



2021-03-17 JoinedAscension Island



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in 1867, when humanity being hunted by something living in the dark, the creatures that roaming along the nighttime looking for their prey. "Don't go outside at nighttime" the word of those elder that they always used to remind their children about the danger of the night. Humanity almost lost their hope to fight against these creatures. However, some of them still tried to fought against it, making and organization that gather people who are willing to fight, these people called as a Hunter. one thing that make those people willing to fight was "become a hunter or being haunted". The fight between human kind and Vampire. It was the fight that took many times, energy or the worst thing may be their "life", human will do anything to wake up from this nightmare, selling their family, sacrificing the children or fall into a darkness and turned into a vampire. But,day by day, month by month and years by years passed, the world of Vampire almost disappear as if the calamity that happened in many years ago was only a nightmare, they do not know if those creature are living among the society. The Great Organization of Vampire that has ruled to not drink human blood anymore, and the one who lead the organization is MC himself. The story of a Vampire who has lived for more than 100 years, his name is Caderyn Von-Dwerva , he lives with his beautiful beautiful human-maid who has turned into vampire because of her loyalty, she has served him for 20 years in a big mansion near the Kalasta mountain. He lives so long, but he is still feel something wrong. in order to understand the answer, he continue his lives passing all of the obstacles with his only Maid help. will he able to find the answer? or is he just turned into blind man that searching for something that he already has?

Rice_Flower · Fantasy
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