba de ser aceptada por su familia política, pero el de Erika fue todo lo contrario. Ser tratada como una sirvienta no era uno de los roles de una mujer casada. Todos sus parientes políticos la trataban como a tierra. Su marido continuamente le era infiel con su amante, Felicia Evans, a quien su abuela siempre había despreciado. —Después de presenciar a su esposo teniendo relaciones sexuales con su amante en la cama conyugal, Erika no pudo soportar más la tortura. Alcanzó su límite de resistencia. No podía permitir que continuaran jugando con su corazón como si fuera algún juguete. —Erika tomó los papeles de divorcio, firmó su nombre y dejó la mansión Hart con la promesa de que volvería y los haría perder todo por lo que habían trabajado duro en conseguir. —¿Amor? Ella tiene tres hermanos mayores que la adoran. —Erika volvió a su familia y comenzó a tramar su venganza contra sus ex parientes políticos hasta que se encontró con Ethan, su amigo de la infancia con quien se había encontrado hace años. —Extracto —Realmente eres una zorra —Adrian escupió con asco—. Erika lo miró tranquilamente. —La última vez que revisé, Sr. Hart, ya no estamos relacionados. Así que, ¿por qué le molesta si soy una zorra o no? —Le preguntó fríamente—. Ya que tienes un buen ojo para identificar quién es una zorra, ¿por qué aún no has descubierto a la principal zorra en tu familia? —Le devolvió la pregunta. —¿Logrará Erika su venganza con éxito? ¿Cómo reaccionará Adrain cuando vea que ella ha seguido adelante? ¿Tendrán Adrain y Felicia un final feliz? ¿Sentirá Erika algún remordimiento después de obtener su venganza? ¿Habrá más secretos que descubrirá en su camino hacia la venganza? —Descubre más haciendo clic en el libro: «Mi ex marido me quiere de vuelta después de 3 años de divorcio». —Hola chicos. Este es mi primer libro. Aún soy nueva en esto. Así que espero que disfruten este libro. Pero no olviden darme su apoyo y aliento. Gracias."

    Sour_corn · สมัยใหม่
  • You Think I Won't Talk?

    Elizabeth, a girl with an unusual personality is reincarnated into the body of a mute woman in what appeared to be medieval times. However, the people surrounding her seemed familiar. She had transmigrated as the dead villainess's older sister in a +19-rated novel she read long ago in her past life. Marianne, the previous owner of the body, had a tragic past. Abused by his obsessed older brother and little sister, the part of her soul left in the body doesn't give Elizabeth freedom. Now she will discover the truth behind Marianne's condition, experience unknown feelings, and recall her past to overcome these new difficulties. 'I'm gonna go crazy...how is it that this girl didn't even have her name mentioned in the novel?... some authors really are idiots...' _________________________________ Give some love to my other book too ^^~ • Barbaric Spouse, Descry the Night's Lure * To find my book you have to either search the title or my pen name. It will not show on my profile. _________________________________ TAGS: #R18 #SlowPaced, #Romance, #Smut, #Medieval, #Trauma, #Father&Daughter... (Sigh... so many tags... do emphasise #SlowPaced ^^) _________________________________ This is an original Story ^^ Author: XimenoideX

    XimenoideX · แฟนตาซี
  • Abandonada por el Alfa, me convertí en la Compañera del Rey Licántropo

    —Margarita, eres la hermana mayor, tienes que ceder a la menor —En toda su vida, esas palabras se aferraron como una maldición a Margarita. Ya fuera su querido osito de peluche, vestidos bonitos, dulces de Halloween o el amor paternal, si Elizabeth lo pedía, ella debía cederlo todo incondicionalmente a ella. Desde joven, Elizabeth pesó sobre Margarita como una enorme montaña y la sofocó. Afortunadamente todavía tenía un novio que la había amado durante seis años—Amster, el alfa de la manada. —Serás mi esposa y la futura luna de la manada —Él prometió. Hasta el día en que ella y su hermana cumplieran 18 años, ¡y resultó que la amante y compañera predestinada de Amster era su gemela Elizabeth! Margarita observó cómo Amster, quien había dicho que la amaba, besaba apasionadamente a Elizabeth, y anunció a Elizabeth como la luna sin pensarlo dos veces. El único sustento emocional que poseía Margarita se derrumbó; una vez más, lo que le pertenecía había sido arrebatado por Elizabeth. Lo que es peor, Amster incluso pidió a Margarita que entretuviera a los invitados. Todo porque Elizabeth no sabía hacer nada excepto cómo engatusar y arreglarse. Incapaz de rechazar la petición de su antiguo amante, Margarita accedió a esto...

