


Big Monke with access to a laptop.

2021-04-03 เข้าร่วมแล้วAscension Island









  • Big_Monke
    ตอบกลับถึง OOOOOOOOO00

    I mean, it's either that way - where it can't actually infect any cells in a human because it's so wildly different to what it normally infects. Or, it goes the complete opposite way and will wipe us out with incredible efficiency because we can't fight back against it and it's something we've never experienced before. It's really just a coin flip.

    At first, we thought it was a poison. Meant to kill us or weaken us. We were right in some ways, which is why we implemented re-breathers and bio-hazard suits to every single Viltrumite. But, it just hadn't been enough.
    I'm Marvel's Superman...Except I'm a Viltrumite!
    ภาพยนตร์ · Big_Monke
  • Big_Monke
    ตอบกลับถึง OOOOOOOOO00

    No, it isn't a harem. This nun isn't even a love interest and nor will she ever be. Just felt like making her be pretty, I guess.

    Olive brown skin, dark eyes, black hair, big eyes, full lips--soft features. She was pretty. Not outstandingly beautiful like an actress or a model but she was pretty enough for most people to admit they'd take a second glance at her if they passed her on the street. Not the type of woman you'd expect to see working at an orphanage as a nun, I guess.
    I'm Marvel's Superman...Except I'm a Viltrumite!
    ภาพยนตร์ · Big_Monke
  • Big_Monke
    ตอบกลับถึง OOOOOOOOO00

    He won't be doing anything like fighting during this weakened period. I just couldn't remember how long the Scourge Virus kept them weak, so I played it safe. There's gonna be a timeskip to when he's fully recovered next chapter anyway.

    Sighing in wonder, I looked at my hand, "...And this is my strength even though I'm weakened by the Scourge Virus?" I questioned, both shocked and surprised, "Though...that's more than enough of a reason for me to wait until I recover fully. That knife didn't penetrate my skin but who knows if I could take a tank shell and still be fine," I mused to myself, still looking at my hand.
    I'm Marvel's Superman...Except I'm a Viltrumite!
    ภาพยนตร์ · Big_Monke
  • Big_Monke
    ตอบกลับถึง OOOOOOOOO00

    He's not as strong as Nolan, no. But he's definitely stronger than Mark was at the start of Invincible. Because of his younger age, he's weaker than the average ***** Viltrumite (which would probably be around 800+ years old) but he's growing quickly due to his bloodline. For reference, he could do the cruise liner feat on his own and with no outside assistance.

    I slowly relaxed the taut muscles in my body as well. It seemed like it'd entered battle mode of some sort. I guess that's what happens when you've been trained for 200-ish years for combat by a mentor like Thragg.
    I'm Marvel's Superman...Except I'm a Viltrumite!
    ภาพยนตร์ · Big_Monke
  • Big_Monke
    ตอบกลับถึง Mars_Carrillo

    Read the next chapter. It explains how he took down the Viltrumites. If you had any prior knowledge of how the Viltrumites were originally wiped out in 'Invincible', it should be pretty obvious how Thanos pulled it off with his lackluster army. He used his brain and looked for a weakness. Which, like I said, is explained in the next chapter.

    Ch 1 Waking Up In An Orphanage
    I'm Marvel's Superman...Except I'm a Viltrumite!
    ภาพยนตร์ · Big_Monke
  • Big_Monke
    ตอบกลับถึง OOOOOOOOO00

    Normal Earth poisons, sure. But bio-engineered poisons from space could probably do it. Remember, they said Viruses did nothing in the show as well, and both of us know that's not the case. It's just that Earth's technology is far behind what can possibly infect/hurt a Viltrumite.

    At first, we thought it was a poison. Meant to kill us or weaken us. We were right in some ways, which is why we implemented re-breathers and bio-hazard suits to every single Viltrumite. But, it just hadn't been enough.
    I'm Marvel's Superman...Except I'm a Viltrumite!
    ภาพยนตร์ · Big_Monke
  • Big_Monke
    ตอบกลับถึง terry_taylor

    Oh, Thragg probably could, yeah. But the average Viltrumite is far from being on Thragg's level.

