

2021-03-08 เข้าร่วมแล้วGlobal







  • xxReedxx
    ตอบกลับถึง Albirr_Chowdhury

    That was in throne of magical arcana, though the same author. Cuttlefish never gave a hint about putting romance in LotM universe.

    "Is it really so hard to admit that we're friends and you care about your friends?"
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    แฟนตาซี · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • xxReedxx
    ตอบกลับถึง Unknown_Stranger22

    Yep, I do agree on this. Klein's group were a collection of professional from the start. Angels, official beyonders, pirate with lots of knowledge, from an ancient civilization, from a race that existed since the 2nd epoch. Really, the only members that needs a lot of nurturing from his group were Audrey, Fors and Xio. Plus Klein has a cheat on his side himself, the Sefirah castle- that's why he has been able to act as a deity without being one. But Lumian's group is going to be built from the ground to up. Yes, there's little chance for Lumian's group to be like Klien's. But I prefer this, there's no deception in making your group. Just a group of people who's willing to follow you knowing who you really are.

    Ch 307 Instigation
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    แฟนตาซี · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • xxReedxx
    ตอบกลับถึง DannyPhantoms

    I think since Cuttlefish didn't want to write intimate scenes in the LotM series. Who knows, no one really knows until the author confirms it.

    A frown played across Franca's features as she muttered, "You seem quite concerned about her."
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    แฟนตาซี · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • xxReedxx
    ตอบกลับถึง CrimsonSnow

    I just realized, Light must be of a spectator pathway Lol

    The plump, middle-aged Anthony Reid found himself taken aback. But after a brief moment, he grinned in a self-deprecating way and uttered, "I was so rattled that I couldn't even judge the authenticity of that sentence. As anticipated, a Spectator must take a seat in the audience."
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    แฟนตาซี · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • xxReedxx

    Okay, Lumian team +1. Can't wait how this group of his will turn out. Could it be greater than Klein's group? We just have to wait and see.

    Ch 307 Instigation
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    แฟนตาซี · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • xxReedxx
    ตอบกลับถึง thegreatnub

    the author is making him one my friend, we can't do anything against that.

    "But if one wishes to unravel the reason behind Hugues Artois's actions, understand how he wormed his way into politics and a parliamentary bid despite his past, and uncover the strings being pulled in his favor, one must seek out other breadcrumbs to grant the departed some semblance of peace.
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    แฟนตาซี · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • xxReedxx
    ตอบกลับถึง Sk1lz3r

    I understand you mate; I think maybe because of the plot the author made for him. Every MC has a plot armor. And the author could do things they want. Even though I like the way how meticulous cuttlefish is, he's still not immune to some plot holes that might appear in his writings. But still, he's a far better author compared to some in the webnovel.

    Having summarized the core principle of his initial Pyromaniac acting, he knew he wasn't far from fully digesting it.
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    แฟนตาซี · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • xxReedxx
    ตอบกลับถึง Sk1lz3r

    I know what you feel bro, simple answer I can give you is because if the plot made by the author.

    Ch 304 Decency
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    แฟนตาซี · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • xxReedxx
    ตอบกลับถึง Ethernite

    Had to agree with you. Just forgive them my friend, they know nothing Lol

    "The evil god's believers are indeed becoming more impudent.
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    แฟนตาซี · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • xxReedxx

    Well well, I mean it's not that obvious haha

    "This one's called Decency.
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    แฟนตาซี · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • xxReedxx
    ตอบกลับถึง Fleurosa_Moretti

    probably seq. 3, it's hard to become a seq.2. Remember seq 2 characteristics are limited. Besides there are already two seq 2 in evernight church. Fors becoming a seq 2 is just because of luck. She has the backing of Abraham family.

    Though the distance made it difficult, he managed to make out two phrases: "Evernight's power… has invaded this place…"
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    แฟนตาซี · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • xxReedxx

    poor termi boy.. He could join the tarot club if he wants. A group of bullied angels 😂

    "In short, besides the entity known as Inevitability, no one else wants to see Termiboros truly descend upon the land."
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    แฟนตาซี · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • xxReedxx
    ตอบกลับถึง Albirr_Chowdhury

    mate, could you share the discord link? Thanks.

    "Thirdly, the faction or deity represented by the lizard-like elf does not want to witness an Angel of Inevitability descending. It symbolizes the role of a saboteur."
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    แฟนตาซี · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • xxReedxx
    ตอบกลับถึง Praise_The_FoOL

    "him", that only leave you with Leonard.

    Ch 298 Rose School of Thought
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    แฟนตาซี · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • xxReedxx

    Of course, he does. Haha Him and Valentine are brothers in some sense. He even called him and his friends "my cabbages" before Lol

    "You seem very experienced." Jenna's eyes darted around, sensing that Ciel held many secrets.
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    แฟนตาซี · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • xxReedxx
    ตอบกลับถึง justkarenduh

    that was only 1 time though, but Klein, Sharron and Maric definitely have a lot of interaction and cooperation between them.

    Jenna opened the door and was taken aback to find Lumian standing there.
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    แฟนตาซี · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • xxReedxx
    ตอบกลับถึง Skyfiend13

    yes haha, that's precisely what they are.

    The indulgence faction is terrifyingly powerful to be able to hunt down the Angel-led temperance faction and send them scurrying. There's no doubt they have Angels, and not just one… And Mr. Fool's Church can protect the temperance faction… After hearing this, Lumian gained a rough understanding of the Rose School of Thought's history. He grew more confident in the Church of The Fool's strength and associated some of the names from the Bible with significant figures in reality.
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    แฟนตาซี · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • xxReedxx
    ตอบกลับถึง bobgiri108

    Yep, she is, even the description of the angel of holy spirit in the fool's bible is referring to her.

    "I've heard that Saint Sharron from Mr. Fool's Church was once a member of the temperance faction. Likewise for the Angel of the Holy Spirit beside Mr. Fool's throne…"
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    แฟนตาซี · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • xxReedxx

    Klein deduced that indulgence might be the correct one, but the repercussions are very dangerous. Not worth it. It leads to MToD herself.

    Prisoner… Lumian silently echoed the name of Sequence 9 potion and pondered. "I reckon the temperance faction has got it right."
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    แฟนตาซี · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • xxReedxx
    ตอบกลับถึง GrandShield

    Ah yes RI, I also like that webN as well. Such a shame they never gave the author a chance to finish it,

    Furthermore, he belonged to the Inevitability domain as a Beyonder in some way. In the future, when he reached a higher Sequence, he might be able to enhance the mystical item's effects through the Lucky One trait.
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    แฟนตาซี · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving