

2021-12-20 เข้าร่วมแล้วIndia









  • Stolen_Name
    ตอบกลับถึง Shivam_Dhingra

    That one's gonna burn.

    I picked a diamond ring and some earrings, they may be useful someday.
    Black Clover : The Last Legacy
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · Immortle_diablo123
  • Stolen_Name
    ตอบกลับถึง JTGTitan_96

    Sounds like you have no real friends. Friends are respectful about boundaries but anything that's outside the stated boundary is a fair game.

    Nick on the other hand was once again walking through the halls with Nazgul in his arms comfortably. It didn't take long for him to get to the workshop that was unlocked and occupied by his little group. Luna immediately lit up and rushed over forcefully interrupting her duel with Harry the moment she saw Nazgul. Dusk was also in the room but was hiding behind the furnace nervously. "Hello aren't you just the cutest thing ever , yes you are!" Luna said while snatching Nazgul out of Nick's hands and giving her a spinning hug. I only took the other girls a heartbeat after that to follow suit and shower the newborn with affection.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    หนังสือและวรรณกรรม · loskro
  • Stolen_Name

    The reason we are unable to save enough money within the expected time for something we want is simply because the expenses are pretty unexpected in numbers.

    At the same time I had to figure out a different method of stopping him from spying on me. The answer was simply to employ the squirrels again but this time merely as guards. The psychotic little tree rats were more than happy to keep an eye out in exchange for a daily ration of good food. It was a little pricey to buy this small army of squirrels so much food but I could easily cover that amount with two or three C rank missions.-
    Naruto-The secret sage
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · loskro
  • Stolen_Name

    Here 🫳 (' '). You forgot to put them on accidentally.

    The air pressure blew open both her and Shizunes towels and I hurried looked away after accidentally getting an eyeful.
    Naruto-The secret sage
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · loskro
  • Stolen_Name

    suffering from success

    The next day I visited the local gambling establishments and got promptly kicked out of them after going on a hot winning streak earning thirty million ryo by betting ten million right at the start. These places had thought that I sucked at gambling like my sensei and thus could earn some easy money off me, they were wrong. Blackjack and five card draw were my go to games and I lost much less than I won which eventually led the places to kick me out as that was bad for their wallets.-
    Naruto-The secret sage
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · loskro
  • Stolen_Name

    So long as you don't force your preferences onto others, or harm others unnecessarily for it, you'll hear no complaints from me if we ever met.

    My own preference was typically geared towards foraging plants than hunting but I wasn't above killing off the sick or old animals to feed myself. I tried to leave the young ones alone though as I didn't like being the reason they never reached old age. Probably hypocritical I know but that was just the way I saw it. Anyways after eating Naruto headed home and I checked my parents home before heading to my little tree fort in the forest of death when I saw they weren't back yet.-
    Naruto-The secret sage
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · loskro
  • Stolen_Name

    If that were true, then there could be no possibilities of manipulators. I mean, if someone is completely responsible for his own actions, then even if I did misled them by any means, they are the ones responsible for it, whole I am completely unrelated to it. True?

    The only actions one is truly ever responsible for are their own, Orochimaru alone was responsible for the way he turned out as those choices were his alone. Teachers give knowledge and time to their students but how that was used was the students choice. I understood this and accepted it but my sensei was not the same. To some degree she felt responsible for the way Orochimaru turned out and even now felt responsible for myself as well. Don't get me wrong I was happy to have her as my sensei but that didn't mean I wasn't aware of why she took this role.-
    Naruto-The secret sage
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · loskro
  • Stolen_Name
    ตอบกลับถึง Daoofholes6969

    Factory needs input. Whether Resources or Efforts, which is also a kind of resource.

    "It's true, my sensei would regularly have periods of time where he couldn't make any progress on a project he was working on and used my teammates and I as sounding boards to try and break through even if none of us understood what he was talking about. There was even this one time when Homura was talking about his dinner and sensei rushed off with sudden inspiration. Talking about a simple pot of curry had helped sensei create the shadow clone and multishadow clone jutsus. It is a fact few know outside my own teammates." The Hokage said with a nostalgic smile.-
    Naruto-The secret sage
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · loskro
  • Stolen_Name

    Neji is a year older.

    At the end of all this training was me who now had a frankly freakish level of control over my own chakra according to my parents and Mito but was unhappy because it still wasn't perfect. I still wasted minute amounts of chakra each time I used it simply due to how damned hard it was to only use a small amount of my massive reserve. Neji and Hinata weren't shy about using their Byakugan and as a result the fact my chakra reserve was second only to Naruto was public knowledge and in addition to my being the undisputed strongest in my class lead to a new type of problem, women.-
    Naruto-The secret sage
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · loskro
  • Stolen_Name

    Science Geek Time!!!! Buoyancy is a highly misunderstood concept for general populace. Buoyancy has nothing to do with what you're made of or what you have inside of you. So long as you are a solid body that can displace water, buoyancy will be applied to you. As for at what level of water you'd be, that is decided by your weight. So a hollow object like a gigantic ship made of metal can float on water because compared to the volume or size it has, it's weight is low. Which means the amount of water it displaced can generate buoyancy more than what it's weight.

    It was a bit different then one would imagine as the water didn't like someone with air in them being under it as a matter of buoyancy. The trick was that you had to "grab" the water under your feet and turn it solid with your chakra before pushing off of it. I found that creating a layer of chakra on top of your skin also greatly reduced the drag from moving thus allowing rapid movements underwater. I used the pond nearby my house for this particular training much to my parents irritation since I caused a lot of water displacement until I got it down.-
    Naruto-The secret sage
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · loskro
  • Stolen_Name
    ตอบกลับถึง dragon_shot

    Pretty sure they fall into the category of precaution.