    (A/N - There's a lot of complaining about 'How could Thanos take on the Viltrumites?!' and how it's soooo unlikely, so I thought I'd do a little rundown on how it could happen through a dream sequence. Shout out to OOOOOOOOO00 who actually consider the possibility that Thanos could do it instead of saying 'Viltrumites are planet busters tho!! :('. Which they aren't, by the way. Viltrumites are strong, sure, but they're not planet busters. Not on their own, anyway.)
    I'm Marvel's Superman...Except I'm a Viltrumite!
    ภาพยนตร์ · Big_Monke
  • Big_Monke
    ตอบกลับถึง terry_taylor

    Just let him go. If he wants to complain about something and then drop it because of his own assumptions, he can. No skin off my back, is it?

    Ch 2 Dreams and Recovering
    I'm Marvel's Superman...Except I'm a Viltrumite!
    ภาพยนตร์ · Big_Monke
  • Big_Monke
    ตอบกลับถึง Smurfclassic

    It'll heal on it's own. He just needs to rest a little.

    Ch 2 Dreams and Recovering
    I'm Marvel's Superman...Except I'm a Viltrumite!
    ภาพยนตร์ · Big_Monke
  • Big_Monke
    ตอบกลับถึง terry_taylor

    Honestly a fair point lol.

    ...Jesus Christ, this whole thing just got, like, a thousand times more complicated. Royalty to a warrior race? Thanos nearly killed me? Hold up--I'm in the MCU?? I'm also the last survivor of a race of advanced beings? I mean, that last one feels an awful lot like Superman's origin story. Slowly, the pain began to fade, so I opened my eyes and looked around only to see the nun sitting next to me, trying to comfort me with a worried expression.
    I'm Marvel's Superman...Except I'm a Viltrumite!
    ภาพยนตร์ · Big_Monke
  • Big_Monke
    ตอบกลับถึง gundamNora

    I've never watched it, so I probably won't.

    Ch 1 Waking Up In An Orphanage
    I'm Marvel's Superman...Except I'm a Viltrumite!
    ภาพยนตร์ · Big_Monke
  • Big_Monke
    ตอบกลับถึง OOOOOOOOO00

    He's the Viltrumite equivalent of a 20-year-old Human. So, yeah, young *****hood is about right.

    The hand obviously belong to someone who wasn't afraid of hard work. The palms were calloused and the knuckles looked like they belonged to a fighter.
    I'm Marvel's Superman...Except I'm a Viltrumite!
    ภาพยนตร์ · Big_Monke
  • Big_Monke
    ตอบกลับถึง OOOOOOOOO00

    Yep. I'd rather not mess up someone's name and I had the time, so I counted the nine O's and the two 0's at the end. ...I promise, it's not as sad as it sounds lmao.

    Ch 1 Waking Up In An Orphanage
    I'm Marvel's Superman...Except I'm a Viltrumite!
    ภาพยนตร์ · Big_Monke
  • Big_Monke
    ตอบกลับถึง TheLonelyGod


    Ch 1 Waking Up In An Orphanage
    I'm Marvel's Superman...Except I'm a Viltrumite!
    ภาพยนตร์ · Big_Monke
  • Big_Monke
    ตอบกลับถึง DaoistZettaiHeaven

    They aren't planet buster level. Why does everyone think this? It took three incredibly strong Viltrumites to destroy a single planet. A planet that had it's core destabilized because if it hadn't, the planet wouldn't have been destroyed. Besides, you're completely missing the picture of what Thanos could do to the Viltrumites to invade them. Scourge Virus to cull their numbers and weaken those that survive, then broadcast a frequency of sound that is known to give Viltrumites crippling pain as you invade. The Viltrumites would be wiped out by non-Infinity Gauntlet Thanos if he followed those steps. Which he did.

