
Review Detail of Rhongomynaid in Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness



A real romanceless romance that really resembles the typical low key sign in novels despite there being no signing in. Our protagonist gets assaulted by some generic demoness sect leader character. Since this is a Chinese novel he isn't mentally scarred or traumatised but instead just brushes it off while the sect leader apparently has some mixed feelings about this. This is weirdly messed up morally but fine, let's move on. Generic protagonist, generic cultivation system/world, generic characters and generic luck based cheat. While this novel does make me yawn unfortunately I've read more chapters of worse. This is essentially a spiritual successor to sign in novels but with a poorly thought out and currently non existent romance narrative to push the story. The part of this novel that resembles the low key sign in novels is mundane but I can kinda force myself to read it, it's not bad. The relationship with the sect master however is just tedious. I don't care for the morality of the characters have and the fact that the protagonist has no animosity or any kind of feeling in particular (besides fear) towards the sect master is just strange. Somewhat generic part sign in part detached romance with some translation errors (awkward and hard to understand wording). I do like the laid back, chill vibes of this novel though so although I've criticised this a lot, I don't hate it, I'm actually fairly biased towards it but I'm also a bit confounded. 2/5.

Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Red Pepper Afraid Of Spicy

ถูกใจ 112 คน




I think the reason why the MC has no animosity is because the sect master is almost a second system to him. Later on, she checks on him regularly and gives him little gifts/presents (after kicking his ass for one reason or another). As for having no resentment in the beginning, my headcanon is that the MC is just a robot in a human body. He doesn't really seem to have any desire or hatred towards anyone at all; he just goes with the flow.


Why you do you never rate it the same as ur actual rating


Meh as long as it kills time


I'ma just copy paste what I've said before, in fact this entire message you're reading has already been copy pasted a few times before. If you're sincerely curious then read it otherwise shush. I'm tired of explaining this fr. I'll have to censor/change some words since Webnovel automatically deletes comments/reviews with even slightly strong language. A lot of people are confused as to why I've given this novel 5 (or 0) stars in spite of my score in the review but I can't be bothered to explain myself so I'm going to copy paste things I've already said about the Webnovel rating system in the past. Lots of words, be prepared. The rating system is bad, it averages out some stupid factors. What about quality of writing? Overall enjoyment? Comedy? That doesn't fit with story, translation, characters etc. The Webnovel rating system was made by an illiterate imb*cile. Averaging out the Translation Quality, the Stability of Updates, Story Development, Character Design and World Background is a dumb idea. Why would the stability of updates and translation quality boost the score? A novel could upload 100 chapters a day of a very well translated novel but it doesn't matter if the novel itself is absolute garbage. Going by this logic, I would have to give this hypothetical novel a full 5 stars for the Translation Quality and the Stability of Updates and give everything else a 1 star rating. So what would the score of this god awful but well translated and often updated novel be you ask? A 2.6 out of 5 for a large amount of comprehensible garbage. Rubbish logic if you ask me. As long as this isn't terrible enough for me to feel mental anguish if it gets picked, I'll give it a 5. If else, a 1 will suffice. Ratings don't mean anything on this site already anyways, in fact some 1 or 5 star reviews here are from before the novel is even released but nobody gives those cretins any flak for it. Ok this sentence isn't copy pasted: I got a hot take for you: MBDTF is a light 6/10, 808s better.

KabamShazam:Why you do you never rate it the same as ur actual rating

I do that, because even if the novels aren't the best, I would still read them. So I give them full ratings in hope they would be picked.

