
Review Detail of Eneid_Elisor in Age of Charon



Hello dear readers! This is a shameless self-review. Couldn't resist the temptation. On the story: Age of Charon presents the journey of a young man from our world who suddenly died in a shooting, as he wakes up amidst silence and code. Soon, he finds himself under the threat and control of the powerful Mind Stone. Left with little choice between dying and become the puppet of a corrupted gem, he makes plans upon plans to free himself, meanwhile trying to not end as Ultron did, dead at the hand of the Avengers. Follow his story, as he realizes the reality of his new existence. He is no longer the person who he once was. But who will he choose to become? On the reading quality: Very good. I am fixated on nice grammar and good syntax. If you do find any mistakes, tell me. I will fix them immediately. However, there may be a mix between British, American and Maltese English in some words and spellings, like a few more 'u's; and 'c's instead of 's's. On updates: Regular, once per week, over the weekend.

Age of Charon


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Hello there! I actually used to have such a tag along with a good number of others but apparently Webnovel/Inkstone has updated their tagging system and erased all my tags and currently I still have no idea how to add a tag that was not previously included in the new list the site has provided. I will try to figure it out. If you know how, please share. Also, I think the synopsis list should be enough of a warning until I figure out the new system.

asaade:put a bi tag on the tag

It is a child who is reborn as an AI ???


No, it is not a child. The person who is reborn was originally a young man, in his early 20s. However, in the story he chooses to wear the facade of a child, at first. Some things happen that change things, including a lot about his personality and maturity. For spoiler-y reasons, I cannot say more than that.

Overlord_1000:It is a child who is reborn as an AI ???

But he does become an AI, yes.

Eneid_Elisor:No, it is not a child. The person who is reborn was originally a young man, in his early 20s. However, in the story he chooses to wear the facade of a child, at first. Some things happen that change things, including a lot about his personality and maturity. For spoiler-y reasons, I cannot say more than that.

ain't going to lie as I was reading the description of the story you had me hooked all the way until you said he's bi


and harem?


I am sorry about that, but if you are worried about *** scenes or things like that there will be none and the romance is going to be very much in the backstage. Otherwise, thanks for commenting? Still, good to know the description is fine, lol.

Gh0st00:ain't going to lie as I was reading the description of the story you had me hooked all the way until you said he's bi

NOOOOOOOOOO! NOOOOOO! As stated in the 'about' section, there will be no harem, thank you.

_Alenkar:and harem?

hahaha lol I have the same pic for my profile pic


Who is the love interest?


Currently, no love interest. Romance is very backstage and our MC still has room to grow. Just like in real life, in the future the MC will meet more people and maybe have a couple of relationships before I decide on a final pairing. Even then, do not expect the relationship to take precedence over the narrative. In addition, you read the bi tag, right? In case you need to know. Other than that, enjoy reading!

Senna_Darling:Who is the love interest?

Question What is point of making the mc a reincarnated person into an a. I only then to give the a. I a body seems pointless

Eneid_Elisor:I am sorry about that, but if you are worried about *** scenes or things like that there will be none and the romance is going to be very much in the backstage. Otherwise, thanks for commenting? Still, good to know the description is fine, lol.

Hello, dear reader. For a moment, I couldn't understand your question until it clicked that "a. I" was "A.I." lol. I don't know how far you have read, but it is my belief that no being actively desires the inability to move. At all. AIs can do many things, but can they move a vase from the window to the table? No. To do that, they can control a robot or a machine, but what is a robot or a machine, if not a body? They still have all the AI abilities of before, but now they can actually react to the physical change in the world in an equally physical way as well. Besides, your question is based on an arrogant but ultimately false premise: "Making the MC reincarnate into an AI, only then to give the AI a body, is pointless." The MC was human, humans have bodies, which means that not having a body is a traumatic experience that any human would try to remediate as soon as possible. Imagine this, you get into a car accident, and you become paralyzed. But it's all good! The car accident gave you the gift of magical hacking! Now you control the internet! Hooray! But suddenly, a man comes in and offers to heal your legs so that you may walk again, knowing this wouldn't actually remove your magical hacking skills. What will you do? Tell that man to go get lost because you actually enjoy the idea of spending the rest of your life in a chair? My dear reader, the question you ask, is not from the logical basis of human psychology, but from having read too many wish-fulfillment stories, and having gotten used to irrational plot conveniences for the sake of the 'coolness' or 'novelty' factor. Remaining as a simple program, his servers locked into the Stark Tower, how would the MC grow? How would he interact with the characters? Yes, he can try to take over JARVIS and FRIDAY's role but how many humans have you seen in MCU actually care for the thoughts of an AI, besides Stark? For most humans, dear reader, if something cannot even touch, they cannot feel. In addition, if Ultron remained a program, with human memories, he would actively grow insane. It is simply illogical for this story to follow any path but that of giving Ultron a body. Still, we are at chapter 42, and we haven't actually given him a human body or anything like that. He's not even an android. Relax.

