
Review Detail of IOnlyEatDinner in Tycoon of Video Games



It's a very interesting premise copied from another novel, unfortunately, it's not even close to the original in any way. Character relationships, business competitions, and even regular character interactions appear comical. Sometimes they would appear exaggerated or brain dead for what seems to be an attempt to be funny or a poor attempt at painting a character in a bad light. Unfortunately, for a genre that is more grounded to realism, it takes from the immersion and lowers the quality of the story. What a story like this needs is a thrilling competent competitions, not some third-rate cardboard villain that you know will fail from the start. Another thing a story like this needs is proper interactions from people around him and reactions from the people influenced/touched by his games, directly or indirectly. Not some side-comments about MC's arrogance over and over like they don't have anything else to comment on. There's also the a glaring lack of insight for business that is a very important strength of the original. The sequence of events just move on without easing up to it. In the original, we get a proper planning and answers from the MC on business standpoint, whether it be to answer the actions of his also very competent competitions or other entities that are trying to one-up him and/or his business, or an action of necessity due to things actually progressing enough to warrant it or having a very good opportunity to do it. Here? It mostly just happens out of nowhere. Overall, I may be giving a harsh criticism, considering that the original had a very good foundation, and being inspired from it should have at least retained its good quality, unfortunately, I don't see any reason to read this when the quality is very much lower than the original. On a very unprofessional and unfiltered rant, any more of those character dialogues and I'm gonna start having a brain hemorrhage. I seriously can't muster up the strength to read more.

Tycoon of Video Games


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