
Harry Potter The Necromancer

Primordia's Life and Death are having trouble with people making Horcruxes, so they make a horcrux hunter, his name is Harry Potter, and he is a Necromancer. ---------- Cover art is not mine, owner can PM me if you want it taken down.

Dr_Blemmyae · Book&Literature
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2 Chs

Chapter Two: The System

[Downloading system…]

[Installing system…]

[Initializing system…]

[System Initialized]

[Scanning mind…]

[Scanning body…]

[Scanning soul…]

[Error! Two souls found in Host body]

[Scanning Soul records…]

[Testing soul strength…]

[Destroying invading soul…]

[Invading soul destroyed]

[Compiling Stats…]

[Uploading stats…]

[Ding! System startup complete]

[Thank you for using the Necromancer System!]

[Start tutorial? Y/N]

Holy mother of god that's a lot of popups, ok, umm, start tutorial.

Hello Host, to start off, you may first choose a designation for both myself and yourself. This is optional however it is also recommended. As it is my job to serve you I can use your real name or a title such as Master, or I can also keep calling you Host.

Ok then, that's easy, call me Harry, and I shall call you AVA.

Understood Harry, the next step would be to open your menu, as to avoid embarrassing yet simultaneously hard to explain situations where you would be tapping the air, everything is controlled via your thoughts. Think 'Menu' or 'Open Menu'

Open Menu.

[Necromancer System]







{Good job. The next part is to open each menu one by one and learn what each one does. Lets start with your status page.}


Name: Harry J. Potter

Age: 10

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Level: 8

Health Points (HP): 45/45

Mana Points (MP): 71/71

Strength (STR): 4 (1)

Endurance (END): 9 (2)

Dexterity (DEX): 12

Intelligence (INT): 13

Wisdom (WIS): 11

Charisma (CHA): 4 (1)

Status Points (SP): 0


Light/Life: 27%

Dark/Death: 99%

Fire/Lightning: 57%

Water/Ice: 45%

Earth/Metal: 33%

Air/Sound: 49%

Space: 16%

Time: 12%

Void: 14%


{Most of these are fairly self explanatory with the exception of intelligence being how fast you learn new things, not how smart you are, and wisdom which is how good you are at applying that knowledge. Affinities are how well certain elements flow through your body. Most people have one or two affinities and almost no one has the last three, and almost no one has affinities more than 50%, but as you have been blessed by all the primordia's you have abnormally high affinities. Next up, your skills.}


Detect Magic Lvl1 (Passive): Can sense magic

Detect Life Lvl 1 (Passive): Can sense life

Detect Death Lvl 1 (Passive): Can sense death

Magic Manipulation Lvl 1 (Active): Can Manipulate magic

Observe Lvl 1 (Active): View information on something or someone


{Again, pretty self explanatory, ask if you need clarification on something. Quick note though, Observe is one of the so-called 'Trademark skills of a Gamer' so be sure to level it up quickly. Next your Traits.}


Gamers Body: Turns the players body into that of a Gamer

Gamers Mind: Turns the players mind into that of a Gamer

Malnourished: You are malnourished. STR, END, and CHA halved

Beaten Body: Your body has been broken and rehealed incorrectly repeatedly. STR, END, and CHA halved

Touched by Death: Beings of life fear you, beings of death respect you, Death related magic is 50% easier to cast

Parseltongue: You can speak the language of serpents, and lesser serpents will obey you. Magic cast in Parseltongue is 50% more powerful but takes 5% longer to cast


{Well that's… depressing, it explains your abnormally low stats to say the least… Umm do you want to… talk? About it? I mean, it could help.}

N-no thanks, I'm fine, just… continue on with the tutorial please? Maybe some other time… Thanks though…

{*Sigh* If you're sure… Next is the quest menu, It just shows all your quests and due to you not having any currently you can not open it, so we're going to skip that one for now. Next is your inventory, a very useful tool which you can keep just about everything in bar a few exceptions. Again its empty so well just skip to the options tab.}





{You can play around with these a little and if you mess everything up and end up making the world black and white then you can just hit reset to default, I recommend turning up the contrast a bit as it will give you a sudo night vision, just not too high or you'll be blinded by the sun. Other than that the tutorial is over. Which means you get your first quest! YAY!}

[New Quest!

