


Just a curious amateur, trying to write about interesting things in his spare time.

2021-01-21 เข้าร่วมแล้วGlobal









  • CuriousWriter1576

    Jupiter = main god of Roman mythology. Equivalent of Zeus. Has the biggest planet named after him. Cool guy.

    I was... stunned. Out of all the things to say, why on Jupiter's thunder would he start with that? My mind goes blank as I try to figure out a proper comeback to that question.
    Morior Invictus! - Roman XianXia cultivation
    แฟนตาซี · CuriousWriter1576
  • CuriousWriter1576

    In this story, Clients serve to mainly boost their Patron's "Dignitas" ( the Virtue of dignity), but they also sometimes do some odd jobs

    Then there were the servants and clients that my Father brought for the sole reason of applauding on my success. They remained silent, and contemplative.
    Morior Invictus! - Roman XianXia cultivation
    แฟนตาซี · CuriousWriter1576
  • CuriousWriter1576

    egregius = title for esteemed equines. Think of like English gentleman, but roman times

    Still in shock, I refused to give up. I decided to play every card I had. " Hold up! Do you even know who I am? I hail from the Plinius family, my father is a an esteemed egregius, a member in the Council of the Six, we have Virtue flowing in our blood for ages! I've trained in all manners of wordly matters and..."
    Morior Invictus! - Roman XianXia cultivation
    แฟนตาซี · CuriousWriter1576
  • CuriousWriter1576

    Somnus = God of Sleep and dreams

    I pinch myself, believing I'm still asleep and Somnus must be playing a trick on me. I pinch myself until I hit blood, but no matter how maniacally I try, I do not wake up.
    Morior Invictus! - Roman XianXia cultivation
    แฟนตาซี · CuriousWriter1576
  • CuriousWriter1576

    Clients are a form of subordinates, where the Patron takes care of them and provides ( aid, food, clothes, money) while they do services for the Patron ( work, and increase prestige by saluting and clapping on their victories ). I recommend checking out this video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rD7Gux8R2DA&ab_channel=KingsandGenerals

    Then there were the servants and clients that my Father brought for the sole reason of applauding on my success. They remained silent, and contemplative.
    Morior Invictus! - Roman XianXia cultivation
    แฟนตาซี · CuriousWriter1576
  • CuriousWriter1576

    On the coming of age, roman children would change togas ( clothes ). They would also renounce their Buula amulets which were given to children to let others know they were under someone's care and protection. The Buula were also claimed to ward away evil spirits. In this story, consider the Buula as xianxia protection talismans equivalents

    I laugh without realizing it, making my way through the crowds. Like butterflies shedding their pupa, other youths changed their purple bordered toga praetexta, with the white toga virilis that denoted they were no longer children. They also discard the Bulla talismans which served to protect them from harm until this age, as they would now stand on their own feet. They all laughed and felt good, as for them, a new chapter of their lives started today.
    Morior Invictus! - Roman XianXia cultivation
    แฟนตาซี · CuriousWriter1576
  • CuriousWriter1576

    Sol = God of the Sun, rides on the sky on his golden chariot in Roman mythology

    "Now, next in line! Make haste, we don't have all day! Sol's Chariot is already halfway to the horizon!"
    Morior Invictus! - Roman XianXia cultivation
    แฟนตาซี · CuriousWriter1576
  • CuriousWriter1576

    Dis Alter Visum = The Gods See Things Differently (than mortals). Similar to the idiom Man proposes but the Heavens disposes

    The old man turned towards me with dead fish eyes, prompting me to close my mouth. He took a long look at my countenance, at the purple-lined toga and shrugged. "Pitiful child, I will tell you this out of "Clementia", so make sure to listen up. Even if you have Virtuous blood flowing in you, that doesn't make you Virtuos. It does bring you closer to the Path to Virtue,yes, but it doesn't set you on it. " His tone was bored but his words were practiced, as if he had said the same thing a thousand times before. " We think we are worthy, but in the ends its the Gods that decide who is worthy and who is not. And in your case, no matter how illustrious the Ancestors… Dis Alter Visum."
    Morior Invictus! - Roman XianXia cultivation
    แฟนตาซี · CuriousWriter1576
  • CuriousWriter1576

    Clementia = virtue of mercy , leniency and forgiveness.

