
Review Detail of EvilBlueCrystal in Reborn In Naruto As An Experiment



Some experiment is created but the creator abandons it without any explanation or reasoning? Then the Hokage,finds this dangerous child that survived an explosion without the use any chakra, and He just tosses it into an orphanage like it's meaningless. The child was created with no brain but it's not suspicious at all. It follows with the typical protagonist reincarnation where 'God gives wishes to the protagonist'. The protagonist's actions and thoughts are completely unnatural, the first thing he does is assume everyone's strength and come up with numerous ideas, theories, and assumptions. This guy has no personality of his own, so he decides to protect the neglected Naruto and become best buddies with him, And if you're expecting anything remotely realistic or serious from this novel, you'll be sorely disappointed, instead the plot is filled with goofy interactions.

Reborn In Naruto As An Experiment


ถูกใจ 60 คน




So your idea of review is to shower the author with complements.if the novel it's bad the review should be bad to other wise the author will learn nothing 😕

Kinglur:reviews are meant to help the author improve as well as to give a healthy opinion not to commit cyber bullying

this is my first attempt at fan fiction. Thanks for your honest review, and giving it a try.


this was a hate review, when giving a review one should take into account whether it's the first time the author writes a fanfic or not, then check on the tags (the moment "slice of life" was added you usually get some leeway on the logic department) and only then you give an objective review, not just sh*tpost review (if you're going to criticize may as well give suggestions on how to improve) there's no need to go all geek on the guy add of you were a star wars/star trek nerd For f sake

Balthizar_Blake:this is my first attempt at fan fiction. Thanks for your honest review, and giving it a try.

reviews are meant to help the author improve as well as to give a healthy opinion not to commit cyber bullying


Don’t even trust his judgment he takes the fanfic and compares it to a professionaly made novel he reviews everything and always has nothing good to say even on fanfics I love.


Cat_Tip:Don’t even trust his judgment he takes the fanfic and compares it to a professionaly made novel he reviews everything and always has nothing good to say even on fanfics I love.

This is a hate review? He gave out some pretty solid points. This is why authors don't improve. 'First time writing' you should expect to have some harsh criticism.


Like that other guy said, he gave solid points and if you knew how to read those same points he criticized can also be taken as a suggestion on what the author can improve on.

Kinglur:this was a hate review, when giving a review one should take into account whether it's the first time the author writes a fanfic or not, then check on the tags (the moment "slice of life" was added you usually get some leeway on the logic department) and only then you give an objective review, not just sh*tpost review (if you're going to criticize may as well give suggestions on how to improve) there's no need to go all geek on the guy add of you were a star wars/star trek nerd For f sake

l agree with most points but I want to defend the author here. Apart from the fact that it is his first fic. I am assuming mc has watched Naruto and he likes Naruto so he naturally wants him to live a better life that in the show, if I was in Naruto, I would want naruto to have a better life as it would not sit well with my conscience especially if I could do something about it, it’s different when it happens from a screen and when it happens in front of you. Also I don’t think the interactions were necessarily bad, writing just needed to be better after the author is not a professional, and what type of author would he be if there were no interactions in a slice of life fic? Almost sounds like you are looking an edge lord mc that gives no f*** and is strong asf at 6 years old and is the youngest kage ever. However in this fic, pacing is decent for a guy that got some special perks. Overall fic is not good, but it’s not bad and can be read to pass time.




avoid my book at all costs


Whether it's a hate review or not, which I don't think it is, you're absolutely right, if we compare it to other well-made or decently made fics, this is something close to garbage, but it's the author's first fic so it's understandable and I do not condemn the story for it, otherwise, well the story was interesting, it has or had potential, the character is somewhat strange in terms of his behavior, attitude, physically, the description given to him makes it difficult to imagine how it looks.