
Review Detail of lamazelovelife in Supreme Battle-Technology System In A Desolate Magic World



The only thing I could say positive about this Novel is It is the grandma Aside from that, I hate this Main character He was so headstrong confident in the first chapter. Then he died. He went to a new world but because he couldn't use the power they had He wallowed in his Self-pity 13 years. He was a soldier he never trained his body. After he was reborn. He got beaten up, but instead of he going home because of pride He stays in the city and almost dies And because he's the main character he gets A system that helps him at the last moment. I won't lie just reading the first Couple of Chapter P***** me off. Because he became lazy, it's like his whole Character to changed. And as he get the system, he's supposed to go back to who he was before. If so, that means that's not his personality that means That's just a facade, he puts on.

Supreme Battle-Technology System In A Desolate Magic World


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Hi, thanks so much for the long critique ♥. I appreciate it. Now, to comment on what you remarked on, the MC actually went back to who he was—to being the highly skilled and dauntless soldier he was on Earth. It wasn't a façade. With the first basic futuristic weapons given to him by the Supreme Battle-Technology System, he becomes really deadly, ruthless, and goes for vengeful retaliations, growing stronger from there and acquiring more weapons, instruments, and devices from his successful completions of all kinds of progressively difficult quests, tasks and missions. I don't know if you are still reading, but thanks for reading, and for the review you dropped 😊. Means a lot to me. Have a nice time out there! 🥂


Yeah, as I said, you have great grammar The writing is perfect. I'm just disappointed in the characters Sulking For 13 years Because you didn't have powers And his Dirty Pride Because he didn't get into the college. He Stayed in the city Where he doesn't have no money and he's Starving To death Instead of going home Where his parents are worried about him. He never gives a call home. Finally, when he got his powers, he goes home.And he finds that his mother is missing because he couldn't just call. The character seems to only think about himself. There's nothing wrong with that, but It takes me out of the story when I Character Has no power. His personality changes from what the original was why. When you have power, it makes what already in you Bloom According to what type of personality you have? But to see you.Sulking Because you don't have abilitias 13 years. This was a grown man once who's living his life again. That is just weird. Who had so much confidence at the starting How could someone personality change back-and-forth Like this, that sounds like Spoil a kid. If you just ask me. He was a soldier that came from a world that was Having an Apocalypse. He should have had a stronger will Power done, he had in the First 13 chapters. Because it seems his will power wasn't there. Until he got the system. That's why I hate when people give people overpowered systems in novels. It takes away from the personal will power. It seems like A lot of people like writing novels And the system always tells them what to do. Your system supposed to be a supportive item, not control you. From the moment your system tells you what missions to go and do. It seems like entity controls you like a puppet. I'm just saying. Because I'm a person who likes.Novels with systems, but they should have a limit.

koladeizdavid:Hi, thanks so much for the long critique ♥. I appreciate it. Now, to comment on what you remarked on, the MC actually went back to who he was—to being the highly skilled and dauntless soldier he was on Earth. It wasn't a façade. With the first basic futuristic weapons given to him by the Supreme Battle-Technology System, he becomes really deadly, ruthless, and goes for vengeful retaliations, growing stronger from there and acquiring more weapons, instruments, and devices from his successful completions of all kinds of progressively difficult quests, tasks and missions. I don't know if you are still reading, but thanks for reading, and for the review you dropped 😊. Means a lot to me. Have a nice time out there! 🥂

True, but mine is actually a supportive system. Remember in the time of the thugs, he wanted to go eliminate them for their unbridled aggressions towards him, when the interface display suddenly came up and showed him that it had converted his self-assigned mission to a system-prompted mission that would come with rewards of items if he could successfully complete them. I don't know if you can remember the MC understanding that and developing a gladdened heart because of it? Also, recall when his mother got taken by bad guys, and was tipped off by the driver about what really happened, then saying to himself that he would take law into his own hands and vengefully retaliate for the deed they committed? Regarding that too, the system display came up again and announced it as a mission of missions for him—a highly dangerous one that he had very little chances of surviving, and this time, encompassing many vast known and unknown treacherous regions, and would reward him with corresponding, fascinating rewards upon its completion? Do you recall that? So, the system doesn't give him missions that he acts on and tries to fulfill. The system only tries to support him by turning his self-assigned missions into system-prompted missions that comes with numerous marvelous rewards upon their completion. And as for the limited quest durations given, they were there to make the MC more zealous, persistent and determined in his approach towards the rewarding, tailored missions, or he would lose the eye-catching items. Hope I have been able to convince you? Thanks for your further comment, it is well appreciated. ✨ 🥂

