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Dude congrats!
If I remember correctly it had something to do with like a physical artifact linked to the infinite magica oozing out of the sun as created by Magnus or something
dimhollow crypt
drem means peace, it is often used as a greeting.
that's like 0.001% of those with an xgene awakening. no clue if that is realistic but those are the numbers for if 1 in a million have it and there are less than 10,000.
eh two sides of the same coin the concept was a direct side effect of it's mathematical discovery i.e it originated in mathematics but honestly who cares I'm just arguing semantics on the internet cause I'm bored.
Counterargument: mathematical definition of infinity is as following:Infinity is something which is boundless, endless, or larger than any natural number(Wikipedia). Infinity is a misleading term because it is used in a number of different circumstances that refer to different things. for example in set theory there are multiple sizes of infinity where the set of natural numbers(aleph null) is countably infinite where is the set of real numbers(cardinality of continuum) is uncountably infinite. this is of course not to mention surreal numbers, which allow for a larger than any natural number "infinities" that are structured and calculable. so to be clear, in the standard mathematics we describe infinity as a boundary to which the numbers extend towards, a sort of grey area where it grows "beyond finitium" as we would typically define but is not nexcessrily never ending. which was how i was taught and hence why my brain thinks of infinity like that instead of in the typical constraints of hyperreal numbers and the standard calculus usage of the term.