    Ch 1 Waking Up In An Orphanage
    I'm Marvel's Superman...Except I'm a Viltrumite!
    ภาพยนตร์ · Big_Monke
  • Big_Monke
    ตอบกลับถึง In_destructible

    It's because he was mentored by Thragg that he's taking the most strategic decision possible. He's going to guarantee the safety of his future relationships so they can't be used against him in any form of blackmail.

    Ch 1 Waking Up In An Orphanage
    I'm Marvel's Superman...Except I'm a Viltrumite!
    ภาพยนตร์ · Big_Monke
  • Big_Monke
    ตอบกลับถึง In_destructible

    I mean, you're right - but I would like to point out that the average Viltrumite is far from planet-busting level lol. It took three exceptionally strong Viltrumites (Mark, Nolan and Thaedus) to destroy one planet and that planet wouldn't have been destroyed if it weren't for it's core being destabilized prior to them ramming through it. The average Viltrumite is probably around Thor's level in terms of strength and quicker in terms of speed. Which means Thanos could easily kill a few Viltrumites - and with an army of millions and millions of fodder following him, he could eventually fight a war of attrition that would kill any Viltrumite. Besides, like OOOOOOOOO00 said, the Scourge Virus could have already wiped out most of the Viltrumites before the attack began. Which would've left a few hundred Viltrumites alive. A few thousand if we're being generous.

    Ch 1 Waking Up In An Orphanage
    I'm Marvel's Superman...Except I'm a Viltrumite!
    ภาพยนตร์ · Big_Monke
  • Big_Monke
    ตอบกลับถึง OOOOOOOOO00

    *cough* post-Scourge Virus Viltrum *cough* *cough*--Ah, man, I sure am coughing a lot lately...

    And while Viltrumites where impossibly strong, fast and durable...they were not immortal. Throw a few million creatures of sufficient strength at a Viltrumite for months on end and they will die. That's what these memories are telling me, anyway.
    I'm Marvel's Superman...Except I'm a Viltrumite!
    ภาพยนตร์ · Big_Monke
  • Big_Monke
    ตอบกลับถึง OOOOOOOOO00

    No, please continue with the comments. I enjoy reading them because they help get my brain working and thinking about the story. I was gonna say: who's to say Thanos didn't make the Scourge Virus and release it on Viltrum before he staged his attack? Theo's royal bloodline would eventually give him immunity to the base version of the virus but it'll still have weakened him and the other Royals enough that Thanos could swoop in and kill 'em. But you're already aware of the possibility, so I won't go too far into it :) As per the title of the story, I'm using the MCU storyline but I'm pushing for the characters to have their comic-level of power. The MCU nerfed everyone hard, and I'm thinking to buff them up a little bit. So, while Thanos isn't as strong as his comic book counterpart, he isn't as weak as his MCU version. Think of a happy in-between. And with the Scourge Virus thrown into the mix, Thanos could definitely win if he played his cards right.

    I was a Viltrumite. A royal. Theodore Argall, great-grandson of THE Lord Argall, student of Thragg, the Grand Regent. I was to ascend the Throne of the Viltrum world. Except that never happened. Viltrum was...destroyed, simply because it was in the way of the great plan of the jolly purple Giant, Thanos.
    I'm Marvel's Superman...Except I'm a Viltrumite!
    ภาพยนตร์ · Big_Monke
  • Big_Monke
    ตอบกลับถึง OOOOOOOOO00

    He's not at his peak. Far from it, actually. He's just been trained by someone and the effects are obvious.

    The hand obviously belong to someone who wasn't afraid of hard work. The palms were calloused and the knuckles looked like they belonged to a fighter.
    I'm Marvel's Superman...Except I'm a Viltrumite!
    ภาพยนตร์ · Big_Monke