lamazelovelife:Yeah, as I said, you have great grammar The writing is perfect. I'm just disappointed in the characters Sulking For 13 years Because you didn't have powers And his Dirty Pride Because he didn't get into the college. He Stayed in the city Where he doesn't have no money and he's Starving To death Instead of going home Where his parents are worried about him. He never gives a call home. Finally, when he got his powers, he goes home.And he finds that his mother is missing because he couldn't just call. The character seems to only think about himself. There's nothing wrong with that, but It takes me out of the story when I Character Has no power. His personality changes from what the original was why. When you have power, it makes what already in you Bloom According to what type of personality you have? But to see you.Sulking Because you don't have abilitias 13 years. This was a grown man once who's living his life again. That is just weird. Who had so much confidence at the starting How could someone personality change back-and-forth Like this, that sounds like Spoil a kid. If you just ask me. He was a soldier that came from a world that was Having an Apocalypse. He should have had a stronger will Power done, he had in the First 13 chapters. Because it seems his will power wasn't there. Until he got the system. That's why I hate when people give people overpowered systems in novels. It takes away from the personal will power. It seems like A lot of people like writing novels And the system always tells them what to do. Your system supposed to be a supportive item, not control you. From the moment your system tells you what missions to go and do. It seems like entity controls you like a puppet. I'm just saying. Because I'm a person who likes.Novels with systems, but they should have a limit.

If you say so, I'll give it a try again.

koladeizdavid:True, but mine is actually a supportive system. Remember in the time of the thugs, he wanted to go eliminate them for their unbridled aggressions towards him, when the interface display suddenly came up and showed him that it had converted his self-assigned mission to a system-prompted mission that would come with rewards of items if he could successfully complete them. I don't know if you can remember the MC understanding that and developing a gladdened heart because of it? Also, recall when his mother got taken by bad guys, and was tipped off by the driver about what really happened, then saying to himself that he would take law into his own hands and vengefully retaliate for the deed they committed? Regarding that too, the system display came up again and announced it as a mission of missions for him—a highly dangerous one that he had very little chances of surviving, and this time, encompassing many vast known and unknown treacherous regions, and would reward him with corresponding, fascinating rewards upon its completion? Do you recall that? So, the system doesn't give him missions that he acts on and tries to fulfill. The system only tries to support him by turning his self-assigned missions into system-prompted missions that comes with numerous marvelous rewards upon their completion. And as for the limited quest durations given, they were there to make the MC more zealous, persistent and determined in his approach towards the rewarding, tailored missions, or he would lose the eye-catching items. Hope I have been able to convince you? Thanks for your further comment, it is well appreciated. ✨ 🥂

Sounds like something I wouldn't read, thanks for the review. I really hate MCs with a Deku complex, they do nothing all their lives and wallow in their own misery but do nothing to change their situation, that continues until they receive a miracle (a system, a power, an inheritance, etc.) It's really a lazy and loveless plot.


Hi, I saw your comment and decided to reply. So, about having a deku complex, I don't know what you mean by that, but if it is what I think, then you are wrong. Totally wrong. Let me ask you this: if as a human, u get transported to a desolate, ancient world where u can't do magic, but virtually everyone else can, and that no matter what you do (even though you are the best, renowned fighter on Earth and can bend cars with your powerful arms) what exactly would you do to change your situation if such happens? If you can answer that, then I will respect you for your comment. If not, talk is cheap. Heck, even superman is vulnerable to magic. So, what can an ordinary human do? Fight them and get obliterated by magic? You can't beat them, you can't outrun them, you can't outshine them. They have the power, while you have absolute nothing. Can u even face a witch or wizard here on Earth in some regions? So, I ask again, if such really happens, what really can you do? Tell me. I will wait till eternity for your glorious answer. If not, 💀. Y'all just want the ordinary human MC of every book to be strong and capable of dealing with things a real human can't really deal with. Where is the logic in that? And yea, the MC did try to change his fate, despite the ridicule, indignity, and ardent humiliation he will face in the hands of Astra Mystralis casters at an institute, he still went there to try something, with a particular plan and motive in mind. Also, for many years as he grew, he tried to see if he could harmonize with Astra Mystralis, but it was impossible as he wasn't from that world. He didn't have it in him. If you read, you will understand. That was completely overlooked in this review! So, it's not like he just sat at home crying, wallowing in intense self-pity which can be interpreted from the Original Commenter's review. All that being said, have a nice time. 🥂

