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Reincarnated in the world of Pokémon

On earth, in a small two bedroom apartment lived 12 year old girl named Marcia with her foster parents. Marcia was currently locked in her room, crying as quietly as she could while hugging her Pikachu stuffed animal. Marcia hated living there, but she had no choice as her mother and father were in a plane crash 5 years ago on her birthday. Marcia foster parents despised her and did everything they could to make her life a living hell. " Mommy, Daddy, why did you leave me alone?" she whispered softly. Marcia glanced at the clock five minutes until her 13 birthday. Marcia sat up and looked at the full moon for 3 minutes before coming to a difficult decision. Marcia got out of bed and took out a vial of vicious liquid, which she bought with her lunch money she saved from a notorious gang. Marcia climbed into her bed and glanced at the clock 1 minute before her 13 birthday. She took a deep breath and drank all of the liquid in the vial quickly, not giving herself time to get cold feet. Marcia set the empty vial next to her clock just as the clock struck 12:00 am. She looked at the moon. " I'm finally free from this cruel reality. Sorry, Mom and dad. Forgive me." Marcia whispered as she collapsed, no longer breathing. ' Poor child, you went through something no one should go through. Therefore, I, the goddess of life, will give you a new life in another world. Where would you like to go?" "I choose ....." ******************************* Join Marcia in her journey in a new life and new world.

CrimsonRain_Storm1 · Others
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