    Prevention is better than cure after all.
    MHA : Hero Time
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · kamidemond
  • Stolen_Name

    I don't think he's ever acted in a way that could make her feel like that though. He never used that status at all. So, it's simply an overreaction.

    "It's not fair , why should we be under your thumb just because of how we were born!?" Fleur said angrily while tearing up. "Fun fact chick the worlds not fair , never was. I didn't choose to be born just like you didn't either so all we can do is play with the cards we are dealt and try to fix anything we don't agree with. You want to get out from under my lordships effect? Just cast off your race for something that isn't avian in nature and there you go problem solved. " he said harshly.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    หนังสือและวรรณกรรม · loskro
  • Stolen_Name

    The one who made speculation on who the spy could be, this is what I'm talking about.

    Nick ignored them and only left the library at dinner time to see who got chosen from the goblet. "What were you even doing in the library anyways? I heard rumors you were just flipping through books all day." Harry asked curiously. "I was copying the books one page at a time since this year will likely be my last one here at Hogwarts." Nick said honestly. "WHAT!?" Ron exclaimed loudly drawing a lot of attention. "It's no secret that I don't belong here any more , not as a student at least. I figured that I would apply for early graduation this year with that in mind." Nick said without hiding it.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    หนังสือและวรรณกรรม · loskro
  • Stolen_Name
    ตอบกลับถึง Vidhan_Bhardwaj

    Philosophy doesn't change biology and the biological chemicals in your body.

    'Man, she was moved by just that?'
    Hitman x Family
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · Livice
  • Stolen_Name
    ตอบกลับถึง SteelWolfAlchemist

    I don't think so. It must be other student. It doesn't take much to get details on someone who's already being discussed left and right. Nick is the kind who's quite a celebrity in Hogwarts, so it wouldn't be suspicious if any student asks about what's going on with him. Besides if it's a spy trained by such an organisation, it must have enough skills to ascertain the level of power he's supposed to spy on. So, it being one of his friends is unlikely.

    Nick found it even stranger that a few days after that point he received a letter asking for a ceasefire of hostility between him and the order of the golden sands. The part that made him frown however was that the letter mentioned him as a tier four which was something only himself , Dumbledore and those Nick himself told should be aware of. In the end Nick chose to assume the order used some sort of divination magic and took steps to prevent that in the future before ignoring the order entirely.
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    หนังสือและวรรณกรรม · loskro
  • Stolen_Name

    All for the greater good, I see. Messing with their memories, make them believe in false truths, all because of what you think is a great harm. Is this the same guy who was dissing around about Dumbledore?

    In that case he will seemingly have nothing to do with the cure at all and thus there will be no reason for Daphne to develop that dangerous mindset. He even had the perfect target in mind for the information after he figured it out , Madam Pomphrey. The schools resident mediwitch was likely the one currently treating the symptoms of the curse on a regular basis. She also already most likely had the required knowledge to find a cure but hadn't been able to so. It would take a small nudge with legilimency to convince her she figured it out on her own as a result.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    หนังสือและวรรณกรรม · loskro
  • Stolen_Name
    ตอบกลับถึง Gahardt

    That's waaaay beyond for me.

    While most were used to seeing the sheer amount of food that Nick put away per meal it still made some students uncomfortable. Nick couldn't help it though as between his growing body and the workout that forging gave him his caloric intake had skyrocketed to nearly beastly levels. This meal for example consisted of two entire roast chickens , a large bowl of greens , two loaves of bread and leg meat of an acromantula which tasted like high quality king crab meat. That didn't even mention desert which was also quite calorie intensive.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    หนังสือและวรรณกรรม · loskro
  • Stolen_Name

    makes me wonder why he hasn't yet created a light-metal alloy.

    He had thought about just making it using the twilight style but chose to hand craft each piece since he felt like it was almost cheating otherwise. 'I'll do that during the break that starts in a day.' Nick thought as cleaned up the mess in the workshop from the meal. After that he left the workshop to go and hang out with his friends while all of them were in the school. It wasn't particularly difficult to find them as they were all in the courtyard playing in the snow. "So what will all of you be doing for the holidays?" Nick asked after nailing Harry with a snowball.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    หนังสือและวรรณกรรม · loskro
  • Stolen_Name

    He has dipped into soul alchemy without even knowing of it.

    This time however the changes were much less drastic and the body remained mostly rat like and even gained some size in addition to it's new armored body. 'Hmm so the rat soul devoured the beetle soul and took on some of the latter's properties causing the body to change into an overall more powerful creature to match the newly empowered soul.' Nick noted and then had an idea. He then extracted the new soul that was no longer rat or beetle and then stuffed it in the struggling body of the first experiment. The body also thrashed about violently for some time as the two souls battled to devour the other and once that was finished the body began to mutate again.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    หนังสือและวรรณกรรม · loskro
  • Stolen_Name

    Way to go, ruining a character in the name of character growth.

    No Nick was purposefully trying to create a thing capable of literally tearing out souls and then allowing him to use them for his own means which was inherently selfish and thus leaning towards darkness. If it goes badly however the resulting creation will have an insatiable hunger for souls and be a huge threat that will need to be destroyed. It was a risk to be sure but Nick was hopeful that it would work out. Once the metal sheet hardened Nick went to work measuring and marking it for each of the individual pieces that needed to be made.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    หนังสือและวรรณกรรม · loskro