Gabichu_Yeah:Sounds like something I wouldn't read, thanks for the review. I really hate MCs with a Deku complex, they do nothing all their lives and wallow in their own misery but do nothing to change their situation, that continues until they receive a miracle (a system, a power, an inheritance, etc.) It's really a lazy and loveless plot.

You mean you'll just wait for death just because you'll never be able to defeat a wizard? I'm sorry but that's having a sheep mentality, I would at least do everything possible to increase my chances of survival even by 1%, 1% is better than 0% and 0% is the situation of your MC who did nothing his entire life. Don't you know what the Deku complex is? I'll explain to you, he is the MC of MHA, he is a boy who is bullied because he doesn't have powers and his classmates do, he then wallows in his misery for his entire life until he is literally given power, a stranger came and gave him his powers, only then did he train (and he did so forced) that's your MC's situation.

koladeizdavid:Hi, I saw your comment and decided to reply. So, about having a deku complex, I don't know what you mean by that, but if it is what I think, then you are wrong. Totally wrong. Let me ask you this: if as a human, u get transported to a desolate, ancient world where u can't do magic, but virtually everyone else can, and that no matter what you do (even though you are the best, renowned fighter on Earth and can bend cars with your powerful arms) what exactly would you do to change your situation if such happens? If you can answer that, then I will respect you for your comment. If not, talk is cheap. Heck, even superman is vulnerable to magic. So, what can an ordinary human do? Fight them and get obliterated by magic? You can't beat them, you can't outrun them, you can't outshine them. They have the power, while you have absolute nothing. Can u even face a witch or wizard here on Earth in some regions? So, I ask again, if such really happens, what really can you do? Tell me. I will wait till eternity for your glorious answer. If not, 💀. Y'all just want the ordinary human MC of every book to be strong and capable of dealing with things a real human can't really deal with. Where is the logic in that? And yea, the MC did try to change his fate, despite the ridicule, indignity, and ardent humiliation he will face in the hands of Astra Mystralis casters at an institute, he still went there to try something, with a particular plan and motive in mind. Also, for many years as he grew, he tried to see if he could harmonize with Astra Mystralis, but it was impossible as he wasn't from that world. He didn't have it in him. If you read, you will understand. That was completely overlooked in this review! So, it's not like he just sat at home crying, wallowing in intense self-pity which can be interpreted from the Original Commenter's review. All that being said, have a nice time. 🥂

I will still say what I said... He didn't wait for death or whatever to come to him. I don't think you read my review to understand all that I said. I will explain again. Even after the realization at the tender age of seven that he was totally incapable of using Astra Mystralis, he kept on meditating, trying to harmonize with Astra Mystralis, even at the slightest. But unfortunately, it was just impossible. He couldn't. Then even knowing that he would be utterly disgraced, embarrassed, degraded, and humiliated in the hands of over five thousand Spellcasters at an institution that was conducting an admissive exam for students who wanted to study there, he still went ahead to participate in their exams, just to see if he would be able to attune with Astra Mystralis. His true motive? (Let me spoil) Once more than 100 people are trying to use the power of Astra Mystralis on the examination platform, perhaps their combined efforts on summoning the power of Astra Mystralis will make the perception of the arcane energy a bit clearer for him. Even though he knew he was going to fail, as there was only 0.01% chance of that happening, he still tried to do something. He felt that maybe to perceive Astra Mystralis in the midst of hundreds of people who are using it, will make the perception of the energy much more easier for him. So, he didn't seat around waiting and doing nothing like you said. My glorious MC was making moves which all sadly ended in failure. Please, understand my reply before you try to respond again. And yea, you responded to only the Earth own I asked, so I will ask again. If you were transported to a desolate, ancient world where absolutely everyone can endlessly perform myriad, powerful feats with magic (in alignment with their abilities in the story), what are you going to do about it? Really, what are you going to do? What things are you going to execute to increase your nonexistent chances of survival? Mind you, they hate people that can't use magic. They absolutely detest them and will do everything to humiliate, degrade, or instantly annihilate them on sight, simply because they see such people, non-user of Astra Mystralis, as rejected product of the world who are capable of canceling, removing, and eliminating their perception/attunement/alignment with the energy if they are found around ten feet of such people (non-user of Astra Mystralis). Now, again, what will you do, imagining you are the MC? I will wait till eternity for ur answer. If not, 💀 🤡