    The old man turned towards me with dead fish eyes, prompting me to close my mouth. He took a long look at my countenance, at the purple-lined toga and shrugged. "Pitiful child, I will tell you this out of "Clementia", so make sure to listen up. Even if you have Virtuous blood flowing in you, that doesn't make you Virtuos. It does bring you closer to the Path to Virtue,yes, but it doesn't set you on it. " His tone was bored but his words were practiced, as if he had said the same thing a thousand times before. " We think we are worthy, but in the ends its the Gods that decide who is worthy and who is not. And in your case, no matter how illustrious the Ancestors… Dis Alter Visum."
    Morior Invictus! - Roman XianXia cultivation
    แฟนตาซี · CuriousWriter1576
  • CuriousWriter1576

    Augur = form of priest/clergyman that could 'tell the will of Gods by reading the flights of birds'. Here why we say 'good auguries' = good blessings/fortunes

    "No retests!" the old Augur retorted blankly, as he pointed a shriveled finger towards the Heavens. "The birds of the skies speak to me. The Gods deem you unfit to walk the Path of Virtue."
    Morior Invictus! - Roman XianXia cultivation
    แฟนตาซี · CuriousWriter1576
  • CuriousWriter1576

    Romans took their gestures and words, especially during religious practice, very seriously. They thought they held great power. This is valid in this story as well.

    Last year, we celebrated Liberalia on this day. It was a joyous day. A great deal of young men and women gathered at the Temple of All Gods, accompanied by their family. They partook in special rituals, following strict formalities and gestures passed down through the ages, reciting words of power as to honor the Gods and the Ascended Imperators. The youth would ask for guidance in their adult life, for health, and most importantly, for the Gods to recognize their talent. If they proved worthy, they could embark on the Path of Virtue, cultivating their skills to become a scion of the Eternal City.
    Morior Invictus! - Roman XianXia cultivation
    แฟนตาซี · CuriousWriter1576
  • CuriousWriter1576

    Day of the Ancient Liberalia festival: March 17. I will use roman numerals throughout the story

    March, XVII.
    Morior Invictus! - Roman XianXia cultivation
    แฟนตาซี · CuriousWriter1576
  • CuriousWriter1576

    Fortuna = Roman Goddess of Luck

    " My sweet child, the apple of my eye! Learn that Virtue is found in all good men, and that Virtue has flown in our very blood for generations. I hold the conviction that you, as the splitting image of me, shall rise to be a man of great Virtue. May Fortuna bless us."
    Morior Invictus! - Roman XianXia cultivation
    แฟนตาซี · CuriousWriter1576
  • CuriousWriter1576

    Severitas = virtue of sternness / seriousness. Also implies being cold and at times emotionless

    "Severitas." he uttered the word of power sternly.
    Morior Invictus! - Roman XianXia cultivation
    แฟนตาซี · CuriousWriter1576
  • CuriousWriter1576

    For those who read Xianxia, consider 'The Path to Virtue' this world's way of cultivation. Instead of reading scrolls and practicing swinging swords 1000x times, the Romans build their Virtues. More explained in later chaps

    Morior Invictus! - Roman XianXia cultivation
    แฟนตาซี · CuriousWriter1576
  • CuriousWriter1576

    Procurator Augusti = Governor of the Equites/Cavalrymen. A high rank given to special few who proved themselves on the battlefields

    Morior Invictus! - Roman XianXia cultivation
    แฟนตาซี · CuriousWriter1576
  • CuriousWriter1576

    Brief history: During early Roman Empire period, the social classes were split between plebeians (poor) and patricians(rich and had great influence). The Equites ( "Cavalryman class" ) were considered patricians (alongside the Senatores class ), due to usually being richer than others. Equites could often hold praetorian ranks, and lead troops ( especially cavalry troops )

    Born as a patrician, into a family of equines, I never found myself lacking anything. Food, money, and attention were aplenty. Servants, nurses, pedagogues attended to me in droves, day in and day out. I trained my body and studied worldly matters, from rhetoric and philosophy to logic and book keeping. I had all these resources poured into my upbringing, money which could probably sustain entire families of plebeians, and to what reason did I own this privilege?
    Morior Invictus! - Roman XianXia cultivation
    แฟนตาซี · CuriousWriter1576
  • CuriousWriter1576
    ตอบกลับถึง GodOfSolitude

    Thanks for reading!

    Ch 2 A dungeon is excited!
    The Dungeon Mythos {HIATUS}
    แฟนตาซี · CuriousWriter1576