    JQK · แฟนตาซี
  • Vom Alpha verlassen, wurde ich die Gefährtin des Lykanerkönigs

    "Margaret, du bist die ältere Schwester, du musst der jüngeren nachgeben." In ihrem ganzen Leben hafteten diese Worte wie ein Fluch auf Margaret. Ob es nun ihr geliebter Teddybär, hübsche Kleider, Halloween-Süßigkeiten oder die Liebe der Eltern war, wenn Elizabeth es verlangte, musste sie ihr alles bedingungslos überlassen. Seit ihrer Jugend hatte Elizabeth auf Margaret wie ein riesiger Berg gelastet und sie erdrückt. Zum Glück hatte sie noch einen Freund, der sie seit sechs Jahren liebte - Amster, den Alpha des Rudels. "Du wirst meine Frau und die zukünftige Luna des Rudels", versprach er. Bis zu dem Tag, an dem sie und ihre Schwester 18 Jahre alt wurden, und sich herausstellte, dass Amster' Geliebte und zukünftige Gefährtin ihre Zwillingsschwester Elizabeth war! Margaret sah zu, wie Amster, der gesagt hatte, dass er sie liebte, sich leidenschaftlich mit Elizabeth küsste und Elizabeth ohne zu zögern als Luna ankündigte. Der einzige emotionale Halt, den Margaret besaß, zerbröckelte; wieder einmal war ihr das, was ihr gehörte, von Elizabeth entrissen worden. Schlimmer noch, Amster bat Margaret sogar, die Gäste zu unterhalten. Und das alles nur, weil Elizabeth nichts anderes konnte, als sich zu beschwatzen und zu verkleiden. Unfähig, die Bitte ihres ehemaligen Liebhabers abzulehnen, stimmte Margaret zu...

    JQK · แฟนตาซี
  • Meu Ex Marido Quer Voltar Comigo Após 3 Anos de Divórcio

    Conheça Erika Walters, uma mulher que abandonou sua família rica e estilo de vida caro, escondeu sua identidade só para se casar com o homem que amava. Um homem que sua família a alertou para não correr atrás se ela não quisesse ter o coração partido. Ignorando sua família, Erika se casou com Adrian Hart. Adrian era contra o casamento, pelo fato de nunca ter tido sentimentos por Erika. No entanto, os dois se uniram por causa da matriarca da família Hart, a vovó Elizabeth. O casamento deveria ser uma jornada doce para uma mulher que acabou de ser aceita por sua família, mas o de Erika foi o oposto. Ser tratada como criada não era um dos papéis de uma mulher casada. Todos os seus sogros a tratavam como sujeira. Seu marido continuamente a traía com sua amante, Felicia Evans, a quem sua avó sempre desprezou. Depois de testemunhar seu marido fazendo sexo com sua amante em sua cama matrimonial, Erika não aguentava mais a tortura. Ela tinha atingido seu limite de resistência. Ela não podia permitir que seu coração continuasse sendo brincado como se fosse algum brinquedo. Erika pegou os papéis de divórcio, assinou seu nome e saiu da Mansão Hart com a promessa de que voltaria e faria com que perdessem tudo pelo que já haviam trabalhado muito. Amor? Ela tem três irmãos mais velhos que a adoram. Erika voltou para sua família e começou a tramar contra seus ex-sogros até que encontrou Ethan, seu amigo de infância com quem se esbarrou anos atrás. **** Excerto “Você realmente é uma vagabunda”, Adrian cuspiu em desgosto. Erika olhou para ele calmamente. “Na última vez que chequei, Sr. Hart. Nós não somos mais parentes, então por que te incomoda se eu sou uma vagabunda ou não?” Ela o questionou friamente. “Já que você tem um bom olho para identificar quem é uma vagabunda, por que ainda não descobriu a principal vagabunda da sua família?” Ela o questionou de volta. **** Erika conseguirá se vingar com sucesso? Como Adrian reagirá ao ver que ela seguiu em frente? Adrian e Felicia terão um final feliz? Erika sentirá algum arrependimento depois de se vingar? Haverá mais segredos que ela descobrirá em sua jornada de vingança? Descubra mais clicando no livro; Meu Ex Marido Me Quer De Volta Depois De 3 Anos De Divórcio **** Olá pessoal Este é o meu primeiro livro Ainda sou novata Então, espero que vocês gostem deste livro Mas não se esqueçam de me dar seu apoio e incentivo Obrigada