KabamShazam:Why you do you never rate it the same as ur actual rating

one star ratings get deleted

KabamShazam:Why you do you never rate it the same as ur actual rating

I don't know about others, but I'm seriously impressed with how your writing just flows.




i must say that i disagree with the review. I've read the other novel of the same author here on webnovel, and his idea of romance is very slow paced, but also very sweet as long as it starts. But again if it's the same as the other novel it may even be a hundred chapters before the two get together, in the meantime we will see the two slowly get to know each other and start nurturing emotions


Fair, you make good points and I agree with them however this doesn’t necessarily refute anything my review says at this time and still doesn’t address my issue with the romance and how cardboardlike the MC is. I can get behind the idea of the romance being good later. I just find the start of this romance to be distasteful and a major reason for that is the MCs apathy to the situation. He’s too generic and he’s intentionally emotionally unrealistically written to not have even the slightest hint of animosity towards the FL for the authors convenience. Basically the author being lazy/purposefully incompetent to have an easier time writing the romance.

MrNewbie:i must say that i disagree with the review. I've read the other novel of the same author here on webnovel, and his idea of romance is very slow paced, but also very sweet as long as it starts. But again if it's the same as the other novel it may even be a hundred chapters before the two get together, in the meantime we will see the two slowly get to know each other and start nurturing emotions

well yeah you're right. However I still hope they'll release it. Even with these problems i still enjoyed the novel.

Rhongomynaid:Fair, you make good points and I agree with them however this doesn’t necessarily refute anything my review says at this time and still doesn’t address my issue with the romance and how cardboardlike the MC is. I can get behind the idea of the romance being good later. I just find the start of this romance to be distasteful and a major reason for that is the MCs apathy to the situation. He’s too generic and he’s intentionally emotionally unrealistically written to not have even the slightest hint of animosity towards the FL for the authors convenience. Basically the author being lazy/purposefully incompetent to have an easier time writing the romance.


MrNewbie:well yeah you're right. However I still hope they'll release it. Even with these problems i still enjoyed the novel.

hello as of writing this I am currently at the latest chapter which is 281 and theres still no romatic development except for the demoness giving him legendary pills and collecting (stealing) his used (cracked) weapons(if you could call that progress)

MrNewbie:i must say that i disagree with the review. I've read the other novel of the same author here on webnovel, and his idea of romance is very slow paced, but also very sweet as long as it starts. But again if it's the same as the other novel it may even be a hundred chapters before the two get together, in the meantime we will see the two slowly get to know each other and start nurturing emotions

Since there's no development at 281 is there ever going to be romance? I'm not into romance but it'd be weird if this novel didn't have it. Why is she stealing his used weapons? Is there something special about it or is it just sentimental value?

DaoistPaleSnow:hello as of writing this I am currently at the latest chapter which is 281 and theres still no romatic development except for the demoness giving him legendary pills and collecting (stealing) his used (cracked) weapons(if you could call that progress)

I think the romance will only start once he is at the same cultivation stage as the demoness

Rhongomynaid:Since there's no development at 281 is there ever going to be romance? I'm not into romance but it'd be weird if this novel didn't have it. Why is she stealing his used weapons? Is there something special about it or is it just sentimental value?

but I think her giving mc Legendary pills is a kind of progress. He got poisoned once without him knowing and she gave him a legendary detoxify pill that was said to no longer be available and only a few are left.

Rhongomynaid:Since there's no development at 281 is there ever going to be romance? I'm not into romance but it'd be weird if this novel didn't have it. Why is she stealing his used weapons? Is there something special about it or is it just sentimental value?

Sigh, I don't like these comment ce nsoring either. I write up a long comment and then poof, wasting my time. As for "Stability of Updates", it's getting even more funny nowadays, as they thought up about slicing RAW chapters into 2, 3 parts hahah. It's irritating when you go over to MTL


considering your name you should check out shadow slave


lol I actually changed my name because of the novel

BlackRoseDragon:considering your name you should check out shadow slave

the rating system is bad, i agree, but rating it 5 starts is still a mistake, i rate everything equally personally, if i think the novel is 2/5 then that's how i rate it, since i know the end result is just a combination of all of them.


Morality: a particular system of values and principles of conduct, especially one held by a specified person or society. Chinese people would say that you are hijacking morality. This is just a cultural divide. You say that it's unrealistic that he isn't mad? He's happy to have experienced that with a beautiful woman. He was just scared that she would kill him to hide her indiscretion.