



2019-09-29 เข้าร่วมแล้วFrance









  • Reighlyyy

    So you're saying that, malnourished ,mistreated, at death's door people were able to survive without magic to a gigantic explosion that woke up all the English wizard ,followed by a deadly fall under gigantic rock, and were able to escape pursuit by fleeing an island full of de mentors by swimming , is that right ?

    At Harry's nod, he continued, "It's always messy, but not quite like this. Azkaban's destruction has everyone on their toes. The fact that a lot of missing high-level Death Eaters are missing is making everyone nervous. Antonin Dolohov, Augustus Rookwood, and Evan Rosier still haven't been found. Neither were most of the high-security prisoners for that matter, since they were high up. All they're doing is wishing that they're just dead and waiting for the Aurors to find any of the bodies in the sea."
    Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)
    หนังสือและวรรณกรรม · athass_prkr
  • Reighlyyy
    ตอบกลับถึง Follower_of_Abadom

    Yes but also reincarnation of the strongest sword god for example

    Rarity Grades: Normal -> Special -> Slightly Rare -> Rare -> Very Rare -> Unique
    Azimuth: The Elden Throne (New Version)
    เกม · Follower_of_Abadom
  • Reighlyyy
    ตอบกลับถึง Follower_of_Abadom

    Man, you did, slightly rare is the worst way to say uncommon, it feels like it's not a category on it's own, it's like rare but worse. And unique... Just say legendary. Any sword is unique, it doesn't carry any weight when you say this artefact is unique. If you say this artefact is legendary you immediately know it's the real deal.And finally stats.... If a unique sword give 2, what does a rare sword gives you? 1 in 2 stats? And what about a common one?

    Rarity Grades: Normal -> Special -> Slightly Rare -> Rare -> Very Rare -> Unique
    Azimuth: The Elden Throne (New Version)
    เกม · Follower_of_Abadom
  • Reighlyyy

    So common, uncommon, rare, epic legendary and mythic or iron, bronze, silver, gold and dark gold

    Rarity Grades: Normal -> Special -> Slightly Rare -> Rare -> Very Rare -> Unique
    Azimuth: The Elden Throne (New Version)
    เกม · Follower_of_Abadom
  • Reighlyyy

    1.65m is a respectable height 1.65 Cm is a bit more than half an inch, so yeah that guy is short

    He wasn't at fault as he was rather small being only 1,65 Cm tall…
    Azimuth: The Elden Throne (New Version)
    เกม · Follower_of_Abadom
  • Reighlyyy

    Right, even this stupid guy cannot compete in term of stupidity with Max... After all max is the strongest god of idiocy

    Little did he know, Max was not a guy he could dare hope to mess with. 
    MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God
    เกม · Raj_Shah_7152
  • Reighlyyy

    Max is the summum of the useless MC and don't talk about character development. You can not develop anything from a useless trash like him and call it "realistic character development". He's stupid, trash and utterly annoying. If you want a MC that's not Dumb don't read that. Not a smart MC, not a cunning MC but a MC that is not utterly stupid. I can't believe I put up with this novel. Because the writer is good otherwise and the world-building is nice you hope to see the MC get better but no, he stays a trash and reincarnating him was maybe the most wasteful act. A pure waste of ressources

    MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God
    เกม · Raj_Shah_7152
  • Reighlyyy

    Not horrible but some serious issues : first the writing quality, each sentence begin with eren this, eren that, eren do, eren think. Repeating the same name at the beginning of each sentence and writing that way makes it really hard to just keep going for your reader. Other problems too but they concern other categories. Mistakes when writing names, in words...Story development and world background : WAY too much info dumping, there are litteral wall of informations every 20 chapters to explain in one go a New system that's being introduced or how something works, or an invention : we don't need all the details, most of them we forget because used one time for one adventure and then never called again. Overpowered inventions that are common but not used at maximum capacity: why no one is asking the Mc about his ??? Competence when all teacher have access to it? The story has some good idea with the Butcher plot that was revealed with the sage but frankly, not invested. The MC is all about "being free and powerful and creating a good team" he's the carpet for every powerful person he meets, his team is useless, never developed, never here with him, he never tell them the truth, they're just here to say the MC has a team but that's the extent of their role. Character development : all of them are one dimensional : they can take 3 roads, useful to the Mc so they do everything to help him and love him and obey him without any question, hated by the Mc so they are bad people or useless to the Mc and they are not developed. I've read quite a bit of the story and honestly I can't care about any character. They don't make you feel attached, there is no depth in them, they are tools to the story if they die well too bad for them, if they live well too bad for you, you need to remember their name. Their are too many character but don't worry, the author tell you the chapter they were introduced in because you will need to go back there to read their Introduction because frankly they are forgettable . The wiki is of no use btw. The stats part, well, you don't remember them from one chapter to another, you don't understand how and why they progress, you don't feel how they influence the battle style of the MC and frankly you don't care. World background is messy, at best, I am at chapter 350 and have no idea about how the world works, the role of noble, How the law is applied, by whom is it made respected, what are the institutions etc... And the contracts that are just the author way of saying "it works like that and that's all" . The only things we have info about is the academy and it's functions are numerous, messy ,complicated and at the same time unorganized and without originality. We've all read other novel so if your academy has merit points, tournaments and Apprenticeship please don't try to make it seems original by over complicating things .

    Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil
    แฟนตาซี · Grayback
  • Reighlyyy
    ตอบกลับถึง Avan

    45, the last of the free chapters

    Earth's Greatest Magus
    แฟนตาซี · Avan
  • Reighlyyy

    This story had a lot of potential. Unfortunately it was ruined by several reasons. In order of importance from my point of view:-writing quality: poor grammar, wrong expression, badly structured sentence. Those are points that made the reading extremely difficult.-characters: they are overall not bad, most secondary character are flat and too numerous, I would prefer less character but more developed. Second is the MC, he's not bad I just dislike him, I think he's really not interesting and he's really slow. I have nothing against that it's just that following the story of someone who's not that bright is not what I'm looking for. Fortunately some characters are better but come on, the MC is weak and slow-witted with poor estim. Not endearing- the world building is good but the story is honestly a bit flat but then again it's only my opinion.Overall it's not a bad story if you like historical settings with fantasy bits. The universe is really interesting if you can ignore the English mistakes and like the MC. I can't do either so I'll pass but overall the story deserves a chance so try it and make your own opinion

    Earth's Greatest Magus
    แฟนตาซี · Avan
  • Reighlyyy

    I want to add to my previous comment that in fact both Cassie and Neph are just bad characters. The first one is just an asshole and the other is just badly written, like wow it's bad. She's just written to be blank, empty, you feel no connection to her and because she's just written to be too powerful and doesn't respect the rules set by the author you can't feel anything for her. There is no tension, no stress, no feeling. She is just the incarnation of all the problem the author has to write. When he has a problem she arrives as a deus ex and because she is badly written, with no real goal, with no need to follow the rule and all powerful the author just use her to stir the story in a way he can't justify by logic. She is not a character she is just a tool, a boring, badly created and wielded tool but once you consider her as a tool then she's less infuriating

    Shadow Slave
    แฟนตาซี · Guiltythree
  • Reighlyyy

    Excellent world background, incredible universe with details and vivid description, good character development (except for Cassie which is trash and has nothing to do in the MC's square), story is well developed (except the parts where Cassie exist) and very enjoyable (except Cassie bla bla bla)Would recommend, it's a completely new enticing universe that push this novel at the very front of online reading. In my opinion it deserves to be placed with the big names like TMT, LOTM, LM. Really looking forward to the rest

    Shadow Slave
    แฟนตาซี · Guiltythree
  • Reighlyyy

    This is one of the top novel you can read online, it's long but not slow, developed but no over-development of things with no interest . It's completely different from any other novel online, a real success

    The Mech Touch
    ไซไฟ · Exlor
  • Reighlyyy

    One of the most substantial and creative world, the length of this novel is a strength, it's never repetitive, all the character are different, all well written with no exception, the story has a real progression and can go for I hope at least 2500 chapters at least because it has so much potential and the author is actually capable of leveraging this potential, the world grow, the characters, everything does and stay coherent. It's one of the extremely rare novel where the potential is present, exploited and where there is a sense of growth without an overpowered MC or one that just become more powerful by having climbed the rank of Cultivation or by having bigger Stat, the character progress by learning, developing their specialty and through real trial. It is a real journey, one that I urge everyone to follow, because this is one of the greatest novel I had the chance to read

    The Mech Touch
    ไซไฟ · Exlor
  • Reighlyyy

    Very good story, one you should read as a classic of the light novel world. It's not an unbelievable original story but it's worth the time to read. Furthermore I would like to say that after reading it 2 times I became obsessed with the midnight tea party, I would love a spin off as long as the original story in the universe of God domain about this adventurer party, just too much potential. Great story, love it, recomand it

    Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God
    เกม · Lucky Old Cat
  • Reighlyyy

    One of the greatest novel and maybe the greatest modern world Cultivation novel with an awesome traduction and a good length. Unfortunately it is one of the few excellent that is on a hiatus with a community that wait for it's comeback because it deserves better than that. The traductor is excellent and we hope to see him/her back soon. Absolutely great. If you're capable of waiting for a continuation in the traduction then by all means start reading it now

    World's Best Martial Artist
    สมัยใหม่ · Eagle Eats Chicks
  • Reighlyyy

    Really good story I recommend it to everyone who never tried it before, new reader to veteran, this story has the potential to please anyone

    Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?
    แฟนตาซี · Reili
  • Reighlyyy

    Absolutely incredible no matter how you look at it this story is wonderful, the journey is beautiful and well developed, the story is of perfect length and there is no doubt that everything that should have been talked about has been developed. Best End, the story isn't frustrating and the emotions are present. I would recommend 100%

    Archean Eon Art
    ตะวันออก · I Eat Tomatoes
  • Reighlyyy

    As a reader (of light novel and physical edited books), be it on this app or on different website, I must say that this is the greatest book I have ever read on the internet. Even if the form and the way it was written / imagined is way different that of books you can read in library, I think that it deserves no less praise. The story development, the character, the scenario, the description, the atmosphere ... Everything is of utmost quality. The example of the best thing you can see on the entire web, at least in my opinion. Frustrated with the end that never came but I have hope and faith that one day, a translator will come forward and finish the translation, with the same quality we saw from the previous translator, because honestly I feel he is not recognized enough. Every chapter he translated was absolutely gorgeous and even if I was not able to compare with the original cause I don't speak the author language I must say that the translation is one of the greatest if not the greatest of all. Every single thing was excellent a really big thumbs up to the author and to the translator .

    My House of Horrors
    สยองขวัญ · I Fix Air-Conditioner
  • Reighlyyy

    A grand novel, maybe the novel everybody should read at the beginning, the first one. The end is excellent and exciting, I hope we can follow more adventure of shi Feng and have maybe a sequel. It would be absolutely awesome

    Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God
    เกม · Lucky Old Cat