    Sour_corn · สมัยใหม่
  • Accident Prone

    Elizabeth (aka Liz): an attractive young lady, smart, career-driven, self-sufficient, wants to save the world (one surgery at a time). Maximilian (aka Max): hot, smart, rich, playboy, who loves to party! What happens when Liz and Max meet due to an accident? Their personalities are clashing but persistent accidents keep pulling them together. An accident: an event that happens by chance or that is without apparent or deliberate cause. ... Mature content! 18+ … Excerpt from the story... Max was confused. "Aren't you appalled by my words? Offended? Why are you still here and not running to your place?" Liz shrugged. "Last night you promised no lies. And I hope that you are comfortable enough with me to say what is on your mind. No matter if you are gay or not, the fact that I feel safe with you will not change. Unless you do something to prove me wrong." Max was surprised by this logic. But then he remembered the deal they made: he will not lie, no games and he will treat her with respect… and she believes him. "You want to know what is on my mind?" He decided to try his luck: "I want to kiss you." Liz frowned for a second while thinking about how to respond. Then she craned her neck and pointed at her cheek. "Here." Max was not sure if he should laugh or cry. "That is not the kiss I was going for." "That is the only one you will get. Take it or leave it." Max is not silly to miss an opportunity. "I will take whatever you are willing to give me." ... This is a heartwarming story that will make you all warm and fuzzy while you laugh and sigh... --- Thank you for reading! ***** I own the cover. ***** Check out my other novels: - "Is this Destiny?" - "Amara - Reunion" - "The Supreme Alpha" - "The Alpha's Bride"

    RedSonia · สมัยใหม่
  • Mein Ex-Mann will mich nach 3 Jahren Scheidung zurück

    Lernen Sie Erika Walters kennen, eine Frau, die ihre wohlhabende Familie und ihren teuren Lebensstil verlassen und ihre Identität versteckt hat, nur um den einen Mann zu heiraten, den sie liebt. Einen Mann, vor dem ihre Familie sie gewarnt hatte, wenn sie sich nicht das Herz brechen lassen wollte. Erika stellte sich taub gegenüber ihrer Familie und heiratete Adrian Hart. Adrain war gegen die Heirat, da er nie Gefühle für Erika hatte. Die beiden kamen jedoch wegen der Matriarchin der Familie Hart zusammen. Großmutter Elizabeth. Eine Heirat sollte für eine Frau, die gerade von ihren Schwiegereltern akzeptiert worden war, eine schöne Reise sein, aber Erikas Ehe war das Gegenteil. Als Dienerin behandelt zu werden, gehörte nicht zu den Aufgaben einer verheirateten Frau. Ihre Schwiegereltern behandelten sie alle wie Dreck. Ihr Mann betrog sie ständig mit seiner Geliebten, Felicia Evans, auf die seine Großmutter immer herabgesehen hatte. Nachdem sie mit ansehen musste, wie ihr Mann mit seiner Geliebten im Ehebett Geschlechtsverkehr hatte, konnte Erika die Qualen nicht mehr ertragen. Sie hat ihre Grenze der Belastbarkeit erreicht. Sie konnte nicht mehr zulassen, dass man ständig mit ihrem Herzen spielte, als wäre es ein Spielzeug. Erika griff nach den Scheidungspapieren, unterschrieb mit ihrem Namen und verließ das Anwesen der Harts mit dem Versprechen, dass sie zurückkommen und sie alles verlieren lassen würde, wofür sie jemals hart gearbeitet hatten. Liebe? Sie hat drei ältere Brüder, die sich um sie kümmern. Erika kehrte zu ihrer Familie zurück und schmiedete ein Komplott gegen ihre Ex-Schwiegereltern, bis sie Ethan traf, ihren Jugendfreund, dem sie vor Jahren über den Weg gelaufen war. **** Auszug "Du bist wirklich eine Schlampe", spuckte Adrian angewidert. Erika sah ihn ruhig an. "So weit ich weiß, Herr Hart, sind wir nicht mehr verwandt. Wir sind nicht mehr verwandt, also warum stört es Sie so sehr, ob ich eine Schlampe bin oder nicht?" Fragte sie ihn kalt. "Wenn Sie so ein gutes Auge haben, um zu erkennen, wer eine Schlampe ist, warum haben Sie dann die Hauptschlampe in Ihrer Familie noch nicht herausgefunden?" Fragte sie ihn zurück. **** Wird Erika ihre Rache erfolgreich abschließen? Wie wird Adrain reagieren, wenn er sieht, dass sie weitergezogen ist? Werden Adrain und Felicia ein Happy End haben? Wird Erika Reue empfinden, nachdem sie sich gerächt hat? Wird es weitere Geheimnisse geben, die sie auf ihrer Rachefahrt entdecken wird? Erfahren Sie mehr, indem Sie auf das Buch klicken; Mein Ex-Mann will mich nach 3 Jahren Scheidung zurück **** Hallo Leute dies ist mein erstes Buch Bin noch ein Neuling Also hoffe ich, dass euch dieses Buch gefällt Aber vergesst nicht, mir eure Unterstützung und Ermutigung zu geben Ich danke euch