Gabichu_Yeah:You mean you'll just wait for death just because you'll never be able to defeat a wizard? I'm sorry but that's having a sheep mentality, I would at least do everything possible to increase my chances of survival even by 1%, 1% is better than 0% and 0% is the situation of your MC who did nothing his entire life. Don't you know what the Deku complex is? I'll explain to you, he is the MC of MHA, he is a boy who is bullied because he doesn't have powers and his classmates do, he then wallows in his misery for his entire life until he is literally given power, a stranger came and gave him his powers, only then did he train (and he did so forced) that's your MC's situation.

I already said it, instead of putting my hopes in something that since I was 7 years old was determined to be impossible, then I will put my hopes in other fields of study, improve your physique and studies different ways to improve it to the maximum, studies the human body and how to incapacitate someone with minimal movements, hidden weapons, study poisons In the normal world there are tens of thousands of poisons, in a fantasy world there should be more and much more poisonous, methods to apply basic science (using oxygen as a poison, using carbon dioxide as a poison, etc.), even gunpowder would work, I don't think that with 1 ton of gunpowder exploding at the same time you won't be able to eliminate your enemy. Furthermore, he put all his hopes in something he knew he would not achieve, a real soldier would not make such a hasty decision knowing that his life is in danger, much less would he enter a city where everyone hates people like him and who could kill him casually, i think you fail to understand that what you describe to me is a typical cliché slap plot, there are thousands of this type, the Chinese love this type of plot for some twisted reason, Also remember that any excuse you make in the answers are your own invention since you write the story, so it really doesn't make sense to discuss with you something that you can change in minutes editing the story with what you decide at the moment.

koladeizdavid:I will still say what I said... He didn't wait for death or whatever to come to him. I don't think you read my review to understand all that I said. I will explain again. Even after the realization at the tender age of seven that he was totally incapable of using Astra Mystralis, he kept on meditating, trying to harmonize with Astra Mystralis, even at the slightest. But unfortunately, it was just impossible. He couldn't. Then even knowing that he would be utterly disgraced, embarrassed, degraded, and humiliated in the hands of over five thousand Spellcasters at an institution that was conducting an admissive exam for students who wanted to study there, he still went ahead to participate in their exams, just to see if he would be able to attune with Astra Mystralis. His true motive? (Let me spoil) Once more than 100 people are trying to use the power of Astra Mystralis on the examination platform, perhaps their combined efforts on summoning the power of Astra Mystralis will make the perception of the arcane energy a bit clearer for him. Even though he knew he was going to fail, as there was only 0.01% chance of that happening, he still tried to do something. He felt that maybe to perceive Astra Mystralis in the midst of hundreds of people who are using it, will make the perception of the energy much more easier for him. So, he didn't seat around waiting and doing nothing like you said. My glorious MC was making moves which all sadly ended in failure. Please, understand my reply before you try to respond again. And yea, you responded to only the Earth own I asked, so I will ask again. If you were transported to a desolate, ancient world where absolutely everyone can endlessly perform myriad, powerful feats with magic (in alignment with their abilities in the story), what are you going to do about it? Really, what are you going to do? What things are you going to execute to increase your nonexistent chances of survival? Mind you, they hate people that can't use magic. They absolutely detest them and will do everything to humiliate, degrade, or instantly annihilate them on sight, simply because they see such people, non-user of Astra Mystralis, as rejected product of the world who are capable of canceling, removing, and eliminating their perception/attunement/alignment with the energy if they are found around ten feet of such people (non-user of Astra Mystralis). Now, again, what will you do, imagining you are the MC? I will wait till eternity for ur answer. If not, 💀 🤡

