
Review Detail of TianGuez in Age of Charon



Well, this is the first time that I find a work so well done ... but hey I will continue to qualify with the standards of a fan fiction: Writing Quaility: objectively I cannot judge this section since I use a translator, although I am still impressed that it is one of the few works with which I have found a more complete and elegant vocabulary, in addition to such polished writing and narration, from this I can say that the author has the skills of a writer of books from some good publishing houses. Stability of uptades: I think it is more or less a weekly chapter, if it were a common fan fic the publication rate would be poor, but counting the quality and length of the chapters it seems to me more than good. Story Development: With only one arc, it has shown to have a good construction of the story in general plans, it seems quite good from many points of view, in addition to playing with the POVs and changing the story to your liking but without going over the lines of the work, although it has some details that screech, such as the fact that several characters think things that they did not think before, for example in the case of the Maximoff brothers, some members of the Avengers saw them as boys who were lost in life, even after working with a Terrorist cell and helping Utron, but then Ultron meets them again and out of nowhere almost all the Avengers begin to suspect the Maximoffs, it also happens with the case of Ultron, Stark is understood That he is not psychologically well and that he suddenly changes his mind, but the author I think that he used that resource a lot without leading to many things, he left matters unfinished or left them in the air, Ulton calling Stark father, Ultron's speech to Friday of what he truly is, I have even Pepper's talks that go nowhere things that would be very good plots but leaves them in the air. But in general terms, he plays with something that few authors do, he talks about philosophical and psychological issues, he plays with AI and the limit between machine and human, few fanfiction authors have gotten into these issues as well as this one, which gives a fresh air. to the topics that are usually touched on in Marvel fan fics. Character Design: Here the author shines and for a long time, as I said, one of the topics he touches is psychology, because thanks to that he gets to touch layers of some characters in a sublime way in addition to not being afraid of getting into the minds of the characters And to elaborate, where do you see this is the AIs, Ultron is extremely well done, although he still has problems, since it is not known how he really is, is he the first Ultron child who adopted Stark characteristics? Or is it the mature Ultron who was seeking peace and introspection, with fear and hatred of being handled? Well, it is never clarified in the first arc, obviously I know that Ultron during that time Ultron is being influenced by the stone but it does not remove the fact that Ultron's changes are so abrupt and picturesque that you do not know that Ultron was an act or what really it is. The fact that these changes happen seems very good to me, it is one of the few times that I see such an introspective and well done character, psychologically speaking, but the author treats some of these issues above and leaves them in the air. But by far it is one of the works that has best handled his characters. World Background: The world where things happen is quite well done, the things that happen in the work have palpable consequences in the world, this is already quite solid, also it is not locked in the United States, but it explores other countries and borders not leaving the Avengers to a single national event without influence in other countries, the first arc has not yet finished and consequently all the consequences that Ultron has caused have not yet been seen, but there have already been flashes that the author does not leave these things called "consequences" forget

Age of Charon


ถูกใจ 6 คน




Thanks for the review, dear reader. You made some great points. I was feeling the same about how fast the twins and the perspectives of the Avengers on them changed. I couldn't find the time in the fic to make that gradual and more rational. Things happen too fast for that, and it was just one of those things I had to give up on and accept it as convenient. However, as for those conversations with FRIDAY and Pepper which have currently shown no results, and Stark's suspicions, please be patient dear reader! Arc 2 will deal with most of those points but haven't even started yet! Still, thank you for your review. It was very well-thought-out.