    Sour_corn · สมัยใหม่
  • Reincarnation Of Mrs. Chef : Like A Fool

    Audrey, a chef, died after giving birth to her son. Then she met a god who gave her a second chance to live but it came with two choices: First Option: To live poorly but at 28 she will be destined to marry a handsome and kind billionaire Second Option: To live as the richest woman but she will have to marry a cold billionaire who will betray her for his lover? Everyone might choose the first option for short suffering but longer gain, however Audrey chose to be a rich woman even though in the end she had to marry a man who didn't love her and would definitely betray her. The god granted Audrey's choice, removed the memories of her past life and their meeting. She reincarnated as a baby born in a rich family, the third child of Mr. Arthur Wijaya and Mrs. Jessica Wijaya. Twenty-eight years later, Audrey who is now named Luna is arranged by her family to marry a billionaire who is cold, but has a handsome and very charming face, Andy. Luna finally married Andy, but Andy didn't touch her at all because in his heart there is only Elizabeth, the lover who is already pregnant with Andy's child. Luna is a woman who has a cheerful nature, always thinks positively, and is very passionate. After she finds out that Andy is having an affair behind her back, Luna turns into a violent woman, then she retaliates for Andy's actions in the same way. In the end, will she remember that this is the kind of life she chose or will she live like a fool, desperate to break the love between her husband and his mistress?

    Vanila_Michelle · สมัยใหม่
  • The Dark Lord's Maiden

    |STATUS: COMPLETED| Once upon a time... Rumour has it that a certain king became so desperate that he blindly made a dangerous pact with a seductive demon goddess who ruled the realm of 'Yonder'. She bore him a son who would, in time, fulfil the 'Dark Prophecy'. But... What if falling in love with a maiden of pure heart and clear conscience could free him from the overwhelming darkness buried deep within? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'My god! What happened just now?' she asked herself while pressing her fabric rigidly against her breast cage. She retreated two steps away from him as she reminisced about the event of barely a few seconds earlier. 'It—he almost had me? The devil himself? I—I would have easily given myself to him?' Observing her confusion, Briceus gave off a curt smirk before standing up. "I wouldn't have guessed that you'll be a woman of low esteem and easy to use, Elizabeth. Perhaps I was wrong in thinking you were different" "Your Majesty, I —" "I'll have you know that I have no interest in your lowly unattractive body, Elizabeth so you don't have to attempt to hide so much and appear so startled" 'Lowly body? He said this to me?' ". . . If those are the foolish thoughts flying around your tiny skull, you would be damned to imagine such because I have met far more beautiful maidens but you are most certainly the one who has impressed me the least in character" Elizabeth felt spited even though she hated herself for weakly yielding to his charms just now. "If I were so lowly to the king and if I am everything you've described me to be so far, then I will advise that His Majesty should quickly demand a refund from my family and hand me back to them!" Briceus was unmoved by her bold utterances. All the while she had spoken, he had his eyes glued to her lush pale strawberry lips which for some reason had begun to lure him in. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BOOK STATUS VOLUME 1 (SOLD OUT) - COMPLETED VOLUME 2 (BRICEUS AND ELIZABETH) - COMPLETED VOLUME 3 (BOOK OF SIDE STORIES) - COMPLETED VOLUME 4 (THE PRINCESS AND HER BEAST)- COMPLETED [This book will have several volumes. Earlier chapters will be re-edited with time.] ADD UP THE SEQUEL: THE MERCHANT'S BRIDE Cover photo belongs to me! Do not steal! IG handle: nancyjimofficial fαcєвσσk @ Nαncєє Jímí

    Nancy_Jim · แฟนตาซี
  • Elizabeth.

    "I love you, " He whispered, his eye glued to mine. I believed him when he said that. I was naive no I still am maybe that could be my stupid reason. "What is love?" I asked him,my voice was equally as strong and unyielding as his. Its true , I don't know what love is. I know what its supposed to look like. I have it from my parents, in movies and books. But I don't know what it is. "I can't tell what love is but I can show you" he smirked, his eyes shifting from my eyes to my lips.

    Unnotice000 · แฟนตาซี
  • Maria Elizabeth

    Maria Elizabeth Perez is from a poor family.Living in a small house made of coco lumber with her mother and three siblings.They are from the city and she is studying right now in an public school. It's a summer season so she with her cousin and siblings go to the water falls far from their house.It is located in the middle of the forest. In their way home,she heard a voice of someone calling her.She can't stop the small voice and all she can do is to put her two hands in her ears.In just a snap all her siblings and cousins is gone.Her heart won't stop thumping so loud and fast until she step on a stone making her out of balance and fall in a swamp! She call for a help but no one is ther to save her.Then the small voice,she heard it again until she can't beath anymore.

    Athena_Marches · แฟนตาซี

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