Type: Campaign

Objective: Destroy Voldemort's Horcruxes 0/6

Reward: 50 levels, Questline "Road to Godhood" unlocked

Failure Penalty: Death



W-Wait GODHOOD! Since when was that an option!?! And I thought there was a horcrux in my skull that was destroyed so shouldn't it be 1/6 not 0/6?

{It was always an option, that is considered the 'reward', you wanted to be happy and free, and godhood satisfies both of those requirements. After the 'Road to Godhood' questline there's another questline called 'Elder Godhood' which will bring you to the levels of an elder god, however at that point the system will stop helping you and you will be the most powerful being in this galaxy cluster.}

Seriously! The primordia's are giving me this much power! Aren't they afraid I'll turn against them or something? Or just, I don't know, DESTROY THE GALAXY!?! They must be mental! I won't but still give this to the wrong person and everyone dies.

{HAHAHA!!! No, they made a mistake like that before and a few superclusters were destroyed, Magic itself had to step in and kill him, but there is the ranks of Celestial Ancient Celestial and then there is an infinitely large gap before the primordia's. So no they don't particularly care. And before you ask no they wont STOP your growth, but they also won't help it anymore.}

OK then that explains it, but what about my other question.

{Simple, you were made into a Horcrux accidentally, as your body didn't go through a bunch of rituals and rune carving you are closer to a sudo-horcrux than an actual one, so you don't count.}

Ohhh ok then. I should go to sleep now though, it's… 1:30 AM… tomorrow's going to suck…

[The Next Day]


[New Quest: Make Breakfast]

[Objective: Make Breakfast]

[Reward: 100 XP, Cooking Skill]

Ugh, ok, I get up, find some socks, peel a spider out of my hair, and head out to cook breakfast. I get out two pans, oil the pans, turn on the stove, and crack some eggs. The eggs get scrambled and the bacon goes in the pan. Not long after breakfast is on the table and the Dursleys are eating, hey AVA, what happens if I kill these idiots?

{Then you have three new corpses for your necromancy. Also the blood magic that is protecting you stops working, not that its doing anything anyways. Shall I issue a kill quest? I recommend burning them to death.}

Wait what blood wards, and what is it protecting me from?

{Oh, basically the blood wards stop a specific person from harming you as long as you live with people who share your blood, AKA Giraffe Lady and Orca Boy. But they don't stop him from sending others to kill you, and this guy is known to have lots of very strong subordinates, so… it does nothing.}

I have to hold in a snicker at that comment but am also worried, why are there blood wards on me? Who put them there? Who are they protecting me against? When were they put there? All questions I have no answers to.

[Quest Complete: Make Breakfast]

[Objective: Make Breakfast]

[Reward: 100 XP, Cooking Skill]



Name: Harry J. Potter

Age: 10

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Level: 8

HP: 45/45

MP 71/71

STR: 4 (1)

END: 9 (2)

DEX: 12

INT: 13

WIS: 11

CHA: 4 (1)

SP: 10



I go to do my other chores like weeding while thinking of where to invest the status points. I think I should either increase my END or my INT/WIS to increase my HP or MP, but I don't know which. CHA is currently useless as no one would care no matter how much of a convincing argument I could make, and my DEX is already pretty high… What do you recommend AVA?

{Save them, if you invest to much into STR or END then your Malnourished and Beaten Body traits may disappear but so will all your evidence against the Dursleys so I would hold off, and you already have slightly above average MP so just save it for when you need it.}

… Fair enough. So what now? Keep doing chore quests while saving up my SP and let them be assholes? I don't know how much longer I can do this before I turn their bodies into zombies and torture their souls, especially now that I have this power.

{Sometime soon a professor will come to take you school shopping. So just hold out until then.}

If you say so… how long will this take?

{No more than a month.}

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Dr_Blemmyaecreators' thoughts