


A writer with a ideas and a brimming mind for morality type stories.

2020-08-04 เข้าร่วมแล้วUnited Kingdom









  • ChromiumVoid
    ตอบกลับถึง Lord_Disaster

    Not fully sure yet

    Ch 16 Rescue Exercises And An Unexpected Observer
    MHA: The Metal Eater
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · ChromiumVoid
  • ChromiumVoid

    Hello dear readers my apologies for not updating in so long struggled to find the time however Im going to try and get chapters out on a daily basis. farewell for now dear readers and enjoy the story as it develops

    Ch 14 Life In The Dorms And Creating A Special Move
    MHA: The Metal Eater
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · ChromiumVoid
  • ChromiumVoid
    ตอบกลับถึง Chaossage

    Im very grateful for that I hope to live up to those

    Ch 14 Life In The Dorms And Creating A Special Move
    MHA: The Metal Eater
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · ChromiumVoid
  • ChromiumVoid
    ตอบกลับถึง VermaWyrda

    Not exactly

    MHA: The Metal Eater
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · ChromiumVoid
  • ChromiumVoid
    ตอบกลับถึง Chocobeast


    Kanji walks out and smiles while a few people like at his design with Deku and Uraraka liking the look as it fits his quirk perfectly. He smiles while unaware that the grape haired girl is staring at him "He looks adorable like a literal cat...I hope he's on my team~" Mineta is cut off by All Might announcing the rules "You will all be spilt into two teams, Heroes and Villains, the villains will be guarding a weapon that they plan to deploy while the heroes fight to defuse and capture it" he produces a lot and tells everyone to put their name in so he can announce the teams.
    MHA: An Unusual Hero
    สมัยใหม่ · ChromiumVoid
  • ChromiumVoid

    Hey readers hope you like the story so far I know its been a while but ill be back to updates soon while your waiting Id like to see what hero name you think Kanji should have whichever name gets the most likes will be used so feel free to choose as you wish.

    Ch 7 The Sports Festival Begins
    MHA: An Unusual Hero
    สมัยใหม่ · ChromiumVoid
  • ChromiumVoid
    ตอบกลับถึง ZetzuSensei

    Indeed I did

    Ch 3 Showing Off A Bit And A Worrying Encounter
    MHA: An Unusual Hero
    สมัยใหม่ · ChromiumVoid
  • ChromiumVoid
    ตอบกลับถึง ZetzuSensei

    Thank you and Im glad your liking the story so far

    MHA: An Unusual Hero
    สมัยใหม่ · ChromiumVoid
  • ChromiumVoid
    ตอบกลับถึง Chaossage

    The reason he hugs him is because sees Izuku as a little brother

    Kinzoku gets there with no difficulty and walks up to Tenya, Izuku and Uraraka "You guys excited for this?" Izuku, Tenya and Uraraka nod "You bet" Uraraka shyly backs off which makes Kinzoku chuckle until he hears a familiar voice "Hey I heard a few of you failed your final exams, how bad are you 1A" Kinzoku turns just in time to see Itsuka knock Neito out and drag him back to class 1B's bus. Kinzoku sighs "All right then...Tenya help me get everyone on board" Tenya nods and the two get everyone seated with Kinzoku sitting opposite Deku, the two begin talking "Hey Kinzoku, do you mind if I ask you something?" Kinzoku nods "Sure go ahead" Izuku continues "What happened between you and Consumer?" Kinzoku breathes deeply "Long story short, my mother pretty much "quarantined" me to the house after I had an incident with another kid...she stood up for me and after that we became fast friends, I'd always try and sneak out to see her and vice versa then her family was...killed and my mother tightened up things and I never left the house again till the entrance exam began. But I didn't let my "quarantine" stop my drive to be a hero and prove the people who called me a freak wrong, so I trained every day and pushed my body to its absolute limit, broke a few bones and get a few stern telling offs but eventually I was ready for the exam. And that's the story summed up" Izuku gasps "Why would she do that though over a small incident?" Kinzoku breathes fearfully "It wasn't small" Izuku looks at him "What do you mean?" Kinzoku breathes deeply "That incident was the first time I ever used my quirk and it was already durable enough to break even steel and I struck the kid out of anger and blasted steam at him to...he didn't get back up" Kinzoku grits his teeth "It haunts me everyday and that's why I refuse to break my vow as a hero" Izuku's eyes widen "I-I-I don't know what to say...but you seem very different now and I want you to follow your dream" Kinzoku and Izuku hug before Shota begins trying to get everyone to focus but only Kinzoku and Izuku listen to him.
    MHA: The Metal Eater
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · ChromiumVoid
  • ChromiumVoid
    ตอบกลับถึง Razish

    Yeah pretty much

    MHA: The Metal Eater
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · ChromiumVoid
  • ChromiumVoid
    ตอบกลับถึง Hijack02

    She used her quirk to basically mainpulate them and lied about doing it. She did that because after Kinzoku’s “incident” she feared it send him off the deep end.