Broooooo, pls, all these you mentioned won't be achievable. It is total avoidance by most, or instant kill on sight by some who are extreme. They believe being around such people will cancel or negate their own perception of Astra Mystralis. So, where is he going to get the knowledge of poisons from if he won't even be accepted by the lowest and most mediocre-ranked poison maker that fully believes the world-rejected MC will take away his entire lifetime attunement with the energy. True that he is a skilled elite soldier, like one of the top best a country has to offer, and has knowledge of where to strike to practically inflict sense-overwhelming pains. Still, he can't do anything against them. Their magic isn't the Harry Potter (movie) kind of magic. It is hundred times more epic than that. And as they grow, their perception will Astra Mystralis energy increases. Creative 4 year olds could perform insane magic that will leave one in awe. So, MC wasn't able to do anything of substance towards any of them. They were all too powerful, with him seeming like an absolute neglect in a world that totally hated his existence and would try to cease his life. But when he received the system when he was dying, he was empowered, becoming a hundred times the soldier he was once on Earth with the technological weapons, armors, and equipment given to him after every completion of varying tasks and missions. The original poster of the review left out many things, to the point I can say he or she didn't really know what they were typing. He even called his mum grandma. But there was no place where a grandma was mentioned in the story. So, that's it. Anyway, everybody have what they like. This is what I like and designed my story that way. While you would have ur own taste of what a perfect MC should behave or look like. Thanks for the comment, and have a nice time out there. 🥂

Gabichu_Yeah:I already said it, instead of putting my hopes in something that since I was 7 years old was determined to be impossible, then I will put my hopes in other fields of study, improve your physique and studies different ways to improve it to the maximum, studies the human body and how to incapacitate someone with minimal movements, hidden weapons, study poisons In the normal world there are tens of thousands of poisons, in a fantasy world there should be more and much more poisonous, methods to apply basic science (using oxygen as a poison, using carbon dioxide as a poison, etc.), even gunpowder would work, I don't think that with 1 ton of gunpowder exploding at the same time you won't be able to eliminate your enemy. Furthermore, he put all his hopes in something he knew he would not achieve, a real soldier would not make such a hasty decision knowing that his life is in danger, much less would he enter a city where everyone hates people like him and who could kill him casually, i think you fail to understand that what you describe to me is a typical cliché slap plot, there are thousands of this type, the Chinese love this type of plot for some twisted reason, Also remember that any excuse you make in the answers are your own invention since you write the story, so it really doesn't make sense to discuss with you something that you can change in minutes editing the story with what you decide at the moment.

will he be able to use the astra mystralis in the future or what author 🤔?

koladeizdavid:Broooooo, pls, all these you mentioned won't be achievable. It is total avoidance by most, or instant kill on sight by some who are extreme. They believe being around such people will cancel or negate their own perception of Astra Mystralis. So, where is he going to get the knowledge of poisons from if he won't even be accepted by the lowest and most mediocre-ranked poison maker that fully believes the world-rejected MC will take away his entire lifetime attunement with the energy. True that he is a skilled elite soldier, like one of the top best a country has to offer, and has knowledge of where to strike to practically inflict sense-overwhelming pains. Still, he can't do anything against them. Their magic isn't the Harry Potter (movie) kind of magic. It is hundred times more epic than that. And as they grow, their perception will Astra Mystralis energy increases. Creative 4 year olds could perform insane magic that will leave one in awe. So, MC wasn't able to do anything of substance towards any of them. They were all too powerful, with him seeming like an absolute neglect in a world that totally hated his existence and would try to cease his life. But when he received the system when he was dying, he was empowered, becoming a hundred times the soldier he was once on Earth with the technological weapons, armors, and equipment given to him after every completion of varying tasks and missions. The original poster of the review left out many things, to the point I can say he or she didn't really know what they were typing. He even called his mum grandma. But there was no place where a grandma was mentioned in the story. So, that's it. Anyway, everybody have what they like. This is what I like and designed my story that way. While you would have ur own taste of what a perfect MC should behave or look like. Thanks for the comment, and have a nice time out there. 🥂

Hi, why don't you find out and see? 😅 You might be amazed. 😌 🥂

scarletking001:will he be able to use the astra mystralis in the future or what author 🤔?