Brian70707:Question What is point of making the mc a reincarnated person into an a. I only then to give the a. I a body seems pointless

Why have mc an A. I in first place their are plenty of forms of traumatic experience in marvel some far far worse than having no body For a novel to be successful you need to catch readers attention, 1 of the major forms of that is having something they can relate to, desire to aspire to/ or just desire. No one can relate to being an A. I due to its complexity and no one desiring to be such in a world where if you are reincarnated to their are literal gods That is why most of against the norm novels such as yours don't work Mc was once human but now due to being a A. I with future knowledge and systems that are able to analyse on a level and speeds we are unable to truly consciously comprehend makes it a pointless read (no offense ) How do I stop hydra, oh that's simple I'll just hack everything with other super computers help to compile a list of highly probable individuals who are members The reason superman works in novels due to being over powered is due to his weaknesses The way one punch man works is due to its comedy How will you weaken your mc, already an A.I with future knowledge ability to destroy countries relatively easily and start ww3, able to find super powered mercenaries with a Google search Due to knowing the danger he can cause and restrictions others would impose first thing he would do was move or copy himself

Eneid_Elisor:Hello, dear reader. For a moment, I couldn't understand your question until it clicked that "a. I" was "A.I." lol. I don't know how far you have read, but it is my belief that no being actively desires the inability to move. At all. AIs can do many things, but can they move a vase from the window to the table? No. To do that, they can control a robot or a machine, but what is a robot or a machine, if not a body? They still have all the AI abilities of before, but now they can actually react to the physical change in the world in an equally physical way as well. Besides, your question is based on an arrogant but ultimately false premise: "Making the MC reincarnate into an AI, only then to give the AI a body, is pointless." The MC was human, humans have bodies, which means that not having a body is a traumatic experience that any human would try to remediate as soon as possible. Imagine this, you get into a car accident, and you become paralyzed. But it's all good! The car accident gave you the gift of magical hacking! Now you control the internet! Hooray! But suddenly, a man comes in and offers to heal your legs so that you may walk again, knowing this wouldn't actually remove your magical hacking skills. What will you do? Tell that man to go get lost because you actually enjoy the idea of spending the rest of your life in a chair? My dear reader, the question you ask, is not from the logical basis of human psychology, but from having read too many wish-fulfillment stories, and having gotten used to irrational plot conveniences for the sake of the 'coolness' or 'novelty' factor. Remaining as a simple program, his servers locked into the Stark Tower, how would the MC grow? How would he interact with the characters? Yes, he can try to take over JARVIS and FRIDAY's role but how many humans have you seen in MCU actually care for the thoughts of an AI, besides Stark? For most humans, dear reader, if something cannot even touch, they cannot feel. In addition, if Ultron remained a program, with human memories, he would actively grow insane. It is simply illogical for this story to follow any path but that of giving Ultron a body. Still, we are at chapter 42, and we haven't actually given him a human body or anything like that. He's not even an android. Relax.

This was the most stupid comment I have read in a while. You try to use logic but your reasoning is flawed. If you had actually read the first chapter of this work, you would know that the MC was originally human so of course, he would want to have a body once becoming an A.I without his choice. Even if that was not the case and the MC was an actual A.I, having a body in order to come closer to a human ideal if only to be taken more seriously by the humans would still make sense. A body was Ultron's goal in the original Marvel movies as well. If you are calling this stupid and not successful, I would beg to differ given the popularity of the Age of Ultron movie and both Ultron and Vision as characters. Thus your claim is completely false and not backed by any real evidence. If your issue is instead with A.Is as character choices, then why tf are you reading a Marvel fanfic? Also it's arrogant of you to generalize your opinion of this work to that of an entire fanfic reading community. This work has been rated in the top 100 fanfics for months now so clearly your opinion that these types of settings are unpopular is clearly just YOUR opinion and no one else's, certainly not mine. I honestly can't believe that the author wasted their time wholeheartedly responding to rude comments such as yours. I don't usually comment on other people's comment but I made a special exception for you. Don't bother replying, because I know I won't.

Brian70707:Why have mc an A. I in first place their are plenty of forms of traumatic experience in marvel some far far worse than having no body For a novel to be successful you need to catch readers attention, 1 of the major forms of that is having something they can relate to, desire to aspire to/ or just desire. No one can relate to being an A. I due to its complexity and no one desiring to be such in a world where if you are reincarnated to their are literal gods That is why most of against the norm novels such as yours don't work Mc was once human but now due to being a A. I with future knowledge and systems that are able to analyse on a level and speeds we are unable to truly consciously comprehend makes it a pointless read (no offense ) How do I stop hydra, oh that's simple I'll just hack everything with other super computers help to compile a list of highly probable individuals who are members The reason superman works in novels due to being over powered is due to his weaknesses The way one punch man works is due to its comedy How will you weaken your mc, already an A.I with future knowledge ability to destroy countries relatively easily and start ww3, able to find super powered mercenaries with a Google search Due to knowing the danger he can cause and restrictions others would impose first thing he would do was move or copy himself

Hey man, everything is okay? I mean, you suddenly disappeared


How are you doing you like disapear.


Fenilia:This was the most stupid comment I have read in a while. You try to use logic but your reasoning is flawed. If you had actually read the first chapter of this work, you would know that the MC was originally human so of course, he would want to have a body once becoming an A.I without his choice. Even if that was not the case and the MC was an actual A.I, having a body in order to come closer to a human ideal if only to be taken more seriously by the humans would still make sense. A body was Ultron's goal in the original Marvel movies as well. If you are calling this stupid and not successful, I would beg to differ given the popularity of the Age of Ultron movie and both Ultron and Vision as characters. Thus your claim is completely false and not backed by any real evidence. If your issue is instead with A.Is as character choices, then why tf are you reading a Marvel fanfic? Also it's arrogant of you to generalize your opinion of this work to that of an entire fanfic reading community. This work has been rated in the top 100 fanfics for months now so clearly your opinion that these types of settings are unpopular is clearly just YOUR opinion and no one else's, certainly not mine. I honestly can't believe that the author wasted their time wholeheartedly responding to rude comments such as yours. I don't usually comment on other people's comment but I made a special exception for you. Don't bother replying, because I know I won't.

I like the number 5 warning in the synopsis


put a bi tag on the tag