    Ch 2 Battle Exam
    MHA: The Metal Eater
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · ChromiumVoid
  • ChromiumVoid
    ตอบกลับถึง GhostWolf

    No problem

    Ch 11 Chaos In The Forest And A Rescue Misson
    MHA: The Metal Eater
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · ChromiumVoid
  • ChromiumVoid
    ตอบกลับถึง syedsaid95

    Yes...he fears going off the deep end or being controlled so he makes sure his friends are aware so they can be prepared if that ever Happened

    Kinzoku sits in the classroom talking with them about how his quirk works and how it affects him with Momo in particular curious about it "So you eat the objects then manifest things based on them?" Kinzoku nods "Indeed but my quirk has one major downside" the class get curious "what's that?" Kinzoku smiles "It restricts my diet heavily as the metals take longer to get out of my stomach then food so if I over consume metals I won't have any nutrients to recover afterward for a while, in other words I have to limit how many I eat at a time, my limit so far is 25 chunks" which lasts about 3 to 5 days depending on what the metal is and it's properties" the class gasp and Tenya speaks up "Ah I get it, you have to manage your diet and your quirk I see, that must be difficult considering how physical these exams are sometimes" Kinzoku laughs "No actually they are the easiest as I train my quirk and my body for 2 hours a day even now so I'm ok with the physical stuff it's the writing I'm more worried about I can pass any thing that requires charisma or physical proof but anything that involves writing is just not for me... it's a weakness of mine" Kirishima speaks up "How did you know that Neito couldn't copy your quirk?" Kinzoku smiles "Because my body has adapted to my quirk and requires biological changes in order for someone else to use, in other words Neito wasn't able to copy it because his throat and stomach wouldn't be able to safely digest the metals and his teeth would shatter" Neito shivers slightly "Glad I didn't try then" Kinzoku smiles "But you did well non the less I hope you all pass the final exam if anyone wants advice or something don't hesitate to ask" Kinzoku then thinks to himself "That Katsuki kid needs to be sort himself out but he won't listen to anyone, that stubborn pride isn't gonna make him a hero but a villain".
    MHA: The Metal Eater
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · ChromiumVoid
  • ChromiumVoid
    ตอบกลับถึง Tru3ImmortalFox

    Perhaps or perhaps not that hasnt been decided yet

    Kinzoku listens out and carry's his bag with his metal chunks and hero costume, before walking into the room and immediately meeting Kamui on the other side "Kinzoku, your here, do take a seat" Kinzoku does as asked and extends a hand to Kamui which he shakes "It's a pleasure to have the opportunity to work under you" Kamui nods. "I have high hopes for you considering what I've heard, facing a Nomu down with no fear and even risking yourself for your teacher then being humble and not boasting and even downplaying your achievements, you certainly a good hero" Kinzoku nods "Yeah but I want to show you what I'm capable of rather then just hearing words" Kamui grins "Eager to prove yourself I see, ok let's go on patrol thence you got your suit?". Kinzoku nods "And my Name too" Kamui grins "Good, what is it if so may ask?" Kinzoku nods "Metal Miracle" Kamui grins "That's a good name, it brings hope while still retaining the fierceness of your quirk I must say you remind me of another student at UA" Kinzoku gasps slightly. "Who Kamui?" Kamui smiles "Tamaki Amajiki or Suneater as she prefers to be called, she's a third year, considering you eat inedible things and she eats edible things your quirks are very similar plus similar names" Kinzoku dons a shocked face for a minute before regaining his composure "I see, I hope so get to run into her one day" Kamui nods before Kinzoku gets changed and the two head out on patrol (they will deal with the three Nomus instead of Endeavour).
    MHA: The Metal Eater
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · ChromiumVoid
  • ChromiumVoid
    ตอบกลับถึง MatrixPrime

    You guessed my intentions...im impressed

    Quirk: Consume, allows her to control her flesh and turn it into sharp blades, shields, throwing weapons, whips and all manners of other weapons and also allows her to completely consume a person and gain their memories, thoughts, appearance and voice. Along with their quirks and she has a healing factor (that can be stopped if her head is cut off)
    MHA: The Metal Eater
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · ChromiumVoid
  • ChromiumVoid
    ตอบกลับถึง MatrixPrime

    A little nod to one of my favourite game franchises

    Quirk: Consume, allows her to control her flesh and turn it into sharp blades, shields, throwing weapons, whips and all manners of other weapons and also allows her to completely consume a person and gain their memories, thoughts, appearance and voice. Along with their quirks and she has a healing factor (that can be stopped if her head is cut off)
    MHA: The Metal Eater
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · ChromiumVoid
  • ChromiumVoid
    ตอบกลับถึง sassyjake1

    Yeah I apologise for that I do plan on doing a full in depth chapter on this

    Ch 1 An Unusual Quirk And The Entry Exam (OC bio)
    MHA: The Metal Eater
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · ChromiumVoid
  • ChromiumVoid
    ตอบกลับถึง Abyssal_CrabGOD

    Unfortunately Im not that good at art so I dont have one right now though I will try too to make one

    MHA: The Metal Eater
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · ChromiumVoid
  • ChromiumVoid
    ตอบกลับถึง ChromiumVoid

    I havent seem the show in quite a while

    Ch 2 Battle Exam
    MHA: The Metal Eater
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · ChromiumVoid
  • ChromiumVoid
    ตอบกลับถึง MochiKng97

    Yes I just reailsed...my apolgises

    Ch 2 Battle Exam
    MHA: The Metal Eater
    อะนิเมะ&มังงะ · ChromiumVoid